Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08019
Name : Dr. S. MOHANKUMAR (Deputed)
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.B.A.,Ph.D.,
Date of Birth : 27-07-1976
Date of Joining : 01-07-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
2/115,Muralis Park Avenue,
Chidambaram-608 002.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 55
Ph.D. 410

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended -----
Conducted 23---

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 3-6,25,000.000
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
22 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
8 20 - - 2 -

List of Publications - National
T.Elanchezhian,S.Mohankumar, "A Study on effectiveness of family Environment on job satisfaction and life satisfaction.", Annamalai Journal of Management, ISSN;0974-0406,, Volume 7, Number 1, Dec 2013, pp. 52-58. 2013.
S.Mohankumar,G.Udyasuriyan, "Demogarphic factors Vs organizational culture and ethics perceived by Employees in electronic industry.", Management Researcher,, Volume vol-XV,, Number 3, Mar 2009, pp. 33-51. 2009.
S.Mohan kumar, G.Udayasuriyan & Vimala, B., " Motivation Among the Employees of a public sector Concern.", Journal of community guidance & research ISSN-0970-1346, Volume 25, Number 3, Nov 2008, pp. 340-351. 2008.
S.Mohan kumar,G.Udayasuriyan , " Quality Of Worklife:Aliterature Survey.", Annamalai Journal of Management ISSN;0974-0406, Volume 3, Number 1, Oct 2008, pp. 55-60. 2008.
S.Mohan kumar,G.Udaya Suriyan, , "A study on Motivation among the employees of public sector electronic company in Tamil Nadu .", Annamalai University Humanities Journal. , Volume 45, Number 2, Oct 2008, pp. 289-295. 2008.
S.Mohan kumar,G.Udayasuriyan, "impact of Work life issue over the stress Experienced by the employees in Petroleum Refinery in Tamilnadu.", Access, A quarterly Publication of NHCE, Volume 1, Number 2, Feb 2008, pp. 27-44. 2008.
Vimala.B,S.Mohan Kumar. , "Organizational Health and Demographic Variables â,“ is there any link?.", Management Trends (ISSN) 0973-9203., Volume 4, Number 2, Sep 2007, pp. 39-48. 2007.
S.Mohan kumar, G.Udayasuriyan & Vimala, B., "Influence of Demographic Variables on the Organizational Role Stress..", Annamalai Business Review ISSN-0974-0406, Volume 1, Number 2, Jun 2007, pp. 103-115. 2007.
List of Publications - International
S.Prem Knowles,Ebron Shaji & Dr.S.Mohankumar , "Influence of E -learning in Training & Development system and Organisational Study.", Quest Journals Journal of Research in Business and Management, Volume 7, Number 2, Mar 2019, pp. 49-55. March 2019 ISSN: 2347-3002.
S.Prem Knowles, Dr.S.Mohankumar , Samson Franklin, "Pulluating & Irreparable Harm of Stress among Students.", IOSR Journel of Business and Management(IOSR -JBM), Volume 21, Number 3,Ser.II, Mar 2019, pp. 1-3. March.2019, ISSN:2319 - 7668.
S.Prem Knowles, Dr.S.Mohankumar, "Impact and Need of Laughing Medicine for Sound Mind and Body An analysis study.", IOSR Journel of Business and Management(IOSR -JBM), Volume 20, Number 5 ver VIII, May 2018, pp. 49-53. May 2018 ISSN:2319-7668.
MD Senthil kumar ,Dr.S.Mohan kumar, "Emperical Study on Impact of worklife Balance on Working life of IT Women employees with reference to Chennai.", International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies, Volume 7, Number 5 , Sep 2018, pp. 80-84. September 2018 ,ISSN ;2319-1953.
MD Senthil kumar ,Dr.S.Mohan kumar, "A study on Work life Balance of women employees in IT with reference to Chennai.", International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, Volume 1, Number Special Issue , Aug 2017, pp. 90-96. August 2017 ISSN 23484705.
Anthony Andrew,S.Mohan kumar,, "The Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Employee Readiness for Organizational Change.", International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science,ISSN:2091-2730,, Volume 5, Number 1, Jan 2017, pp. 16-27. 2017.
B.Vimala,,S.Mohankumar, "Relationship between Funculture and Work-Life balance among Software professionals in Chennai.", International Journal of Integrative Science ISSN-2536-8354, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2016, pp. 67-73. 2016.
Anthony Andrew,S.Mohan kumar,, "Relationship Between Job Satisfaction Employee Readiness for Organizational Change.", Journal for Studies in Management and Planning,e-ISSN:2395-0463,, Volume 2, Number 2, Feb 2016, pp. 260-277. 2016.
J.Jayavel ,S.Mohan kumar, "A Study on Work life Balance Among Dual Earner Couples.", International Journal of Business Administration Research Review ISSN 2348-0653:, Volume 1, Number 12, Nov 2015, pp. 15-21. 2015.
Anthony Andrew,S.Mohan kumar,, "The Influence of Organization Culture on Employee Readiness for Organizational Change.", International Journal of Research,e-ISSN:2348-6848,, Volume 3, Number 5, Mar 2015, pp. 302-312. 2015.
J.Jayavel ,S.Mohan kumar, " A Study on Marital, Life and Job Satisfaction Among Dual Earner Couples..", International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review.ISSN:2349-6738,Vol-1,Issue-17,Nov-2015, Volume 1, Number 17, 2015, pp. 24-29. 2015.
T.Elanchezhian,S.Mohankumar, "Influence of Demographic Factors on Job satisfaction with special reference to women employees working in leather industries.", International Research Journal of Management and Humanities ISSN No ; 2347 -3274, Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2013, pp. 79-84. 2013.
T.Elanchezhian,S.Mohankumar, " Women employees job satisfaction and life satisfaction in leather industry with reference to Effectiveness of family environment.", International journal of Management Focus. ISSN;2250-2971,, Volume 2, Number 3, Sep 2013, pp. 11-20. 2013.
G.S.Subashini, S.Mohankumar, , "An Investigation On Adoption of Lean Production Principles in Kitchenware Industries..", Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business ,ISSN 2073-7122, Volume 4, Number 9, Jan 2013, pp. 271-279. 2013.
G.S.Subashini, S.Mohankumar, , "Stimulating Factors to implement Lean Manufacturing practices in Kitchenware Industries at Chennai(India).", IFRSA Business Review, ISSN:22498168, Volume 2, Number 2, Jun 2012, pp. 176-182. 2012.
G.S.Subashini, S.Mohankumar, , "Lean Manufacturing approach to improve the performance of kitchenware industry in Chennai.â,.", International journal of Mechanical and production Engineering Research and Development, ISSN2249-6890,, Volume 2, Number 3, Sep 2012, pp. 55-66. 2012.
G.S.Subashini, S.Mohankumar, , "An Investigation on organizational functioning in kitchenware Industries at Chennaiâ,,.", International journal of social sciences & interdisciplinary Research, ISSN2277677X, Volume 1, Number 2, Jun 2012, pp. 6-12. 2012.
G.S.Subashini, S.Mohankumar, , "Strategies for implementing Lean in Manufacturing Industries.", Mentor, ISSN : 1800 - 1548, Volume 1, Number 2011, Jul 2011, pp. 77-83. 2011.
S.Mohan kumar, B.Vimala,Dr.G.Udayasuriyan , "Work Family issue-The Cause of Stress.", Mentor, The Journal of Business Management,,Issn:1800-1548, Volume 1, Number 2009, Nov 2009, pp. 5-15. 2009.
S.Mohan kumar, Dr.G.Udayasuriyan , "The Relationship between work-life-balance and the perception of quality of work life of employees in the electronic industry in Chennai and Bangalore (India).", Journal of Business Research ISSN-0855-0806x , Volume 2, Number 1, Dec 2008, pp. 33-42. 2008.
List of Book Published
Dr. B,Vimala Dr.S.Mohankumar Dr.K.Rukmani, Recent studies in HRM (192 pages) edited volume Book (2016) , Archers & Elevators Publishing House,Bangalore-90 : Archers & Elevators Publishing House,, 978-93-85640-33-9, pp. 1-192. Mar 2016.
Dr.B.Vimala Dr.V.Kanagasingam Dr.S.Mohan Kumar, Current Issues in Management Research. Edited Volume Book (2017) An Indo-Srilankan perspective, Archers & Elevators Publishing House,Bangalore-90 : Archers & Elevators Publishing House,, -978-93-85640-98-8, pp. 1-143. Feb 2017.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Received Peace Through Service 2012-2013 Presidental Citation Award from Rotary International - on 2013
Awarding Certificate of Appreciation In Recognition of Outstanding Contribution to the Pulse polio Immunisation Programme from India National Polio Plus Committee of Rotary International - in 2012 - 2013
Awarded as a Best NSS Programme Officer of the Year 2010 - 2011 (NLC -NSS Prize) - on 05.08.,2011