Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 02697
Name : Dr. M. ARUL
Designation : PROFESSOR & HEAD
Qualification : M.B.A.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : Marketing , Human Resources Management & MIS
Date of Birth : 30-08-1967
Date of Joining : 03-08-1993
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
61, South car street
Chidambaram -608001.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 305
Ph.D. 208

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 211224610
Conducted --7-5

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
31 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
6 20 - - - -

List of Publications - National
Dr. M. Arul, "Organizational Justice, Turnover Intention and Employees Job Performance – A Co-relation Study.", The Seybold Report Journal (TSRJ), Volume 18, Number 7, Jul 2023, pp. 1067-1075. 2023.
Dr. M. Arul, "Role of Organizational Support and Turnover Intention of Employees in Information Technology Sector at Chennai.", Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, Volume 13, Number 2, Aug 2023, pp. 44-53. 2023.
Dr. M. Arul, "Impact of Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour.", Educational Administration Theory and Practice, Volume 29 (4), Number 2148-2403, 2023, pp. 2741-2746. 2023.
Dr. M. Arul, "The Impact of Institutional Welfare and Rehabilitation Programs on Management of Prison Inmates in Tamil Nadu Central Prisons: An Application of Kinked Exponential, Growth Model.", Journal of Sambodhi , Volume 44, Number 1, Feb 2021, pp. 98-107. 2021.
Dr. M. Arul, "Profile of Convicted Prisoners and Rehabilitation Measures Implemented in Tamil Nadu Central Jails: A Longitudinal Analysis.", The International Journey of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis – UGC-CARE Approved Journal, Volume 12, Number 12, Dec 2020, pp. 2613-2636. 2020.
Dr. M. Arul, "Status of Prison Inmates and Administration of Tamil Nadu Central Prison: A Temporal Analysis.", A Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research – UGC-CARE Approved Journal, Volume 13, Number 1, Jan 2020, pp. 592-621. 2020.
List of Publications - International
Dr. M. Arul, "Perceived Product Quality and Purchase Decision of Consumers for Non-Durable Products in Salem.", REDVET, Volume 25, Number 1S, Jan 2024, pp. 503-508. 2024 13/01/24.
Dr. M. Arul, "Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Smart phone Among Middle Aged Consumers.", International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR) , Volume 6, Number 7, Jul 2021, pp. 53-58. 2021.
Dr. M. Arul, "Interpersonal Conflict Management Styles in Information Technology (IT) Industry Based on Social and Economic Variables.", International Research Journal of Management Science and Technology, Volume 8, Number 2, Jan 2019, pp. 2348-2367. 2017.
Dr. M. Arul, "Glass Ceiling of Women Career Development: A Literature Review.", International Journal of Scientific Research and Review , Volume 7, Number 8, Aug 2018, pp. 60-62. 2018.
Dr. M. Arul, "Profiling of Employees based on background characteristics in Information Technology (IT) Industry.", International Journal of Advance Research and Development, Volume 3, Number 2, Mar 2018, pp. 12-18. 2018.
Dr. M. Arul, "Interpersonal Conflict Management Styles in Information Technology (IT) Industry Based on Demographic Variables.", International Journal of Management Studies, Volume 5, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 17-22. 2018.
Dr. M. Arul, "Identifying Segment of individuals who are having belief on vastu shastra for promoting Vastu flats-An empirical study.", International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 6, Number 4, Apr 2017, pp. 561-563. 2017.
Dr. M. Arul, "Identifying Segment of individuals who are having belief on vastu shastra for promoting Vastu flats-An empirical study.", International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.6, Issue.4, April 2017, Volume 6, Number 4, Apr 2017, pp. 561-563. 2017.
Dr. M. Arul, "Interpersonal Conflict Management Styles in Information Technology (IT) Industry Based on Social and Economic Variables.", International Research Journal of Management Science and Technology, Volume 8, Number 2, Jan 2017, pp. 2348-9367. 2017.
Dr. M. Arul, "Housing Factors influencing individuals willingness to buy flats in Chennai.", International Journal of Applied Management Research, Volume 9, Number 1, Feb 2017, pp. 71-76. 2017.
Dr. M. Arul, "Housing Factors influencing individuals willingness to buy flats in Chennai.", International Journal of Applied Management Research, Volume 9, Number 1, Jan 2017, pp. 71-76. 2017.
Dr. M. Arul, "9. Influence of children on Parent’s buying behavior in The Cost and Management bi-monthly.", Journal of Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB), Volume 44, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 19-24. 2016.
A. Arockiaraj and Dr. M. Arul, "Performance Management.", Indian Strategies in Functional Management, Volume 1, Number 5, Jan 2016, pp. 59-63. 2016.
A. Arockiaraj and Dr. M. Arul, "Risk Percepti.", Global Journal of Business and Management Research, Volume 3, Number 4, Dec 2015, pp. 38-43. 2015.
A. Arockiaraj and Dr. M. Arul, "Influence Of Patient Characteristics on Perceived Risks And Willingness To Take A Medication.", Annamalai International Journal of Business Studies and Research, Volume 2, Number 1, Oct 2015, pp. 60-67. 2015.
Dr. M. Arul, "Impacting Customer Satisfaction In Supermarkets.", International Journal on Advanced Research, Volume 2, Number 2, Oct 2015, pp. 64-64. 2015.
Dr. M. Arul, "A Study On Consumer attitude towards Departmental Stores in Chidambaram,TN.", International Journal of Management Focus, Volume 2, Number 4, Dec 2015, pp. 13-13. 2015.
A. Arockiaraj and Dr. M. Arul, "Patients’ Risk perception on select hospital in Cuddalore District.", Annamalai Business Review, Volume 9, Number 2, Jun 2015, pp. 25-30. 2015.
Mr. B. Balaji and Dr. M. Arul, "Conflict Management Styles (Ancient to Present) and Strategies used in Conflict Situations.", Global Journal of Business and Management Research, Volume 3, Number 4, Dec 2015, pp. 102-107. 2015.
A. John Victor and Dr. M. Arul, "Job Performance among Bank Managers.", Global Journal of Business and Management Research, Volume 3, Number 4, Dec 2015, pp. 93-97. 2015.