Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 05328
Name : Dr. R. BENS RAJ
Qualification : M.E.,Ph.D
Specialization : Multilevel Inverter
Date of Birth : 10-06-1973
Date of Joining : 02-08-2001
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
307, Second South Cross,
Chidambaram - 608002
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 1011
Ph.D. 45

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 12--4
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
23 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
5 69 3 7 - -

List of Publications - National
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Investigations on Various Bipolar PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter.", NICE Journal of Emerging Technologies,, Volume 8, Number 1, Jun 2013, pp. 23-33. 2013.
B. Shanthi, R.Bensaraj and S.P. Natarajan , "Harmonic analysis of unipolar and bipolar multicarrier PWM strategies for five level flying capacitor inverter.", NICE Journal of Emerging Technologies,, Volume 8, Number 1, Jun 2013, pp. 9-16. 2013.
R.Bensaraj, S.P. Natarajan and B. Shanthi , "Comparative study on SPWM and SVPWM for nine level cascaded inverter.", Journal of Emerging Technologies, Power System and Power Electronics, Volume 7, Number 1, Jun 2013, pp. 65-71. 2013.
R.Bensaraj, S.P. Natarajan and B. Shanthi, , "Multiple trapezoidal PWM scheme for single phase five level flying capacitor inverter’.", NICE Journal of Emerging Technologies,, Volume 4, Number 1, Jun 2009, pp. 82-88. 2009.
B.Shanthi S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Neuro Controller for UPS Inverter.", Journal MENTOR of Vel Tech Engineering College, Chennai, Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2006, pp. 1-8. 2006.
List of Publications - International
Clement Raj and R. Bens Raj, "A New Step-Up DC-DC Converter Topology Using Switched Inductor and Switched Capacitor Networks for High Negative DC Voltage Applications.", International Journal of Applied Power Engineering, Volume 13, Number 3, Sep 2024, pp. 554-570. 10.11591/ijape.v13.i3.pp554-570.
A.Clement Raj and R. Bens Raj , "High-Gain Cuk DC-DC Converter with Switch-Capacitor and Switched Inductor: A Non-Isolated Design.", EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Volume 10, Number 4, Dec 2023, pp. 2339-2352. 2023.
R. Pazhanimurugan, R. Bensraj and C.R. Balamurugan, "Dynamic response investigation of PV based CLCIS fed IMD applications using HC and SMC.", Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics , Volume 11, Number 2, Apr 2022, pp. 691-701. 2022.
R. Pazhanimurugan, R. Bensraj and C.R. Balamurugan, "Time Domain Response Enhancement of PV based CLCIS fed Induction Motor Drives using PRC.", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume P, Number 5, Aug 2021, pp. 1853-1863. 2021.
R. Pazhanimurugan, R. Bensraj and C.R. Balamurugan, "Time response of FOPID controlled PV based cascaded Landsman converter-Inverter fed induction motor and electric drives applications.", International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Volume 11, Number 3, Sep 2020, pp. 1379-1387. 2020.
Balamurugan, C.R. and Bensraj, R, , "Automatic E-Toll Ticketing and Vehicle Safety Using Embedded Technology.", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Romania, , Volume 20, Number 2, 2020, pp. 29-35. 2020.
Balamurugan, C.R. and Bensraj, R, "Hardware realisation of self propelled safety monitoring system using can protocol.", Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Volume 13, Number 1, Apr 2018, pp. 83-101. 2018.
Gnanamanoharan and R. Bensraj, "Performance analysis of Broadcast Neighbors Discovery Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks based on node mobility.", International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Volume 25, Number 1, Jun 2016, pp. 352-359. 2016.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj , "Elucidation of Various PWM Techniques for a Modified Multilevel Inverter.", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 1, Number 3, Mar 2016, pp. 512-522. 2016.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj , "Prediction of a New Cascaded Hybrid Multilevel Inverter with Less Device Count.", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 1, Number 2, Feb 2016, pp. 273-281. 2016.
A. Charles and R. Bensraj, "Bandwidth and Delay Aware QoS Provisioning and Admission Control in MANET.", Asian Journal of Information Technology, Volume 15, Number 15, 2016, pp. 2594-2601. 2016.
A Charles and R.Bensraj, "Enhanced weighted fair-queuing technique for improving the QoS in MANET.", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Volume 7, Number 2, 2016, pp. 1308-1311. 2016.
Sudhakar, B. and Bensraj R, "Enhanced Sentimental Analysis For Speech Synthesis Based on Prosody Feature Modification Using TD-PSOLA Technique For Tamil.", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 4, Number 3, 2016, pp. 2939-2946. 2016.
Sudhakar, B. and Bensraj R, "Performance Analysis of Text to Speech Synthesis System using HMM and Prosody Features with Parsing for Tamil Language.", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Number 6, 2016, pp. 2233-2241. 2016.
Gnanamanoharan and R. Bensraj, "Performance Analysis of Probabilistic Broadcast on Demand Route Discovery Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on Node Mobility.", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Volume 7, Number 3, 2016, pp. 174-178. 2016.
S. Senthamil Selvan, R. Bensraj and N. P. Subramaniam, " Fuzzy Logic Controller on Positive Output KY Voltage Boosting Converter.", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 6, Number 2, 2016, pp. 92-99. 2016.
Gnanamanoharan and R. Bensraj, "Performance Analysis of Neighbor Discovery and Location Verification (NDLV) Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks against Adversarial Nodes.", Communications on Applied Electronics , Volume 4, Number 4, Dec 2016, pp. 19-25. 2016.
Sengolrajan, T., Shanthi, B.,and Bensraj, R, "Prediction of trapezoidal variable amplitude PWM techniques for three phase trinary source nine level inverter .", International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9, Number 15, 2016, pp. 7425-7435. 2016.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj , "Analysis of a New Reduced Switch Nine Level Inverter.", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 1, Number 3, Mar 2016, pp. 490-501. 2016.
. C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, T.S.Anandhi, R.Bensraj, "Experimental Investigations of RPWM with SPWM Strategies of a Single Phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter.", Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology , Volume 5, Number 1, Mar 2015, pp. 90-101. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, R.Bensraj, T.S.Anandhi, "Performance Evaluation On Unipolar PWM Strategies For Three Phase Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter.", Journal of Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control , Volume 4, Number 2, May 2015, pp. 11-31. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, M.Arumugam, , R.Bensraj, "Analysis of single phase symmetrical seven level inverter.", i-managerââ,¬â"˘s journal on electrical engineering, Volume 8, Number 3, Mar 2015, pp. 10-15. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, T.S.Anandhi, R.Bensraj, "MATLAB Based Simulation and Hardware Implementation of Various Bipolar PWM Strategies Using dSPACE.", International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering Science, Volume 2, Number 2, May 2015, pp. 53-74. 2015.
P.Sureshpandiyarajan, S.P.Natarajan, C.R.Balamurugan, "Assessment of Single Phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter using Equal and Unequal Amplitude carriers.", International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Volume 8, Number 5, May 2015, pp. 9-22. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.Shama, S.P.Natarajan, V.Padmathilagam, R.Bensraj, "Control of Multilevel Inverter Using Embedded Controller and Flip Flops.", Research Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Volume 2, Number 2, May 2015, pp. 60-70. 2015.
E. Gnanamanoharan and R. Bensraj, "Impact of Mobility Speed on Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Adhoc Networks.", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 10, Number 8, May 2015, pp. 3468-3473. 2015.
S.Senthamil Selvan, R.Bensraj, K.Ramash Kumar and N.P.Subramaniam, "Design, Analysis, Simulation Study and Corroboration of Classical Controller for a Negative Output KY Boost Converter.", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , Volume 10, Number 51, 2015, pp. 485-494. 2015.
S. Senthamil Selvan, R. Bensraj and N.P. Subramaniam, "Performance Analysis of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller in Transient Modes of Positive Output KY Voltage Boosting Converter.", International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, Volume 8, Number 5, 2015, pp. 2313-2326. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, K.Meenakshi, S.P.Natarajan, R.Bensraj, "Investigations on New Three Phase Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Switches.", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Romania, Volume 3, Number 6, 2015, pp. 1-8. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Design of Embedded Controller for various Multilevel Inverter Topologies.", Asian Power Electronics Journal , Volume 9, Number 1, 2015, pp. 28-35. 2015.
Shama, S., Balamurugan, C.R., Natarajan, S.P., Bensraj, R, "A new symmetrical multilevel inverter using embedded and digital control .", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , Volume 10, Number 20, 2015, pp. 15526-15530. 2015.
Balamurugan, C.R., Meenakshi, K., Natarajan, S.P., Bensraj, R, ". Investigations on new three phase multilevel inverter with reduced switches .", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 15, Number 3, 2015, pp. 41-48. 2015.
B Sudhakar and R Bensraj, "Enhanced Evaluation of Sentiment Analysis for Tamil Text-to-Speech Synthesis using Hidden Semi- Markov Model.", Communications on Applied Electronics, Volume 3, Number 6, Dec 2015, pp. 13-16. 2015.
Sudhakar, B. and Bensraj, R,, "Sentiment Based Text to Speech Synthesis Using Forward Parsing With Prosody Feature For Tamil.", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ,, Volume 5, Number 2, 2015, pp. 216-221. 2015.
A.Charles and R. Bensraj, "Mobility and Bandwidth Aware QoS Routing Protocol for MANET.", , Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology , Volume 10, Number 1, 2015, pp. 48-55. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, R.Bensraj, T.S.Anandhi, "Design of New Bipolar Variable Amplitude PWM Strategies for Three Phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter.", Journal of Modeling, Simulation, Identification, and Control , Volume 3, Number 1, 2015, pp. 13-34. 2015.
. C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, S.Shama, R.Bensraj, "Embedded and Digital Controller Based Multi-Level Inverter.", International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, Volume 8, Number 3, Mar 2015, pp. 367-374. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, R.Bensraj, "New Bipolar Hybrid Carrier PWM Strategies for Symmetrical Multi Level Inverter.", TELKOMIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 14, Number 2, May 2015, pp. 228-240. 2015.
. C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, R.Bensraj, T.S.Anandhi , "Research on Unipolar Inverted Sine Carrier PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level CMLI.", International Journal of Energy Science and Engineering, Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2015, pp. 1-12. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, M.Arumugam, , R.Bensraj, "Advanced References and Carriers Based PWM in New Symmetrical Voltage Source Inverter.", Electrical and Electronics Engineering: An International Journal , Volume 4, Number 1, Feb 2015, pp. 97-113. 2015.
. C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, M.Arumugam, R.Bensraj,, "Simulation and Hardware Implementation of Various Variable Amplitude MCPWM Strategies of MLI Using dSPACE.", Research Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 2015, pp. 1-11. 2015.
C. R. Balamurugan, M. Arumugam, S. P. Natarajan and R. Bensraj, "Simulation and Hardware Implementation of Various Variable Amplitude MCPWM Strategies of MLI Using dSPACE.", Research Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Volume 2, Number 1, Jan 2015, pp. 1-11. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P. Natarajan, M.Arumugam and R.Bensraj, "Advanced references and carriers based PWM in a symmetrical multilevel inverter.", Electrical and Electronics Engineering: An International Journal (ELELIJ), Volume 4, Number 1, Feb 2015, pp. 97-113. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P. Natarajan, M.Arumugam and R.Bensraj, "Hardware implementation and analysis of new symmetrical multilevel inverter.", International Journal of Information Science and Intelligent System, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2015, pp. 21-34. 2015.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P. Natarajan, M.Arumugam and R.Bensraj, "Investigations on three phase five switch multilevel inverter with reduced number of switches.", Review of Industrial Engineering Letters, Volume 1, Number 4, Dec 2014, pp. 67-79. 2014.
B. Sudhakar and R. Bensraj, "Development of Concatenative Syllable based Text to Speech Synthesis System for Tamil.", International Journal of Computer Application, UK,, Volume 91, Number 5, Apr 2014, pp. 22-25. April 2014.
C.R.Balamurugan,S.P.Natarajan, M.Arumugam and R.Bensraj, "Design of New Multilevel Inverter Topology for Various Unipolar Inverted Sine Carrier PWM Strategies.", I-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, Volume 2, Number 4, Nov 2014, pp. 34-40. 2014.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, M.Arumugam and R.Bensraj, "Advanced References and Carriers Based PWM in New Symmetrical Voltage Source Inverter.", I-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, Volume 2, Number 2, Jun 2014, pp. 1-9. 2014.
E. Gnanamanoharan and R. Bensraj , "Impact of Variable Bit Rate and Packet Size on the Performance Evaluation of Neighbor Aware AODV and DSDV Routing Protocols for MANET's.", International Journal of Computer Application, UK, Volume 92, Number 8, Apr 2014, pp. 43-47. 2014.
B. Sudhakar and R. Bensraj, "An Efficient Sentence based Sentiment Analysis for Expressive Text - to - speech using Fuzzy Neural Network.", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Volume 8, Number 3, Jul 2014, pp. 378-386. 2014.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Comparative Study on Various MC-PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level Diode Clamped Inverter.", International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics, Volume 5, Number 1, May 2013, pp. 1-11. 2013.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Comparative Study on New Bipolar PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level Flying Capacitor Inverter.", International Journal of Power Engineering, Volume 4, Number 2, Oct 2012, pp. 171-197. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Investigations on Three Phase Five Level Cascaded type FCMLI.", IOSR Journal of Engineering, Volume 2, Number 5, Aug 2012, pp. 1056-1063. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Investigations on Three Phase Five Level Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter.", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Volume 2, Number 3, May 2012, pp. 1273-1279. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Comparative Study on Carrier Overlapping PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level Cascaded Inverter.", International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 48, Number 6, Jun 2012, pp. 20-28. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Performance and Evaluation of Three Phase Bridge Module type Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter.", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Volume 31, Number 3, Dec 2012, pp. 380-389. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Investigations on Three Phase Five Level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter.", International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UK), Volume 2, Number 7, Jul 2012, pp. 1129-1137. 2012.
S.P.Natarajan, R.Johnson Uthayakumar and R.Bensraj, "A Carrier Overlapping PWM Technique for Seven Level Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter with various References.", IOSR Journal of Engineering, Volume 2, Number 26, Jun 2012, pp. 1301-1307. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Comparative Study on Carrier over Lapping Bipolar PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level Diode Clamped Inverter.", International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Italy, Volume 5, Number 4, Aug 2012, pp. 1429-1438. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Investigations on unipolar PWM strategies for three phase five level flying capacitor inverter.", International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, Volume 6, Number 2, Jul 2012, pp. 137-185. 2012.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, "Studies on Unipolar Inverted Sine Carrier PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level Cascaded Inverter.", International Journal of innovation and applied studies, Volume 1, Number 1, Nov 2012, pp. 7-34. 2012.
S.P.Natarajan, R.Johnson Uthayakumar and R.Bensraj, "Performance Analysis of New Three Phase Seven Level Asymmetrical Inverter with Hybrid Carrier and Sine 60 Degree Reference.", International Review of Automatic Control (Theory and Applications), Volume 5, Number 6, Nov 2012, pp. 769-775. 2012.
R.Bensraj and S.P.Natarajan, "Multicarrier trapezoidal PWM strategies for a single phase five level cascaded inverter.", Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Malaysia, Volume 5, Number 4, Dec 2010, pp. 400-411. 2010.
R.Bensaraj, S.P. Natarajan and B. Shanthi, "Bipolar multicarrier trapezoidal PWM strategies for diode clamped multilevel inverter.", International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics, Volume 3, Number 1, Nov 2010, pp. 40-48. 2010.
R.Bensraj, S.P.Natarajan and B.Shanthi, "dSPACE based multiple trapezoidal PWM scheme for single phase five level cascaded inverter.", International Journal of Electronics Engineering Research, Volume 2, Number 4, Nov 2010, pp. 479-488. 2010.
R.Bensraj, S.P.Natarajan and B.Shanthi, "Unipolar PWM using trapezoidal amalgamated rectangular reference function for improved performance of multilevel inverter.", International Journal of Computer Application, UK, , Volume 7, Number 13, Oct 2010, pp. 19-24. 2010.
R.Bensraj, S.P.Natarajan and V.Padmathilagam, "Multicarrier trapezoidal PWM strategies based on control freedom degree for MSMI.", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 5, Number 5, May 2010, pp. 32-41. 2010.
R.Bensraj, S.P.Natarajan and V.Padmathilagam, "Multicarrier trapezoidal PWM strategies for a single phase five level flying capacitor inverter’.", International Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Volume 5, Number 7, Aug 2009, pp. 58-65. 2009.
R.Bensaraj, S.P. Natarajan and B. Shanthi, "dSPACE Based Multiple Trapezoidal PWM scheme for single phase Five Level Flying capacitor Inverter.", International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics, Volume 2, Number 1, Jul 2009, pp. 57-63. 2009.
List of Conferences - National
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, Studies on unipolar inverted sine carrier PWM strategies for three phase five level cascaded inverter, National conference on Recent advancements in system modeling and applications NSC-2012 in Annamalai University, Dec 11-12, 2012, Annamalai University, pp. 1-7. Annamalai University, E & I Department.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, Comparative study on unipolar PWM strategies for three phase five level flying capacitor inverter’, National conference on Recent advancements in system modeling and applications NSC-2012 in Annamalai University, Dec 6-8, 2012, Annamalai University, pp. 25-31. 2012, E & I Department.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, Comparative Study on Various Symmetrical Three Phase Multilevel Inverter, National Conference On Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy and Electrical Engineering , Mar 8-9, 2012, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, pp. 1-8. Tiruvannamalai, EEE department.
List of Conferences - International
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, Comparative Study on Various Bipolar PWM Strategies for Three Phase Five Level Diode Clamped Inverter, IEEE International Conference on Research and Development prospects on Engineering and Technology (ICRDPET 2013), in E.G.S Pillay Engineering College,, Mar 29-31, 2013, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam,, pp. 9-13. Nagapattinam,, EEE department.
B.Sudahar and R.Bensraj, Automatic speech segmentation to improve speech synthesis performance, IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies, Mar 21-22, 2013, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, pp. 835-839. Kumaracoil , EEE department.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, Comparative study on various bipolar hybrid carrier PWM strategies for three phase five level cascaded inverter, IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies , Mar 21-22, 2013, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, pp. 269-274. Kumaracoil, EEE department.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, Fuzzy Control of Three Phase Five Level Diode Clamped Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive, First International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Control and Automation’13 in Kalasalingam University,, Jan 3-5, 2013, Krishnankoil, pp. 1-7. Krishnankoil, E & I Department.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan and R.Bensraj, Performance Evaluation Of Unipolar PWM Strategies For Three Phase Five Level Diode Clamped Inverter, International Conference on Emerging trends in Science, Engineering and Technology, INCOSET - 2012 IEEE conf. Proc, Dec 13-14, 2012, J.J. College of Engineering and Technology , Ammapettai, Tiruchirappalli, pp. 443-449. Tiruchirappalli, EEE department.
C.R.Balamurugan, S.P.Natarajan, R.Bensraj, Performance Evaluation Of Various Bipolar Inverted Sine Carrier PWM Strategies For Three Phase Five Level Cascaded Inverter, International Conference on Electrical Sciences in SASTRA University, Sep 14-15, 2012, Thanjavur, pp. 1-6. Thanjavur, EEE department.
R.Bensraj, S.P.Natarajan and B.Shanthi, Bipolar trapezoidal amalgamated rectangular reference function for improved performance PWM multilevel inverter’, IEEE, International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies , Mar 21-22, 2012, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil , pp. 325-331. Kumaracoil , EEE department.