Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04610
Qualification : B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D
Specialization : Air Pollution Modeling Water Resources Engineering and Management
Date of Birth : 20-04-1968
Date of Joining : 03-07-2000
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
No.14, Dhanalakshmi Nagar,
Ammapet, Chidambaram - 608 401.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 1111
Ph.D. 23

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 9481-
Conducted --11-

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
24 Years11 Years
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
2 18 11 3 - -

List of Publications - National
Neelakandan G and Dr. B. Kumaravel, "A study of Water use efficiency and response of paddy crop in the lower Vellar River Basin, CuddaloreDistrictof Taminadu, India,.", Journal of Xidian University, Volume 15, Number 6, 2021, pp. 364-372. 2021.
M. Iyyappan and B. Kumaravel, "Prediction of Air Pollutant and Modelling Techniques of Thermal Power Plant in Neyveli for India using AERMOD.", Journal of Green Engineering (JGE), Volume 10, Number 10, Oct 2020, pp. 7971-7996. Oct, 2020.
List of Publications - International
Faizan Moi U Din and B. Kumaravel, "Artificial Recharging of Groundwater by Rainwater Harvesting.", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), An ISO9001-2008 Certfied Journal, Volume 8, Number 3, Mar 2021, pp. 1982-2001. Mar, 2021.
Iyyappan M, Kumaravel B, and S. Palanivelraja , "Air Pollution Dispersion Pattern Around NLC India Ltd .", International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), Volume 12, Number 2, Feb 2021, pp. 589-592. Feb, 2021.
Neelakandan G and Dr. B. Kumaravel, "Agricultural Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change Impacts In India: A review.", An International Journal (AMLI) Singaporean Journal of Scientific Research (SJSR), Volume 12, Number 1, Dec 2020, pp. 41-45. Dec, 2020.
J.N.V.R.Swarup Kumar, G.T.N.Veerendra, Dr. D.Suresh, Dr. B. Kumarvel, "Quality Monitoring of Drinking Water with Selected Parameters Using Sensor Assembly Integrated With IoT- A Comparative Study.", International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, Volume 13, Number 1, Jun 2020, pp. 1049--1060. Jun, 2020.
M. Iyyappan, Dr. G. Praveen, B. Kumaravel, S. Palanivelraja and Dr. M. P. Chockaingam, "Comparative Validation of Multiple Point Industrial Source Complex–Short-Term Period (MPC-SPR) and ISCST3 Models in .", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 14, Number 7, 2019, pp. 1484-1487. 2019.
Neelakandan G and Dr. B. Kumaravel, "A Review on Climate Change and its Impact on Agriculture of Tamilnadu, India.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR 1905U97), Volume 6, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 2889-2892. May, 2019.
B.Kumaravel, "Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of the Shallow Aquifer Along a Stretch of East Coast in Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, .", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)(275), Volume 8, Number 1, May 2019, pp. 1496-1500. 2019.
G.T.N.Veerendra, Taraka Veerendra, B.Kumarvel, "An Approach to study the change of Coastal Shoreline of Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA using Remote sensing .", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)(620), Volume 8, Number 1, May 2019, pp. 3408-3414. 2019.
B. Kumaravel, A. Arunselvan and A. Murugappan, "Surface Water Quality Analysis in the Command Area of Perumal Tank Cuddalore District, South India.", International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 6, Number 3, 2018, pp. 3368-3376. 2018.
Dr. B. Kumaravel, "Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Suitability Analysis for Irrigation Purpose, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu.", International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 2, Number 2, 2017, pp. 104-109. 2017.
M. Iyyappan, S. Bhakiyraja, B. Kumaravel and S. Palanivelraja, "Comparative Study on Multiple Point Industrial Source Complex (MPC) – Short – Term Period and Seasonal Average Period .", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 6, Number 12, 2017, pp. 48-51. 2017.
R. Jayamurugan, B. Kumaravel, S. Palanivelraja and M. P. Chockalingam, "Dispersion Pattern Of Sulfur Dioxide From Multiple Industrial Point Sources In The Urban Coastal Area Of Tropical Region.", International Journal of Civil Engineering , Volume 3, Number 6, 2014, pp. 1-15. 2014.
Ramasamy Jayamurugan, B. Kumaravel, S. Palanivelraja, and M. P. Chockalingam, "Influence of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Seasonal Variability on Ambient Air Quality in a Coastal Urban Area.", International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 2013, Number 1, Oct 2013, pp. 1-7. 264046.
Kumaravel, B and S. Palanivelraja, "Long Term dispersion pattern of SO2 in the neighbourhood of Thermal Power Stations at Neyveli, India.", Journal of International Environmental Application & Science, Volume 5, Number 3, Jul 2010, pp. 455-462. 2010.
Kumaravel, B., Palanivelraja, S, and K. Sivakumar, "Effect of emission from Thermal Power Stations on growth and yield of rice crop at selected rural sites in Cuddalore District of Tamil Nadu.", An International Quarterly Scientific Journal of Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, Volume 9, Number 1, Mar 2010, pp. 13-18. 2010.
Kumaravel, B., and S. Palanivelraja, "Dispersion pattern of sulphur dioxide in the neighbourhood of Thermal Power Stations at Neyveli.", Indian International Monthly Journal of Environmental Protection, Volume 30, Number 3, Mar 2010, pp. 218-223. 2010.
Palanivelraja, S., and B. Kumaravel,, "Multiple Point Source Complex Shorter-Period (MPCSP) average model: An alternative AAQ model for Indian Environment.", Pollution Research (EM),, Volume 29, Number 1, Mar 2010, pp. 115-122. 2010.
Kumaravel, B., Gopalasamy, V, and V. Kanagasabai, "Ground water contamination Due to Municipal Garbage Dumping - A case study.", Pollution Research (EM),, Volume 22, Number 1, Mar 2003, pp. 67-71. 2003.
List of Conferences - National
Dr. B. Kumaravel, Influences of Ambient Air Quality on Environment and Agriculture Crop Production, Water, Environment & Society, Jun 6-8, 2016, Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University ,Kukatpally, Hydrabad – 500 085, pp. 48-52. Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University ,Kukatpally, Hydrabad – 500 085, Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University .
Kumaravel, B and S. Palanivelraja, Minimization of Municipal Solid Waste through Gasification Techniques, Sustainable Municipal Solid waste management Practices and Regulations – A Viable Approach (SMSPRVA – 2013), Feb 21-22, 2013, Annamalainagar, pp. 63-70. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
Jayamurugan, R., Kumaravel, B., and S. Palanivelraja, Bio-Gas Production from Household Wastes using Anaerobic Digestive Processes, Sustainable Municipal Solid waste management Practices and Regulations – A Viable Approach (SMSPRVA – 2013), Feb 21-22, 2013, ANNAMALAI NAGAR, pp. 71-74. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
Palanivelraja, S., Kumaravel, B., Praveenkumar, G., and S. Bhakiyaraja, Spatial Pollution Rose (SPR) dispersion pattern of SO2 in the vicinity of Thermal Power Station at Ennore-Manali area, Urban Environmental Pollution and Public Health, Nov 1-2, 2011, Avadi, Chennai, pp. 130-139. Chennai, St. Peter’s University.
Kumaravel, B., Palanivelraja, S., and K. Sivakumar, Impact of SO2 on Growth and Yield of Rice Crop in the Neighbourhood of Thermal Power Station in Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu, India, Urban Environmental Pollution and Public Health, Nov 1-2, 2011, Avadi, Chennai, pp. 148-163. Chennai, St. Peter’s University.
Palanivelraja, S., and B. Kumaravel,, Samathuvapuram – A Sustainable Model Village, Sustainable Community Construction Concepts Evolving the SlumS (SUCCESS T10), Feb 20-21, 2010, Annamalainagar, pp. 35-40. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
Kumaravel, B., Kannappan, K., and A. Murugappan, Estimation of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration with limited Meteorological Data, National seminar on Innovative Techniques for Sustainable Development in Water Resources , Mar 24-25, 2005, ANNAMALAI NAGAR, pp. 157-162. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
Kumaravel, B., Senthilkumar, G., and V. Gopalasamy, Water Quality Assessment of Vellar Estuary, National symposium on Recent Trends in Industrial Waste Management for Sustainable Development , Mar 17-18, 2004, ANNAMALAI NAGAR, pp. 100-105. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
Gopalasamy, V., Kumaravel, B., and R. Mathiyazhagan, An approach to Green from Grey, National seminar on Water Resources Management in Ecosystems Challenges in India and Tamil Nadu, Mar 5-6, 2003, Annamalainagar, pp. 30-30. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
Srinivasan, K., and B. Kumaravel, Management of Ground water in Coastal Region, National seminar on Water Resources Management in Ecosystems Challenges in India and Tamil Nadu , Mar 5-6, 2003, ANNAMALAI NAGAR, pp. 31-31. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
Nagarajan. N., Kumaravel. B & Gopalasamy. V, Rain Catching Through Drain Remodeling – A Case Study, National Seminar on Water Resources Systems Planning and Management, Mar 7-8, 2002, ANNAMALAI NAGAR, pp. 14-19. ANNAMALAI NAGAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY.
List of Conferences - International
Faizan Moi U Din and B. Kumaravel, Identification of Potantial Sites for Rainwater Harveting, International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering (ICCSDC-2021), Jun 24-25, 2021, St. Martin's Engineering College, Dhulapally, Secunderabad-500 100, , pp. 69-69. Telungana State, India, ISBN: 978-81-952677-8-1
Iyyappan.M, Kumaravel.B, Bhakiyaraja.S, Palanivelraja.S, Chockalingam, M.P., Spatial Pollution Rose pattern of SO2 in the Vicinity of a Typical Thermal Power station in India, International conference on Trends in Material Science and Inventive Materials (ICTMIM2020), Apr 9-10, 2020, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, pp. 111-116. JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, International conference on Trends in Material Science and Inventive Materials (ICTMIM2020).
G.T.N. Veerendra, B. Kumaravel, M. Mohana Krishna Reddy, A Review on Determination of Emerging Environmental Pollutants in Surface Water Using Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry Techniques, International conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development , Sep 13-15, 2019, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Warangal, Telungana state, India., pp. 324-325. NIT Warangal, Telungana State, India, BS Publications, 4-4-309/316, Giriraj Lane, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad-500 095.