Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08073
Name : Dr. K. TAMIZHJYOTHI (Deputed)
Qualification : B.E.,M.B.A.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : MARKETING and OPERATIONS
Date of Birth : 20-06-1976
Date of Joining : 01-07-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
pin - 608002
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 51
Ph.D. 76

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 141037-11
Conducted 411214

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 131788604
Ongoing 1-1000000
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
22 Years3 Years
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
30 56 4 1 - 30

List of Publications - National
Baig Mansur Ibrahim and Tamizhjyothi K , "Financial Literacy: A Key Parameter to achieve Financial Inclusion.", Management Review, Volume 10, Number 1, Jun 2019, pp. 24-31.
Priyadharshini V. and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Investment Fraud and the role of Emotional Finance in Investment Decision.", Review of Research, Volume 3, Number Special Issue, Jul 2019, pp. 82-88. (ISSN: 2249 894X), UGC Approved Journal no: 48514.
Sreedevi S. V. and K. Tamizhjyothi, "A Comparative Study on the Work Force Attitude towards Organization Climate of Silver Stone Rubber, Vithura.", Review of Research, Volume 3, Number Special Issue, Jul 2019, pp. 57-61. (ISSN: 2249 894X), UGC Approved Journal no: 48514.
Sreedevi S. V. and K. Tamizhjyothi (2017), "Assessing Training needs and Evaluation of Employee Development Programmes.", Asian Journal of Managerial Science, Volume 6, Number 2, Feb 2017, pp. 81-83.
Tamizhjyothi K, "Selecting Celebrity Endorsers â,“ Framework for the Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement.", Think India Journal, Volume 20, Number 4, Dec 2017, pp. 14-22.
Rangarajan V, and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Challenges in Private Security Services and Training â,“ Performance Relationship.", AEGAEUM Journal, Volume 5, Number III, Apr 2017, pp. 73-81. DOI:16.10089.AJ.2017.V5I2.285311.2627.
Baig Mansur Ibrahim and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Determining the Awareness among the Farmers on the role of SHG in Enhancing their Inclusive Growth.", Journal of Computational Information Systems, Volume 12, Number 2, Jul 2016, pp. 795-799.
Muthukumar N, K. Tamizhjyothi, and RM. Nachiappan, "Integrated Continuous Improvement Tool â,“ Total Productive Lean Manufacturing (TPLM) and its Application in a Manufacturing Organization.", Journal of The Association of Engineers - India, Volume 85, Number 1 & 2, Jun 2015, pp. 20-33. 10.22485/jaei/2015/v85/i1-2/119876.
Balamurugan L, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Price spread and Marketing Margins of Cut Flower in Tamil Nadu, India.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume Special Issue, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 166-171. ISSN: 0973 â,“ 7297.
Ramya Thiyagarajan and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Quality of Work Life Balance of Women Employees in Garments Textile Industry â,“ Sipcot, Tambaram.", Annamalai Journal of Management, Volume Special Issue, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 270-276. ISSN: 0974 â,“ 0406.
Balamurugan L, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Production Problems of Cutflower in Tamilnadu.", Holy Grace Management Review, Volume 6, Number 1, Mar 2014, pp. 165-172. ISSN: 0975 â,“ 3427.
Vidya J and K. Tamizhjyothi, "A Study on Consumer Preference towards Fairness Creams.", Annamalai University Humanities Journal, Volume 49, Number 1, Dec 2014, pp. 291-296. ISSN: 0517 â,“ 872X.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Role of Education and Experience on the Production related Problems in Cut-Flower Industry.", Annamalai University Humanities Journal, Volume 49, Number 1, Dec 2014, pp. 281-290. ISSN: 0517 â,“ 872X.
Magesh C and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Advertising on Social Networking Sites â,“ An Analytical Study.", Annamalai University Humanities Journal, Volume 49, Number 1, Dec 2014, pp. 265-274. ISSN: 0517 â,“ 872X.
Muthukumar N, K. Tamizhjyothi, and RM. Nachiappan, "Link between Organizational Culture and Integrated CI Tool â,“ TPLM: A Study with reference to Automotive Axles Ltd., Mysore, India.", The IUP Journal of Operations Management, Volume XIII, Number 4, Nov 2014, pp. 31-48. (ISSN: 0972 â,“ 6888).
Silambarasan P and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Impact of Color on Marketing â,“ A Study.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume 1, Number 3, Jun 2014, pp. 94-97. ISSN: 0973 â,“ 7197.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Current Status of Cut-flower Business in Tamilnadu.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume 1, Number 3, Jun 2014, pp. 32-42. ISSN: 0973 â,“ 7197.
Magesh C and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Influence of Demographic Factors on Consumer Impulse Buying Intention towards Social Networking Sites.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume 1, Number 3, Jun 2014, pp. 1-8. ISSN: 0973 â,“ 7197.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Strategic Policies for Competitive Firms in Supply of highly Perishable Goods â,“ A Case Study in Cut-Flower Supply Chain in Tamilnadu.", Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 38, Number 2, Sep 2013, pp. 181-201. ISSN: 0258 â,“ 1701.
Silambarasan P and K. Tamizhjyothi, "A Study on online Advertising and its security and Privacy Concerns.", Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 38, Number 2, Sep 2013, pp. 95-106. ISSN: 0258 â,“ 1701.
Magesh C, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Consumer Attitude towards shopping through Social Networking Sites.", Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 38, Number 2, Sep 2013, pp. 23-44.
Magesh C, K. Tamizhjyothi and K. Anandanatarajan, "Consumer preference towards different types of Advertisements in Social Networking Sites.", Noorul Islam Strategic Managements Ambience, Volume Special Issue, Number 1, Aug 2013, pp. 226-235. ISSN: 0973-3957.
Sritharan R, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Role of Involvement in Predicting Brand Loyalty.", Asia-Pacific Business Review, Volume IV, Number 1, Mar 2008, pp. 44-58. ISSN: 0973-2470.
Sritharan R, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Influence of Involvement on Brand Loyalty: An Empirical Examination.", Annamalai Journal of Management, Volume 2, Number 1, Feb 2008, pp. 14-19. ISSN: 0974-0406.
Tamizhjyothi K, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and K. Anandanatarajan, "Effectiveness of foreign Celebrity Advertisement over Indian Celebrity Advertisement: An Empirical Study.", Annamalai Business Review, Volume 1, Number 2, Dec 2007, pp. 18-22. ISSN: 0974-1690.
Sritharan R, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Factors influencing Brand Loyalty.", Annamalai University Humanities Journal, Volume 44, Number 1, Aug 2007, pp. 1-7. 2007.
Tamizhjyothi K, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and John William Felix, "Impact of Sex on the Effectiveness of Celebrity Advertising â,“ An Experimental Study.", Management Researcher, Volume 2, Number 1, May 2007, pp. 7-12. 2007.
Tamizhjyothi K and C. Samudhra Rajakumar , "An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Celebrity Advertisements.", Asia-Pacific Business Review, Volume 1, Number 2, Jun 2006, pp. 50-62. ISSN: 0973-2470.
Tamizhjyothi K and C. Samudhra Rajakumar , "Advertising in the Age of Convergence â,“ An Empirical Study with respect to Foreign Celebrity Endorsers.", SRM Management Digest, Volume 4, Number 1, Apr 2006, pp. 68-73. ISSN: 0973-6905.
Tamizhjyothi K and C. Samudhara Rajakumar , "Framework for Selecting Celebrity Endorsers.", Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 35 , Number 4, Jul 2005, pp. 19-21. 2005, ISSN 0973-8703.
List of Publications - International
Rangarajan V. and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Challenges in Private Security Service and Training â,“ Performance Relationship.", Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, Volume 26, Number 1, Apr 2021, pp. 13-17. ISSN: 1671 9727.
Agalya G and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Antecedents and Outcome of Consumption Pattern and Challenges towards Digital Food App Services.", International Journal of Management Studies, Volume VI, Number 2(3), Jul 2019, pp. 93-95. .
Agalya G and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Artificial Intelligence â,“ Implications on Health Care Industry.", International Journal of Management Studies, Volume VI, Number 1 (5), Jun 2019, pp. 133-136.
Rangarajan V, and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Challenges in Private Security Services and Training â,“ Performance Relationship.", International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, Volume 9, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 1951-1959.
Usha Tamilselvi and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Work Life Balance among Women Executives in Indian IT Companies with special reference to Chennai City.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 406-413.
Baig Mansur Ibrahim and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Financial Inclusion through Financial Literacy â,“ A Study in Puducherry Union Territory.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 158-164.
Ramya Thiyagarajan, and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Job Satisfaction of Work Life Balance of Women Employed in Unorganised Sector in Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu.", Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Volume 9, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 223-227. 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.00042.6.
Madhu M, P. Sivakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi , "An Exploratory study on importance of non-monetary benefits on job satisfaction of employees.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Number 6, Jun 2018, pp. 491-496.
Tamizhjyothi K , "Organizational Culture and its Effect on Continuous Improvement Tools â,“ Total Productive Maintenance.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Number 3, Mar 2018, pp. 521-527.
Madhu M, P. Sivakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Work Curiosity as an indicator of employee innovation.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Number 10, Oct 2018, pp. 970-973.
Tamizhjyothi K , "Ethical Issues and impacts in contemporary advertising.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Number 3, Mar 2018, pp. 787-792.
Tamizhjyothi K , "Effectiveness of foreign celebrity endorsement on the consumersâ," purchase intention towards Indian brands â,“ An empirical study.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Number 2, Feb 2018, pp. 799-804.
Tamizhjyothi K , "Effectiveness of advertising in rural market with special reference to FMCG sector.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 5-1.
Priyadharshini V and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Investment Pattern and Spending Pattern of Indians and Singaporeans â,“ A Comparative Study.", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 6, Number 1, Feb 2018, pp. 114-117.
Baig Mansur Ibrahim and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Assessing Medium and Small Farmersâ," Perception and awareness over Banking services and Financial Products in Puducherry.", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 6, Number 1, Feb 2018, pp. 90-99.
Sreedevi S. V. and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Effectiveness of Employee Referral Program in Talent Sourcing â,“ An Information Technology Industry Perspective.", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 6, Number 1, Feb 2018, pp. 127-131.
Ramya Thiyagarajan, and K. Tamizhjyothi , "A Study on Perception of Construction Women Employees on Dimensions Implying Work Life Balance.", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118, Number 5, Jan 2018, pp. 707-718.
Rangarajan V, and K. Tamizhjyothi , "A study on training in the Private Industrial Security Service.", International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, Volume 1, Number Special Issue, Feb 2018, pp. 220-225. ISSN: 2348 4705.
Rangarajan V, and K. Tamizhjyothi , "An Empirical study of the impact of Training on the performance of Private Industrial Security Personnel.", Shanlax International Journal of Management, Volume 5, Number 4, Mar 2018, pp. 330-338. ISSN: 2321 4643.
Tamizhjyothi K, "Employeesâ," Quality of Work Life â,“ Influencing Factors in Ceramic Industry.", International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology, Volume 9, Number 5, May 2018, pp. 64-69.
Usha TamilSelvi and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Work Life Balance of Women Executives in Indian IT Companies.", Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Volume 3, Number 4, Apr 2018, pp. 80-82.
Sreedevi S. V. and K. Tamizhjyothi , "A Study on Employer and Employee Relationship in Sugar Factory of Trichy District.", Journal of Computational Information Systems, Volume 14, Number 3, Jun 2018, pp. 123-127.
Priyadharshini V. and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Emotional Finance: A New Paradigm in Investment Decisions.", Asian Journal of Managerial Science, Volume 7, Number 2, Dec 2018, pp. 60-63.
Ramya Thiyagarajan, K. Tamizhjyothi and A. Balamurugan, "A Study on Work Life Balance in Married Working Women in Thiruvallur District, Tamilnadu.", International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Volume 3, Number 18, Jun 2017, pp. 141-150.
Tamizhjyothi K, "Effectiveness of Celebrity Advertisements â,“ A Comparative Study between Parker and Reynolds.", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 5, Number 4, Dec 2017, pp. 66-73.
Tamizhjyothi K, "Environmental Sustainability and Development through Mass Media Campaign.", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 5, Number 4, Dec 2017, pp. 38-43. ISSN: 2320 2882.
Usha TamilSelvi and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Impact of Stress in Work Life and Work Performance of Women Executives in Banking Sector.", International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences, Volume 4, Number 11, Nov 2017, pp. 178-184. ISSN: P â,“ 2394 4218; O â,“ 2349 4085.
Tamizhjyothi K, "Effect of duration of use, place of purchase, amount spent on buying and influencers on consumersâ," attitude towards cosmetic products in Bangalore city.", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 5, Number 4, Dec 2017, pp. 1-5.
Tamizhjyothi K, "Usersâ," Perspectives about Cosmetic Products â,“ An Analytical Study.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 4, Number 9, Sep 2017, pp. 592-598.
Tamizhjyothi K , "Shopping on Social Networking Media â,“ Gender based Consumersâ," Opinion.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Volume 4, Number 1, Apr 2017, pp. 1-5.
Ramya Thiyagarajan, K. Tamizhjyothi and A. Balamurugan , "Problems and Challenges faced by Construction Working Women in Chennai.", International Journal of Current Advanced Research, Volume 6, Number 11, Nov 2017, pp. 7808-7814.
Tamizhjyothi K, "Role of Experience on the Problems faced by Clearing and Forwarding Agents in Import and Export.", Asian Journal of Managerial Science, Volume 5, Number 2, Apr 2016, pp. 28-32.
Silambarasan P and K. Tamizhjyothi , "Consumer Preference towards Colours with respect to select Products.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 7, Number 8, Aug 2016, pp. 13123-13125.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Production and Marketing of Cutflower in Tamilnadu â,“ A Study on Problems faced by Cultivators.", International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, Volume Special Issue, Number 3, Jan 2016, pp. 26-35. ISSN:2348 4705.
Balamurugan L, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Horticulture Industry: A Case of Smallscale cut Flowers Farming in Tamil Nadu, India.", International Journal of Business Intelligence Innovations, Volume 2, Number 1, Mar 2015, pp. 221-228. ISSN: 2348 â,“ 4705.
Silambarasan P and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Teenage Studentsâ," Color Preferences â,“ An Analytical Study with respect to select Products.", International Journal of Management Science, Volume 7, Number 1, Oct 2015, pp. 147-151. ISSN: 2347 â,“ 856.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Cut Flower Industry and its impact on Sustainable Development of India.", Annamalai International Journal of Business Studies and Research (AIJBSR), Volume Special Issue, Number 1, Oct 2015, pp. 54-59. ISSN: 0975 â,“ 749X.
Baig Mansur Ibrahim and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Measuring Financial Inclusion â,“ A South Region Analysis in India.", International Journal of Management and Technology (Sankhya), Volume Special Issue, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 277-286. ISSN: 0975 3915.
Silambarasan P and K. Tamizhjyothi, "The Impact of Color in Marketing.", Annamalai International Journal of Business Studies and Research (AIJBSR), Volume Special Issue, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 110-112. ISSN: 0975 â,“ 749X.
Vidya J and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Impact of Culture on Purchasing Behaviour of Cosmetic Products.", International Journal of Management Focus, Volume 5, Number 1, Mar 2015, pp. 7-12. (ISSN: 2250 â,“ 2971).
Suresh C, K. Anandanatarajan and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Consumerâ,"s Evaluation towards Bundle Offers with special reference to FMCG Products.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 5, Number 11, Nov 2014, pp. 2112-2116.
Vidya J and K. Tamizhjyothi, "A Study about the Female Buying Behavior towards Cosmetics.", International Journal of Management and Technology (Sankhya), Volume III, Number II (A), Special Issue, Feb 2014, pp. 126-127. ISSN: 0975 â,“ 3915.
Muthukumar N, K. Tamizhjyothi, A. T. Resmi and RM. Nachiappan, "Study on Imperative factors of Continuous Improvement Tool â,“ Total Productive Lean Manufacturing for Improvement of Organizational Culture towards World Class Performance.", International journal of Enterprise Network Management, Volume 6, Number 1, Mar 2014, pp. 42-66. 10.1504/IJENM.2014.063400.
Vidya K, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi, "An Empirical Study on Dimensions of Patient Perceived Service Quality in Puducherry Hospitals.", Journal of Exclusive Management Science, Volume 3, Number 6, Jul 2014, pp. 19-26.
Vidhya J and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Consumer Attitude towards Impulsive Buying of Cosmetic Products.", International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Volume 4, Number 6, Oct 2014, pp. 89-94.
Balamurugan L, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Production, Post-harvest handling and Marketing of Cut-Flowers in Tamilnadu.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 5, Number 11, Nov 2014, pp. 2117-2122.
Muthukumar N, K. Tamizhjyothi, RM. Nachiappan and N. Anantharaman, "Selection of Continuous Improvement (CI) Tools for Improvement of Organizational Culture and Performance towards World Class Manufacturing.", International journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation, Volume 5, Number 4, Dec 2013, pp. 332-360. 10.1504/IJLEG.2013.059167.
Muthukumar N, K. Tamizhjyothi and RM. Nachiappan, "Study on Imperative factors of continuous improvement tool â,“ total quality management for improvement of organizational culture and performance towards world class.", International journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation, Volume 5, Number 3, Sep 2013, pp. 180-213. 10.1504/IJLEG.2013.058822.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, "SWOT Analysis of Cutflower Industry in Tamilnadu.", IMRF Journals â,“ Business Sciences International Research Journal, Volume 1, Number 2, Jun 2013, pp. 21-24. ISSN: 2321 â,“ 3191.
Vidya K, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi, "An Empirical Study on Patient Delight and the Impact on Human and non-Human factors of Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction in Private Hospitals.", IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 12, Number 4, Aug 2013, pp. 20-27. (10.9790/487X-1242027).
Vidya J and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Consumer Attitude towards Cosmetic Products.", International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, Volume 3, Number 6, Jun 2013, pp. 1-7.
Baig Mansur Ibrahim, and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Evaluating Workplace Ergonomics of Manufacturing Sector at Union Territory of Puducherry.", International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 2, Number 5, Oct 2013, pp. 368-370.
Vidhya K, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi, "Service Quality Models in Healthcare â,“ A Review (1990 â,“ 2010).", International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, Volume 2, Number 3, Aug 2012, pp. 34-44. file:///C:/Users/Tamizhjyothi/Downloads/ijrcm-2-Cvol-2-issue-3-art-9.pdf.
Tamizhjyothi K and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, "Profession as a Predictor of the Effectiveness of Multiple Celebrity Endorsement â,“ an Empirical Study in the Indian Context.", Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti BULLETIN, Economic Sciences Series, Volume LXIII, Number 3, Sep 2011, pp. 27-36.
Ramesh Kumar C, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi, "A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards C-Segment Cars.", Journal of Asian Business Management, Volume 1, Number 2, Dec 2009, pp. 491-499. ISSN: 0974-8636.
Ramesh Kumar C, C. Samudhra Rajakumar, K. Tamizhjyothi and K. Anandanatarajan , "Customer Expectation-Fulfillment Study on C-Segment Cars: An Empirical Research.", International Journal of Business Management Economics and Information Technology, Volume 1, Number 2, Dec 2009, pp. 181-188. ISSN: 0975-296X.
List of Conferences - National
Divya P. A., K. Tamizhjyothi, and P. M. Jacob, Role of HRM in Disaster Management, Crisis Management and Strategic Response, Vaidakthya â,"19, Sep 18-18, 2019, Trissur, Kerala, pp. 32-33. Thrissur, Kerala, Naipunnya Business School, Thrissur, Kerala (ISBN: 9789353469009).
Ramya Thiyagarajan, K. Tamizhjyothi and A. Balamurugan , Educating Skillâ,"s Strategies of Tamilnadu Construction Labours to have Global Competitiveness, Quest for Excellence â,“ Key levers on quality sustenance in Higher Education, Mar 13-13, 2017, Chennai, pp. 81-85. Chennai, Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science, Chennai (ISBN: 978-83-52578-90-5).
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, Challenges faced by Agripreneurs in India â,“ An Analytical Study, Current Trends in Opportunities in Entrepreneurship, Oct 7-7, 2016, Chennai, pp. 174-177. Chennai, Alpha Arts and Science College (ISBN:978-93-81992-35-7).
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, Employees Morale in the Cuddalore District Central Co-operative Bank Limited, Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Corporate Sector, Feb 21-21, 2015, Chennai, pp. 376-381. Chennai, DRBCCC Hindu College, Pattabiram, Chennai (ISBN:978-93-80530-88-8).
List of Conferences - International
Tamizhjyothi K, C. Samudhara Rajakumar, C. Madhavi and John William Felix, A Study on On-site Opportunities for Women in IT Industries, Women in the Digital Era, Dec 11-12, 2003, Annamalai Nagar, pp. 1127-1132. Annamalai Nagar, Annamalai University .
List of Popular Article
Tamizhjyothi K, C. Samudhara Rajakumar, V. Balakrishnan and C. Madhavi, â,œAttitude of Consumers toward Brands with Multiple Celebrity Endorsersâ,, in the Book "Building Brands in Indian Markets", New Delhi: Excel Publishers, 8174463917, pp. 417-429. Oct 2004.
Tamizhjyothi K and C. Samudhara Rajakumar , Features and Future of eCRMâ,, in Customer Service Excellence: Trends and Strategies, New Delhi : Kanishka Publication, 978-81-739169-7-7, pp. 318-323. Aug 2004.
Tamizhjyothi K and C. Samudhara Rajakumar, â,œInfluence of Celebrity Advertising on Emerging (Rural) Marketsâ,, in "Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets", New Delhi : Excel books, 978-81-744641-0-1, pp. 227-237. Jun 2005.
Tamizhjyothi K, V. Balakrishnan and John William Felix , â,œPromotions through Celebrity Endorsementsâ,, in Innovations in Marketing Management, New Delhi : Excel Publishers, 81-7446-471-9, pp. 273-278. Sep 2006.
Natarajan G, M. Arul and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œImpact of Children Behaviour towards Biscuits in Annamalainagarâ,, in Innovations in Marketing Management, New Delhi : Excel Publishers, 81-7446-471-9, pp. 279-282. Sep 2006.
Tamizhjyothi K and Balakrishnan V, â,œPersuasive Effect of Celebrity Advertisingâ,, in Readings in Applied Psychology, Jodhpur: Scientific Publishers, 978-81-723343-9-7, pp. 233-244. Mar 2006.
Sathish Kumar MJ, V. Balakrishnan and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œImpact of Information Technology on Consumer Behaviourâ,, in Readings in Applied Psychology, Jodhpur: Scientific Publishers, 978-81-723343-9-7, pp. 73-75. Mar 2006.
Tamizhjyothi K, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and C. Madhavi, â,œDesigning a Mass media campaign for Environmental developmentâ, in Green productivity in Small and Medium Enterprises, Volume II: Environment, Health and Waste Management, New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 8180693708, pp. 78-86. Mar 2007.
Tamizhjyothi K and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, â,œA Study on the Factors Influencing Retail Store Choiceâ,, in Emerging Trends in Retail Management, New Delhi: Excel Books, 978-81-744660-4-4, pp. 579-588. Sep 2008.
Vidhya J, K. Tamizhjyothi and R. Sritharan , â,œEmerging trends to Adoption of Green Marketing: Opportunities and Strategiesâ,, in Synergize: Green to Gold, Annamalai nagar: Annamalai University, 978-81-908455-5-7, pp. 73-77. Sep 2010.
Sadasivan K, M. Manikandan, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œProblems and Prospects of Cane Furniture Manufacturers in Thaikkal Village, Tamilnaduâ,, in Emerging Markets â,“ Case Studies Collection, New Delhi: Excel India Publishers, 978-93-80697-52-9, pp. 136-139. Sep 2010.
Vidhya K, Nivethitha S and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œMeasuring Consumersâ," Perception to Deliver Quality Service in Hospital with reference to Krishna Hospitals, Cuddaloreâ,, in General Management Practices for Organizational Sustainability, Chennai: Anuragam Publications, 978-98-80627-25-0, pp. 94-101. Apr 2010.
Rajinikanth R, Sritharan R, K. Tamizhjyothi and C. Samudhra Rajakumar, â,œWork-life Balance: Study about Women Owners in Home based Businessâ,, in Globalization â,“ Problems and Prospects, Chennai: SciTech Publications, 978-963- 44173-0- 7, pp. 409-417. Mar 2010.
Mahesh C and K. Tamizhjyothi, Online Sales Promotion for Consumer Productsâ,, in Globalization â,“ Problems and Prospects - Volume 2, Chennai: SciTech Publications, 978-963- 44173-0- 7, pp. 107-113. Mar 2010.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œChallenges and Promotional strategies in agricultural marketingâ,, in Globalization â,“ Problems and Prospects, Chennai: SciTech Publications, 978-963- 44173-0- 7, pp. 238-240. Mar 2010.
Rajinikanth R, Sritharan R and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œCreativity in Classroomâ,, in Globalization â,“ Problems and Prospects, Chennai: SciTech Publications, 978-963- 44173-0- 7, pp. 396-408. Mar 2010.
Balamurugan L, K. TamizhJyothi and R. Sritharan , â,œOpportunities and Challenges of Green Marketingâ,, in Indian Industry: Fostering Economic Development, Annamalai nagar: Annamalai University, 978-81-920303-1-9, pp. 43-45. Mar 2011.
Magesh C, K. Tamizhjyothi and K. Anandanatarajan , â,œSoftware Piracy among Computer Professionalsâ,, in Indian Industry: Fostering Economic Development, Annamalai nagar: Annamalai Univerfsity, 978-81-920303-1-9, pp. 109-112. Mar 2011.
Usha Tamil Selvi G, K. Vidhya and K. Tamizhjyothi , â,œIndian FMCG Industry â,“ A Comparative Analysis of Cavin Kare with Hindustan Unilever Limited and Haircare Indiaâ,, in Indian Industry: Fostering Economic Development, Annamalai nagar: Annamalai University, 978-81-920303-1-9, pp. 207-208. Mar 2011.
Baig Mansur Ibrahim and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œCoaching Culture: A Study in Leading Textile Industries of Union Territoryâ,, in Research Paradigms in Management, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-07-9, pp. 104-110. Jul 2012.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œFloriculture â,“ Present Status and Scopeâ,, in An Evolutionary Approach in Management Research, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-27-7, pp. 20-23. Jul 2012.
Vidhya K, C. Samudhra Rajakumar and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œDelight: Beyond Loyalty â,“ A Literature Reviewâ,, in Theoritical Perspectives of Management Policies, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-13-0, pp. 252-256. Jul 2012.
Magesh C, K. Tamizhjyothi and K. Anandanatarajan, â,œInfluence of Social Networking Sites on Business Performanceâ,, in Strategic Approach for Marketing Management, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-10-9, pp. 280-284. Jul 2012.
Muthukumar N, Rm. Nachiappan and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œEffect of Organizational Culture on Continuous Improvement Toolsâ,, in Effective HRM Practices for Business Performance, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-11-6, pp. 102-107. Jul 2012.
Balamurugan L and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œIndian Floriculture Industry: Opportunities and Challengesâ,, in Effective HRM Practices for Business Performance, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-11-6, pp. 256-261. Jul 2012.
Vanitha P and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œKnowledge Management Practice in Higher Educational Institutions â,“ A Challenge in Educational Sectorâ,, in Effective HRM Practices for Business Performance, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-11-6, pp. 250-256. Jul 2012.
Vidhya J and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œUnderstanding the effect of Purchase Behaviourâ,, in Research Paradigms in Management, Coimbatore: Bonfring Publishers, 978-93-82338-07-9, pp. 296-300. Jul 2012.
Ramya Thiyagarajan and K. Tamizhjyothi , â,œImpact of Job Involvement on Quality of Work Life among Women Employees working in Garment Factory in Chennaiâ,, in Green Marketing â,“ Problems and Prospects, Chennai: Yazhini Pathippagam, 978-93-80622-04-0, pp. 20-24. Dec 2014.
Balamurugan L, and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œSelling related Problems of Cut-Flowers â,“ A Supply Chain Management Oriented Approachâ, in Impact of Business on Social Trends and Movements, Chennai: Bon Secours, 978-81-928799-2-5, pp. 278-282. Jul 2014.
Silambarasan P, and K. Tamizhjyothi, â,œImpact of Colours on Marketing â,“ A Perspectiveâ,, in Impact of Business on Social Trends and Movements, Chennai: Bon Secours, 978-81-928799-2-5, pp. 319-322. Jul 2014.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Madras Management Association â,“ MMA - M 201011250
International Association of Business, Commerce and Technology Faculty - mmin509
All India Management Association - M201011250
List of Awards
Best Paper Presentation Award - Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar - 2010
Best Paper Award - School of Management, D. G. Vaishnav College, Chennai - 2017
Best Paper Award - Indian Institute of Management â,“ Kozhikode and NASMEI - 2004
Best Research Paper Award - Sardhar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management, Coimbatore in association with Emarald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom - 2007
Respected Management Teacher Award - Annamalai University, Department of Business Administration during the International Conference on â,œManagement Practices for Sustainable Growthâ, - 2010