Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 05277
Department : ENGLISH
Qualification : M.A., M.Phil., PhD
Specialization : Postcolonial Studies; Eco Studies: Indigenous Writings; Gender Studies
Date of Birth : 15-04-1976
Date of Joining : 02-07-2001
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
65 Uthira North Street
609 801
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 25-
Ph.D. 175

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 42183-10
Conducted 2-6-1

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 116,37,000
Ongoing -14,70,000
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
23 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
1 107 4 7 744

List of Publications - National
Dr. S. Karthikkumar, "The Rape Symbol in Paul Scott’s The Jewel in the Crown.", Rock Pebbles, Volume July-Dec, 2006, Number 0975 0509, Jul 2006, pp. 29-34. Dec, 2006.
List of Publications - International
Karthik Kumar. S, "Amotherhood and Childhood ; A Critical Study on Tony Morrisonâ," â,˜The Bluest Eyeâ,".", Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation , Volume Volume 12, Number Issue 7, Jul 2021, pp. 1546-1550. 2021.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Tradition vs. Modernity: A Study of Amit Chaudhuriâ,"s A New World .", Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry , Volume Volume 12, Number Issue 7, Jul 2021, pp. 12381-12387. 2021.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Crisis Within and Withoutâ,: A Study of Amit Chaudhuriâ,"s Fiction .", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , Volume VOL 2021: , Number ISSUE 08, Sep 2021, pp. 7618-7625. 2021.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Filial Conflicts in Transcultural Scenario: A Study of Pearl S. Buck’s East Wind: West Wind.", BODHI International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science, Volume Vol. 4 , Number 1, Apr 2020, pp. 1-6. 2020.
Karthik Kumar. S., "Religious Overtones in Githa Hariharanâ,"s Fugitive Histories.", Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu, Volume Volume.XVI , Number Issue V,, May 2020, pp. 227-232. 2020.
Karthik kumar. s, "Transcultural Journey in Bapsi Sidhwaâ,"s An American Brat 1 â,“ 5.", Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume I, Number 5, May 2020, pp. 1-5. 2020.
Karthik kumar. S, "DEFENSE MECHANISMS DISPLAYED BY CELIE IN THE COLOUR PURPLE BY ALICE WALKER.", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , Volume I, Number I, May 2020, pp. 1-5. ..
Karthik Kumar. S, " NLP as an Efficient Method of Teaching English: An Experimental Study.", New Academia, Volume Vol. VIII, Number Issue I , Jan 2019, pp. 298-303. 2019.
Karthik Kumar. S, " A Study of Victimhood in Anita Rau Badami’s ‘Tell it to the Trees’.", IJELLH , Volume Volume 7: , Number Issue I, Jan 2019, pp. 1816-1821. 2019.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Gender and Identity in Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine.", The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis (IJAEMA) , Volume Vol. XI, Number IssueVII, Jul 2019, pp. 2053-2061. 2019.
Karthik Kumar. S, "The Cynical Attitude of Dimple in Bharathi Mukherjee’s Wife .", Language in India, Volume Volume 19, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 270-274. 2019.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Diasporic Consciousness of Sripathy Rao in Anita Rau Badami’s The Hero’s Walk .", The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, Volume Vol. XI, Number Issue XI , Oct 2019, pp. 959-964. 2019.
Karthik Kumar. S, "To be or not to be: A Mystical cum Existential study on Bernard Malamud’s “The Fixer .", IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume Volume.6, Number Issue 2, Jun 2019, pp. 984-988. 2019.
Karthik kumar. S, "Creativity and Madness: A Study of Sylvia Plathâ,"s â,œLady Lazarusâ,.", Literary Findings, Volume 8, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 1-5. May.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Remedial English in Collaborative Classroom.", International Journal of English Language,Literature in Humanities (IJELLH), Volume 6, Number 5, May 2018, pp. 1146-1152. 2018.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "English through Literature in Collaborative Classroom.", New Academia: An International Journal of English Language, Literature and Literary Theory, Volume VII, Number III, Jul 2018, pp. 277-283. 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Trope of Postcoloniality in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight Children.", Pune Research , Volume Volume 4, Number Issue 3, Jun 2018, pp. 1-4. 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "English through Literature in Collaborative Classroom .", New Academia, Volume Volume VII , Number Issue III, Jul 2018, pp. 277-283. 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Henry James’s Art of Employing Imagery Sep, 2018.", Language in India, Volume Volume 18: , Number 10, Sep 2018, pp. 203-208. 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Colloborative Learning as a Better Alternative for Lecture Method: AN Experimental Study.", Language in India , Volume Volume 18: , Number 10, Oct 2018, pp. 225-230. 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Marxian Aesthetics of Displacement in Thomas Pynchonâ,"s Against the day.", Pune Research , Volume 2018, Number May â,“ June,, Jun 2018, pp. 1-9. 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "From Alienation to Adaptation: A Study of Pearl S Buckâ,"s east Wind: West Wind.", Indian Journal of Current Research, Volume Volume 4, Number Issue 3 , 2018, pp. 17-21. 2018.
S. Karthik Kumar, "Transnational Journey in Bapsy Sidwaâ,"s The American Brat.", Notions , Volume Volume VIII , Number 2, Jun 2017, pp. 1-6. June 2017.
S. Karthik Kumar, "Optimistic Approach of Adiga in The White Tiger.", Notions , Volume VIII , Number 2, Jun 2017, pp. 14-19. June 2017.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Gender Crisis in Alice Walkerâ,"s The Color Purple .", International Journal of World Research , Volume I, Number XXXV & XXXVI , May 2017, pp. 12-13. May. 2017.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Subterfuges of Patriarchy and the Survivals: A Study of Floating Opera and The Crying Lot of 49 .", International Education and Research Journal , Volume III, Number 7, Jul 2017, pp. 45-47. July. 2017.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Post-structural Aesthetics and Paradoxical Nature of Language .", Notions , Volume VIII, Number 2, Jun 2017, pp. 82-90. June 2017.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "The Role of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in English Language Teaching.", International Journal of English Language,Literature in Humanities (IJELLH), Volume V , Number XII, Dec 2017, pp. 7-10. 2017.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Discourse Analysis of English Science Texts â,“ Motivational Factors in Improving English Language and Comprehending Abilities of Students.", JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOELL) , Volume Volume 4 , Number Issue 4 , 2017, pp. 46-58. 2017.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Postmodern Determinism and Jerzy Kosinskyâ,"s Novel Pinball.", Pune Research Times , Volume 2017 , Number September, 2017, pp. 1-4. 2017.
Karthik kumar. S, "The Theme of Radicalized beauty in Toni Morrisonâ,"s The Bluest Eyes.", International Journal of World Research, Volume I, Number XXXV& XXXVI, May 2017, pp. 1-5. May.
Karthik kumar. S, "The Theme of Radicalized beauty in Toni Morrisonâ,"s The Bluest Eyes.", International Journal of World Research, Volume I, Number XXXV& XXXVI, May 2017, pp. 1-5. May.
Karthik kumar. S, "The Theme of Radicalized beauty in Toni Morrisonâ,"s The Bluest Eyes.", International Journal of World Research, Volume I, Number XXXV& XXXVI, May 2017, pp. 1-5. May.
Karthik kumar. S, "Myth vs. Reality in Githa Hariharanâ,"s When Dreams Travel.", Literary Findings, Volume 5, Number 2, Apr 2017, pp. 5-10. April-June.
Karthik kumar. S, "Gender Crisis in Alice Walkerâ,"s The Color Purple.", Asia Pacific Journal of Research , Volume I, Number 11, May 2017, pp. 1-15. May.
Karthik kumar. S, "Subterfuges of Patriarcy and the Survivals: A Study of Floating Opera and The Crying of Lot of 49.", Subterfuges of Patriarcy and the Survivals: A Study of Floating Opera and The Crying of Lot of 49, Volume V, Number IV, Jul 2017, pp. 10-15. July.
Karthik kumar. S, "Victims of Cosmic Construction: A Study of John Barthâ,"s Floating Opera and Thomas Pynchonâ,"s V.", Notions , Volume VIII, Number III, Sep 2017, pp. 10-15. September.
Karthik kumar. S, "Victims of Cosmic Construction: A Study of John Barthâ,"s Floating Opera and Thomas Pynchonâ,"s V.", Research Chronicler, Volume V, Number VI, Sep 2017, pp. 1-5. September.
Karthik kumar. S, "The Woman Characters in the Select Fiction of Alice Walker.", Notions , Volume VIII, Number I, Jun 2017, pp. 1-5. June.
Karthik kumar. S, "Subterfuges of Patriarcy and the Survivals: A Study of Floating Opera and The Crying of Lot of 49.", Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Science, Volume 43, Number I, Jul 2017, pp. 10-15. July.
Karthik kumar. S, "Discourse Analysis of English Science Texts â,“ To Improve English Language and Comprehending Abilities of Students of Tertiary Level in Engineering Colleges of Tamil Nadu.", Journal of English Language and Literature(JOELL, Volume 4, Number 3, May 2017, pp. 10-15. May.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Polymorphous Nature of Self: A Study of Thomas Pynchon and John Barth .", Pune Research, Volume III, Number 4, Aug 2016, pp. 1-6. August 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Issues of Gender, Race, and Class in the Novels of Dionne Brand .", Research Innovator , Volume III, Number 4, Aug 2016, pp. 62-65. August, 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Subaltern Elements in Rohinton Mistryâ,"s A Fine Balance .", Rock Pebbles , Volume XX, Number 3, Sep 2016, pp. 27-32. September. 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "From Suppression to Expression: A Comparative Study of Alice Walker and Bama .", Notions , Volume VII, Number 3, Sep 2016, pp. 114-123. September. 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, " Canadian Multi-culturalism and racialized Psy: A Critique of Dionne Brand's "Sans Souci and other Stories" .", Notions , Volume VII, Number 3, Sep 2016, pp. 138-145. September. 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Social Ramification of Urbanization as Depicted in Kamala Markandeyaâ,"s Nectar in a Sieve .", Voice International, Volume XI, Number 11, Nov 2016, pp. 13-19. November. 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Transcultural Conflict in Pearl S. Buckâ,"s East Wind: West Wind .", Voice International , Volume XI, Number 11, Nov 2016, pp. 38-43. November. 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Hilda Doolittle and Nature .", Voice International , Volume XI, Number 11, Nov 2016, pp. 64-69. November. 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Post-humanism Apocalypse in Breakfast of Champions .", Voice International , Volume XI, Number 11, Nov 2016, pp. 136-142. November. 2016.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Gender Identity Presented in The Color Purpleâ,”A Reflection of Identity Crisis in the Society .", Voice International , Volume XI, Number 11, Nov 2016, pp. 133-145. November. 2016.
Karthik kumar. S, "Women in Exile: A Study of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Bharati Mukherjee, and Anita Rau Badami.", Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences , Volume III, Number 2, Feb 2016, pp. 10-15. February.
Karthik kumar. S, "Violence in Domestic World : A Study of Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s â,œTell It to the Treesâ,.", Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume I, Number 1, Mar 2016, pp. 1-5. March.
Karthik kumar. S, "Transcendentalism as seen in Malamudâ,"s The Assistant.", International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies , Volume I, Number 1, Apr 2016, pp. 10-15. April.
Karthik kumar. S, "Politics Turned Art: Appreciating Dionne Brand's "Sans Souci and other stories.", Notions , Volume VII, Number 3, Sep 2016, pp. 1-5. May.
Karthik kumar. S, "Politics Turned Art: Appreciating Dionne Brand's "Sans Souci and other stories.", Notions , Volume VII, Number 3, Sep 2016, pp. 1-5. May.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Hope to the Last â,“ A Study of Kamala Markandayaâ,"s Nectar in Sieve .", Asia Pacific Journal of Research , Volume I, Number 22, Jan 2015, pp. 22-26. Jan. 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Socialism vs. Capitalism as Delineated in Adigaâ,"s The White Tiger .", Asia Pacific Journal of Research , Volume I, Number 22, Jan 2015, pp. 51-56. Jan. 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Acceptability of Indian English A critical Analysis .", Lux Montis , Volume III, Number 1, Jan 2015, pp. 20-24. Jan. 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Development of Gender Identity and Gender Role in the Select Novels of Alice Walker .", Indian Journal of Current Research, Volume I, Number 2, Feb 2015, pp. 154-160. Feb.2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Plight of Woman as a Minority in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s Can You Hear A Nightbird Call? .", Research Chronicler , Volume III, Number 6, Jul 2015, pp. 14-19. July 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Race, Gender, and Identity: A Study of Badamiâ,"s Tamarind Mem .", Notions , Volume VI, Number 2, Jun 2015, pp. 40-45. June 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Role of Language Games in Communicative Language Teaching Classrooms .", Notions , Volume VI, Number 2, Jun 2015, pp. 61-67. June 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Science Fiction: The Future Mythology for the West .", Notions , Volume VI, Number 2, Jun 2015, pp. 68-72. June 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Politics Turned Art: Appreciating Dionne Brand's â,œSans Souci and other storiesâ, .", Research Innovator , Volume II, Number 4, Aug 2015, pp. 43-46. August 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Communicative Language Teaching: Aims and Methods .", Research Innovator , Volume II, Number 4, Aug 2015, pp. 73-76. August 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Text and Discourse in Communication Competence .", Research Innovator, Volume II, Number 4, Aug 2015, pp. 91-98. August 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Transcending Cultural Barriers â,“ A Study of Pearl S. Buckâ,"s East Wind : West Wind.", Research Innovator , Volume II, Number 5, Oct 2015, pp. 36-41. October 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "The Victimised Marxism in Asimovâ,"s Foundation Novels .", Research Innovator , Volume II, Number 5, Oct 2015, pp. 21-24. October 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Acquiring Speaking and Listening Skills Through Songs in CLT Classrooms .", Research Innovator , Volume II, Number 5, Oct 2015, pp. 51-54. October 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Female Oppression and Liberation in Alice Walkerâ,"s The Color Purple .", Voice , Volume X, Number 10, Dec 2015, pp. 1-3. Dec, 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "The Promise and Peril: Science Fictionâ,"s Depiction of Technology with special Reference to Isaac Asimovâ,"s Foundation Novels.", Research Innovator , Volume II, Number 6, Dec 2015, pp. 14-18. Dec, 2015.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Chetan Bhagat as New Indiaâ,"s Conscience Keeper .", Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , Volume II, Number 3, Feb 2015, pp. 176-181. Feb.2015.
Karthik kumar. S, "Depiction of Indian Youths in Chetan Bhagatâ,"s One Night @ the Call Centre.", Contemporary Vibes, Volume 9, Number 36, Mar 2015, pp. 10-15. July.
Karthik kumar. S, "The God of Small Things: A Representative Novel of Patriarchy.", Contemporary Vibes, Volume 10, Number 38, Mar 2015, pp. 1-5. March.
Karthik kumar. S, "Struggle for Equality in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s The Heroâ,"s Walk.", International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies , Volume I, Number 1, Jun 2015, pp. 10-15. June.
Karthik kumar. S, "Female Heroes Not Heroines in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s Novels.", International Journal of Applied Approach and Studies , Volume I, Number 1, Jun 2015, pp. 1-5. June.
Karthik kumar. S, "Imparting Listening and Speaking Skills through Movies in CLT Classrooms.", Contemporary Vibes, Volume XI, Number 41, Dec 2015, pp. 1-5. December.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Feminism vs. Humanism in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s The Heroâ,"s Walk .", Research Chronicler , Volume II, Number 3, Mar 2014, pp. 152-156. March 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Female Heroism in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s Novels .", Notions , Volume 5, Number 1, Mar 2014, pp. 131-138. March 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "A Post-Colonial Critique of â,œRuins of a Great Houseâ, .", Sahitya Anand , Volume I, Number 12, Mar 2014, pp. 107-116. March 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Ecological Concerns in A. D. Hopeâ,"s â,œAustraliaâ, .", Thematics Journal of Arts and Culture , Volume 3, Number 3, May 2014, pp. 19-24. May 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Immigrant Women in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruniâ,"s Fiction .", Research Arena , Volume II, Number 2, May 2014, pp. 56-65. May 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Glimpses of Psychological Scandal in The God of Small Things .", Notions, Volume V, Number 2, Jun 2014, pp. 17-26. June 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Colonial Consciousness in Mulk Raj Anandâ,"s Two Leaves and a Bud .", Notions , Volume V, Number 2, Jun 2014, pp. 175-187. June 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "A Post-colonial Critique of Mulk Raj Anandâ,"s Two Leaves and a Bud .", Research Chronicler , Volume II, Number 5, Jul 2014, pp. 40-48. July 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "The Great Gatsby as a Mirror of the Roaring Twenties .", Research Chronicler , Volume II, Number VI, Sep 2014, pp. 40-46. Sep, 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "English for Science and Technology: An Overview.", Research Chronicler , Volume II, Number 7, Nov 2014, pp. 51-55. Nov.2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Womanism in The Temple of the Familiar .", Research Chronicler, Volume II, Number 7, Nov 2014, pp. 83-89. Nov.2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Delusion and Discovery: An Appraisal of Chetan Bhagatâ,"s Five Point Someone .", Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Volume I, Number 4, Nov 2014, pp. 150-156. Nov.2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Empowerment through Self- Identity in Alice Walkerâ,"s Temple of My Familiar and The Color Purple .", Notions , Volume 5, Number 4, Dec 2014, pp. 9-18. Dec. 2014.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Text and Discourse in Communication Competence .", Notions , Volume 5, Number 4, Dec 2014, pp. 25-38. Dec. 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, "Valluvam in the Poetry of Wordsworh.", Humanities Journal , Volume 49, Number 1, Dec 2014, pp. 5-10. December.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Poetry Steeped in History: A Study of Geofrey Hillâ,"s Poetry .", Voice, Volume IX, Number 9, Feb 2013, pp. 90-95. Feb 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "The Art of Story Telling in Tagoreâ,"s Subha .", Voice , Volume IX, Number 9, Feb 2013, pp. 30-38. Feb 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "A Feminist Reading of The Mistress of Spices .", Voice , Volume X, Number 10, Apr 2013, pp. 63-76. April, 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Patriotism: A Recurrent Theme in Seamus Heanyâ,"s Poetry .", Voice , Volume X, Number 10, Apr 2013, pp. 77-82. April, 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Women in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s Fiction .", Sahitya Anand , Volume I, Number 5, Aug 2013, pp. 39-42. Aug, 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "The Theme of Religious Harmony in Paul Scottâ,"s Raj Quartet .", Research Arena , Volume I, Number 6, Sep 2013, pp. 85-88. Sep. 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Womanâ,"s Writing in Rabindranath Tagoreâ,"s The Exercise Book .", Thematics , Volume III, Number 3, Sep 2013, pp. 1-4. Sep. 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Paul Scottâ,"s Vision of India .", Research Arena, Volume I, Number 7, Oct 2013, pp. 31-34. Oct. 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Post-colonial Elements in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruniâ,"s Works .", Research Arena , Volume I, Number 7, Oct 2013, pp. 35-39. oct 2013.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Life or Existence: Richard Wrightâ,"s The Outsider .", Voice , Volume 8, Number 8, Sep 2012, pp. 30-36. Sep 2012.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Symbolism in Richard Wrightâ,"s The Long Dream .", Notions , Volume III, Number 3, Sep 2012, pp. 111-118. Sep 2012.
Karthik kumar. S, "Impact of Globalization: A Study of Chetan Bhaghatâ,"s One Night @the Call Centre.", Contemporary Vibes, Volume 7, Number 28, Jul 2012, pp. 10-15. July.
Karthik kumar. S, "Timeless Tagore: Revisited as a Feminist Writer.", Contemporary Vibes, Volume 8, Number 29, Dec 2012, pp. 10-15. December.
Dr.S.Karthik Kumar, "Paul Scottâ,"s Pro-Indian Vision of India .", Literary Explorer , Volume 7, Number 1, Feb 2008, pp. 81-83. Feb , 2008.
List of Conferences - National
Karthik Kumar. S, The Predicament of Woman as Portrayed in Alice Walker’s The Colour Purple, Literatures in English: A Critical Perspective, Feb 9-9, 2018, VHNSN College, Virudunagar, pp. 26-32. Virudunagar, VHNSN College.
Karthik Kumar. S, Why the Indian English Novel Matters? , Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature , Feb 6-6, 2015, Shanmuga Industries Arts &Science College Thiruvannamali, pp. 1-11. Chidambaram, Manibharathi Publishers.
Karthik Kumar. S, Portrayal Of Indian Middle Class Women In Manju Kapur’s Novel: Aspirations And Realities , Recent Trends and Themes in Indian English Literature , Jan 27-28, 2015, Dept. of English Sri Akilandeswari Women’s College Wandiwash, pp. 22-28. Wandiwash, Dept. of English Sri Akilandeswari Women’s College.
Karthik Kumar. S, Exploring the Diasporic Conscience in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Mistress of Spices, Manifestation of Diasporic Conscience in Indian English Literature , Aug 22-23, 2014, PG& Research Dept. of English ST Hindu College Nagercoil, pp. 11-17. Chidambaram, Manibharathi Publishers.
List of Conferences - International
Karthik Kumar. S, Harmony in Shakespeare’s comedies: An Eco-critical Study, Dance, Music And Media In the 20th And 21st Centuries, Feb 6-7, 2018, Department of Music, Annamalai University, pp. 164-168. Annamalainagar, Department of u.
Karthik Kumar. S, Harmony in Shakespeare’s comedies: An Eco-critical Study, Dance, Music And Media In the 20th And 21st Centuries, Feb 6-7, 2018, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, pp. 164-168. Annamalainagar, Department of Music, Annamalai University.
Karthik Kumar. S, The Sufferings of Black Woman in Toni Morrison’s Bluest Eyes an Beloved , Perspectives of Language, Literature and Theory , Sep 25-26, 2015, Sri Akilandeswari Women’s College Wandiwash, pp. 627-633. Chennai, Sri MB Publishers.
Karthik Kumar. S, Versatile Genius, Thy Name is Anna , Personality and Leadership of C.N. Annadurai: An Architect of Tamilnadu Politics , Oct 12-13, 2013, Dep. of Pol. Science and Public Administration Annamalai University, pp. 444-450. Chidambaram, Anna Memorial Chair.
Karthik Kumar. S, Paul Scott’s Humanism , Humanistic Literature in Modern Literature in English , Mar 21-21, 2013, PG& Reearch Dept. of English, Rajah Serfoji Govt. College Thanjavur, pp. 480-485. Thanjavur, Rajah Serfoji Govt. College .
Karthik Kumar. S, The Spirit of Liberation in Rabindranath Tagore’s Streer Patra - A Feministic Approach , Literatures of the East and West in Translation , Mar 28-28, 2012, Dept. of English, HH The Rajah’s College, Pudukottai, pp. 208-213. Chennai, Jaitech Publications.
Karthik Kumar. S, Eco-Feminism in Rabindranath Tagore’s Short Story Subha, The Influence of Rabindranath Tagore on Indian Literature, Mar 2-3, 2012, SriVenkateswara College of Education, Peravurani, pp. 340-345. Chennai, Universal Publishers.
List of Book Published
Karthik Kumar. S, American Literary Movements: A Reappraisal Volume II, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram: Department of English , 978-81925287-9-3, pp. Jul 2014.
S. Karthik Kumar, Paul Scottâ,"s Vision of India, New Delhi: Authorspress , 978-93-5207-028-2, pp. Mar 2014.
Deivasugamani. T and Karthik Kumar. S, Voices of the Marginalized , Annamalainagar: Department of English, Annamalai University, 936444611-4, pp. Jun 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Six Short Plays, .: Srisai Publications Thanjavur, -, pp. 10-15. May 2015.
Karthik Kumar. S, Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature, Chidambaram: Manibharathi Publishers, 936444605 – x, pp. Feb 2015.
Karthik Kumar. S, Green Thoughts: Essays on Eco-literature, Thanjavur: Iyal Publishers , 978-93-85283-64-2 , pp. Jul 2017.
Karthik Kumar. S, Anglo-Indian Fiction: A Survey, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram: Annamalai University Press, 978-93-8528-337-6, pp. May 2017.
List of Popular Article
Karthik Kumar. S, "Paul Scott as an Oasis among the Anglo-Indian Writers" The Rainbow, Bhuvanagiri: Vijay Pathippagam , 978-93-5001-224-6, pp. 46-59. Mar 2009.
Karthik kumar. S, Tagorian Approach to Feminism: An Alternative to representing Women, .: The Influence of Rabindranath Tagore on Indian Literature â,“ International , 978-81-920966-5-1, pp. 5-10. Mar 2012.
Karthik kumar. S, Versatile Genius, Thy Name is Anna 444- 450, .: Personality and Leadership of C.N. Annadurai: An Architect of Tamilnadu Politics , 978-81-920484-1-3, pp. 1-5. Oct 2013.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Being an Immigrant Woman: A Study of Chitra Bannrjee Divakaruni’s The Mistress of Spices" Cascade of Reflections, Thanjavur: Dept. of Translation Tamil University , 978-81-926865-1-6, pp. 26-35. Sep 2013.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Post-colonialism in Shashi Tharoor’s The Great Indian Novel" Postcolonial Polemics , Kumbakonam: Sri Seethalaw Printers, 978 – 93-80406-50 -3, pp. 217-220. Mar 2013.
Karthik kumar. S, Unveiling Humanism and Feminism in Tagoreâ,"s â,œUnknownâ, 179 - 183, .: Humanistic Literature in Modern Literature in English , 9-788190-801560, pp. 15-5. Mar 2013.
Karthik kumar. S, An Exquisite Humanistic Approach of Naturalismâ," Mysticism, and Immortal Aspects in Sri Aurobindoâ,"s Poetry 299- 301, .: Humanistic Literature in Modern Literature in English, 9-788190-801560, pp. 1-5. Mar 2013.
Karthik kumar. S, Humanistic Values in Ernest Hemingwayâ,"s The Old Man and The Sea 476 â,“ 480, .: Humanistic Literature in Modern Literature in English, 9-788190-801560, pp. 1-5. Mar 2013.
Karthik kumar. S, Feminism vs. Humanism in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s The Heroâ,"s Walk 301 â,“ 305, .: Humanistic Literature in Modern Literature in English, 9-788190-801560, pp. 5-10. Mar 2013.
Karthik kumar. S, Vijay Tendulkar as a Post- colonialist: A Study of Kamala, .: Postcolonial Polemics, 9-789380-406503, pp. 5-10. Mar 2013.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Life vs. Existence: An Appreciation of K. V. Raghupathi’s Desert Blooms" Introspective Voyager, New Delhi : Authors Press , 978-81-7273-850-1, pp. 91-100. Oct 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Ethnocentrical Overtones and Universality in Indian Diaspora 99 â,“ 101, .: Manifestation of Diasporic Conscience in Indian English Literature , 936444602 â,“ 5, pp. 1-5. Aug 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Exploring the Diasporic Conscience in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruniâ,"s The Mistress of Spices 11 - 17, .: Manifestation of Diasporic Conscience in Indian English Literature , 936444602 â,“ 5, pp. 1-5. Aug 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Metamorphosis of Past into Present: A Study of Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s The Tamarind Mem 79 â,“ 81, .: Manifestation of Diasporic Conscience in Indian English Literature , 936444602 â,“ 5, pp. 1-5. Aug 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Performance Poetry in American Literature: Its Nature and Future, .: American Literary Movements: A Reappraisal Volume III, 978-93-81992-21-0, pp. 5-10. Jul 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Immigrant Experience in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruniâ,"s The Mistress of Spices, .: American Literary Movements: A Reappraisal Volume III, 978-93-81992-21-0, pp. 1-5. Jul 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Acceptance of Reality in Sinclair Lewisâ," Novel Babbitt, .: American Literary Movements: A Reappraisal Volume III, 978-93-81992-21-0, pp. 5-10. Jun 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Teaching Idioms in English: A Study, .: Linguistics And Its Role In Language Teacher Training , 978-81-925287-7-9, pp. 5-10. Mar 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Wisdom and Delight: A Study of Robert Frostâ,"s Select Poems, .: American Literary Movements: A Reappraisal Volume I, 978- 819 25287-8-6, pp. 5-10. Mar 2014.
Karthik kumar. S, Abolitionist Impact of Haariet Beecher Stoweâ,"s Uncle Tomâ,"s Cabin, .: American Literary Movements: A Reappraisal Volume I, 978-8192 5287-8-6, pp. 5-10. Mar 2014.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Transcendentalism: A Reappraisal" American Literary Movements: A Reappraisal Volume I, Annamalainagar: Dept.of English Annamalai University, 9 788192 5287-8-6, pp. 1-6. Mar 2014.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Vicissitudes of Life in Kozhi Grandpa’s Chickens" The Heterogeneity of Story Writing, New Delhi : Authors Press , 978-93-5207-038-1, pp. 400-411. Oct 2015.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Minority Issues in The God of Small Things" Voices of the Marginalized, Chidambaram: Manibharathi Publishers , 978-93-84446-116, pp. 6-11. Oct 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Towards Cultural Harmony: A Study of Pearl S Buckâ,"s East Wind West Wind 1 -5, .: Perspectives of Language, Literature and Theory, 9788181242013, pp. 1-5. Sep 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Womanism in Alice Walkerâ,"s The Color Purple 747 â,“ 752, .: Perspectives OF Language, Literature and Theory, 9788181242013, pp. 5-10. Sep 2015.
Karthik Kumar. S, "An Experience of the Innocence: An Appraisal of D. C. Chambial’s Before the Petals Unfold" Mapping Thematic Variations, New Delhi : Authors Press , 978-93-5207-022-0, pp. 92-100. Jul 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, New India as Revealed in Arvind Adigaâ,"s The White Tiger. 673 â,“ 678, .: Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature , 936444605 â,“ x, pp. 1-5. Feb 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Identity Quest in Bamaâ,"s Karukku and Alice Walkerâ,"s The Color Purple â,“ A Comparative Study . 506 - 510 , .: Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature , 936444605 â,“ x, pp. 1-5. Feb 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, The Concept Oppression of Untouchables in Rohinton Mistryâ,"s A Fine Balance 545 â,“ 549, .: Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature , 936444605 â,“ x, pp. 10-15. Feb 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, A Study of Feminism in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s Can You Hear the Night Bird Call? 361 â,“ 367, .: Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature , 936444605 â,“ x, pp. 1-5. Feb 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, A Feminist Study of God of Small Things 111 - 117, .: Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature , 936444605 â,“ x, pp. 5-10. Feb 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Utilitarianism vs. Humanism in Kamala Markandeyaâ,"s Possession 37 - 41, .: Emerging Trends in Indian English Literature , 936444605 â,“ x, pp. 1-5. Feb 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Journey to Emancipation in Anita Rau Badamiâ,"s Tamarind Mem 441 â,“ 443, .: Recent Trends and Themes in Indian English Literature , 978 -81-90 7677-8-1, pp. 1-5. Jan 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Study of Gender Disparity in Royâ,"s The God of Small Things 450 â,“ 456, .: Recent Trends and Themes in Indian English Literature , 978 -81-90 7677-8-1, pp. 1-5. Jan 2015.
Karthik kumar. S, Rise of Womanism in Dalit Literature 436- 440, .: Recent Trends and Themes in Indian English Literature , 978 -81-90 7677-8-1, pp. 1-5. Jan 2015.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Cultural Politics in the Novels of Manju Kapur" Critical Readings on the Fictional World of Manju Kapur, Jaipur: Aadi Publications , 9789382630883, pp. 196-202. Oct 2016.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Green Thoughts in A. D. Hope’s “Australia”" Green Thoughts: Essays on Eco- Literature, Thanjavur: Iyal Publishers , 978-93-85283-64-2 , pp. 129-133. Jul 2016.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Depiction of Indo-British Relationship in Paul Scott’s The Jewel in the Crown Critical" Essays on Partition Lesson for Unity in Diversity, CHENNAI: TODAY PUBLICATIONS , 978-93-81992-67-8, pp. 181-187. Mar 2016.
Karthik kumar. S, Language Teaching through Technology: Recent Trends, .: Recent Research in Linguistics, 93844629- 7, pp. 5-10. Mar 2017.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Poet as Man speaking to Men: An Appreciation of T. V. Reddy’s Melting Melodies" The Poetry of T. V. Reddy- A Critical Study of Humanistic Concerns, USA : Modern History Press, , 9781615993710, pp. 74-80. May 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Culture As Mask: A Study of Mahesh Dattani’s Dance Like A Man" Living Through Mahesh Dattani’s Plays, New Delhi : Authors Press , 978-93-88008-19-8, pp. 30-39. Apr 2018.
Karthik Kumar. S, "Nature vs. Nurture: An Eco Critical Reading of of Amitav Ghosh’s Hungry Tide" The Writings of Amitav Ghosh; Exploration of Multiple Worlds, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, , 978-81-269-2943-6, pp. 172-180. Mar 2019.
Karthik kumar. S, Poverty of Wealth; A Study of Daya Disanaykeâ,"s Moonstone , .: The Novels of Dissanayake, 978-93-5529-140-0, pp. 1-5. Dec 2021.
Karthik kumar. S, Religious Harmony in Gita Hariharanâ," Fugitive Histories, .: Voices of Indigeneity, Diaspora, Minority and Marginality in Literatures in English: A Post-structural Stance, 978-93-90677-54-2, pp. 5-10. Oct 2021.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
All India Council For Technical Skill Development - ICTSD/PROFESSOR/60323
Annamalai University Alumni Association - 0985
IIndian Association for Canadian Studies(IACA) - L-968