Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 13623
Name : Dr. S. KALAISUDARSON (Deputed)
Department : AGRONOMY
Qualification : M.Sc.(Agro),Ph.D.,
Date of Birth : 30-07-1976
Date of Joining : 11-07-2007
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 88
Ph.D. 01

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended -41521
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed -11,60,000
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
17 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
26 26 - 2 1 -

List of Publications - National
G.Bharkavi, A Sundari S Kalaisudarson and G.Usharani, "Effect of pre emergence herbicides on growth and yield in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) Var.43 in Cauvery delta zone of Tamil nadu..", Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology,, Volume 38, Number 3, Dec 2023, pp. 1401-1409. 2023.
G.Bharkavi, A Sundari S Kalaisudarson and G.Usharani, "Effect of pre emergence herbicides on weed dynamics and production potential of rice (Oryza sativa ) under SRI..", Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, Volume x, Number xx, Oct 2023, pp. 1-6. 2023.
P.Senthilvalavan,R.Manivannan,G.Sathiyanarayanan,A.P. Srinivasaperumal,S.Kalaisudarson and C.Ravikumar. , "Assessment of soil quality indices of rice grown soil and its effects on fallow black gram (Vigna mungo ) yield – A three year study.", Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume 13, Number 75, 2022, pp. 50762-50773. 2022.
S.Srinivasan,S.Selvaanbarasu,R.Bhuvaneswari and S.Kalaisudarson and A .P. Srinivasaperumal., "Effect of phosphorus enriched organic manures on dmp and soil health of cowpea grown in vertisols.", Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume 13, Number 74, 2022, pp. 47857-47861. 2022.
S.kalaisudarson,A.P.Srinivasaperumal,P.Senthilvalavan,T.Balakrishnan and P.V.Arathi, "Integrated weed management practices on weed control in sunflower..", Plant archives, Volume 20, Number 1, Apr 2020, pp. 1550-1552. 2020.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal,S.Kalaisudarson,P.Senthilvalavan,T.Balakrishnan,S, Srinivasan and D.Babu, "Efficiency of pre-emergence herbicide and cultural method s of weed management on growth and yield of hybrid cotton..", Plant archives, Volume 20, Number 1, Apr 2020, pp. 3320-3322. 2020.
G.Sivakumar, M.Saravanaperumal ,A.P.Srinivasaperumal and S.Kalaisudarson, "Effect of bone sludge a by product of ossein industry on the economics of ragi cultivation.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 8, Number (3), Apr 2019, pp. 2099-2101. 2019.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal and S.Kalaisudarson, "Effect of integrated weed management in sorghum..", Plant Archives, Volume 19 , Number 1, Apr 2019, pp. 1161-1162. 2019.
S.Kalaisudarson,A.P.Srinivasaperumal,M.Saravanaperumal,G.Sivakumar and P.Govindan, "Effect of chemical method of weed control on yield attributes and yield of transplanted rice.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number (2), May 2019, pp. 925-929. 2019.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal and S.Kalaisudarson, "Response of black gram(vigno mungo L.) to different weed management practices.", Plant Archives, Volume 19 , Number 1, Apr 2019, pp. 438-440. 2019.
S.Kalaisudarson, and A.P.Srinivasaperumal, "Study of effect of new herbicides on weed management in rice.", Plant Archives, Volume 19 , Number 1, Apr 2019, pp. 621-624. 2019.
S.Kalaisudarson, and A.P.Srinivasaperumal., "Effect of chemical method on weed management in hybrid cotton.", Plant Archives, Volume 19 , Number 1, Apr 2019, pp. 809-812. 2019.
J.Nambi, A.P.Srinivasaperumal, S.Kalaisudarson and M.Saravanaperumal, "Integrated weed management for irrigated groundnut..", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number (2), Feb 2019, pp. 321-327. 2019.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal, R.Tamizhmani, S.Kalaisudarson, M.Saravanaperumal and G.Sivakumar , "Effect of Integrated nutrient management on yield attributes and yield of Fodder sorghum CO(FS) 26..", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 8, Number (3), Apr 2019, pp. 1165-1167. 2019.
S.Kalaisudarson, A.Sundari,A.P.Srinivasaperumal, M.SaravanaperumalandG.Sivakumar, "Effect of weed management practices on yield attributes and yield of irrigated cotton.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 8, Number (3), Apr 2019, pp. 1986-1988. 2019.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal, R.Tamizhmani,S.Kalaisudarson, J.Nambi andM.Saravanaperumal, "Effect of organic and inorganic nutrient on growth attributes of fodder sorghum co(FS) 26.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number (2),, Feb 2019, pp. 329-332. 2019.
M.Saravanaperumal, K.Prabhu,S.Kalaisudarson,A.P.Srinivasaperumal and J.Nambi, "Effect of integration of organic, inorganic and micronutrient fertilization on rice- pulse/gingelly cropping system.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number (2),, Feb 2019, pp. 74-78. 2019.
G.Sivakumar,M.Saravanaperumal,A.P.Srinivasaperumal and S.Kalaisudarson , "Impact of effective usage of bone sludge a by product of ossein industry as an efficient manure for ragi.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number (1), Feb 2019, pp. 391-396. 2019.
M.Saravanaperumal,G.Sivakumar,A.P.Srinivasaperumal,S.Kalaisudarson and G.Parimala, "Influence of system of rice intensification on growth attributes towards enhancing rice production.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6,382-385, Number (1), Feb 2019, pp. 382-385. 2019.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal,S.Kalaisudarson,G.Sivakumar and M.Saravanaperumal, "Evaluation of different weed management practices on weed dynamics in maize.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 1, Feb 2019, pp. 397-399. 2019.
S.Kalaisudarson, A.Sundari,A.P.Srinivasaperumal, J.Nambi and M.Saravanaperumal,, "Evaluation of different weed management practices on weed dynamics in irrigated cotton.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number (2),, Feb 2019, pp. 206-208. 2019.
S.Kalaisudarson,A.P.Srinivasaperumal,M.Saravanaperumal,G.Sivakumar and K.K.Suvain, "Effect of irrigation and weed control practices on yield of cowpea.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number (1), Feb 2019, pp. 386-390. 2019.
K.K.Suvain and S.Kalaisudarson, "Evaluation of irrigation scheduling and weed management practices on growth and yield of cowpea.", Multilogic in Sciences, Volume vol.VIII, Number SPECIAL ISSUE(A), Aug 2018, pp. 282-284. 2018.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal,S.Kalaisudarson and D.Babu, "Evaluation of weed control methods in hybrid cotton.", Multilogic in Sciences, Volume vol.VIII, Number SPECIAL ISSUE(D), Aug 2018, pp. 130-131. 2018.
S.Kalaisudarson,A.P.Srinivasaperumal and P.V.Arathi,, "Response of hybrid sunflower to different weeda management practices.", Multilogic in Sciences, Volume vol.VIII, Number SPECIAL ISSUE(D), Aug 2018, pp. 138-140. 2018.
Kalaisudarson, S and A.Sundari , " Continuous effect of Off-season land management practices on soil microbial population andnitrogen status of the soil..", Plant Archives, Volume 7, Number 2, Jul 2007, pp. 851-853. 2007.
List of Publications - International
D. Senthilkumar, S. Kalaisudarson, A. Sundari and T. Muthukumararaja, "Effect of various weed management practices on weed indices in sweet corn (Zea mays var.saccharata). .", Ecology, Environment and Conservation., Volume 30, Number sep, 2024, pp. 32-35. 2024.
D. Senthilkumar and S. Kalaisudarson, "Efficacy of integrated weed management practices on growth and yield of sweet corn. International Journal of Research in Agronomy.", International Journal of Research in Agronomy, , Volume 7, Number 2, Jul 2024, pp. 229-232. 2024.
AP Srinivasaperumal, S Kalaisudarson, A Sundari, M Manickaselvi and S Srinivasan., "Effect of different intercropping systems on yield attributes and economics of cotton.", The Pharma Innovation Journal, Volume 11, Number 8, 2022, pp. 2148-2150. 2022.
S. Soundhar Rajan, A.P. Srinivasa Perumal, A. Sundari, R. Manivannan, S. Kalaisudarson and S.Seenikkannaiyan, "Effect of spacing and weed management practices on yield parameters irrigated hybrid maize.", The Pharma Innovation Journal ,, Volume 11, Number 9, Nov 2022, pp. 1493-1497. 2022.
S. Seenikkannaiyan, S. Kalaisudarson, A. Sundari, R .Manivannan, S. Srinivasan.and A .P. Srinivasaperuma, "Impact of Physical and Chemical Weed Management Practices on Yield Attributes and Yield of Irrigated Greengram..", International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Volume 9, Number 3, Sep 2022, pp. 608-611. 2022.
S. Seenikkannaiyan, S. Kalaisudarson, A. Sundari, R .Manivannan, AP. Srinivasaperumal and S. Srinivasan. , "Studies on the effect of weed management practices on weed dynamics of irrigated greengram.", The Pharma Innovation Journal, Volume 11, Number 8, Nov 2022, pp. 2017--2019. 2022.
S Kalaisudarson, A P Srinivasaperumal, K Suseendran, S Srinivasan, R Manivanan, "Efficacy of application of herbicides on weed control efficiency and nutrient uptake in transplanted.", International journal of botany studies, Volume 7, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 236-238. 2022.
P.Senthilvalavan,R.Manivannan,C.Ravikumar,S.Kalaisudarson and AP. Srinivasaperumal., "Significance of system of rice intensification (SRI) on rice productivity, plant and soil nutrition- An overview,.", Internation journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 5, Sep 2021, pp. 1116-1122. 2021.
Abinaya.M, R.Manivannan, MV.Sriramachandrasekharan, P Senthlvalavan , S.Kalaisudarson and C. Ravikumar., "Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity and nutrient uptake to nitrogen and boron fertilization in Typic Ustifluvents soil.", Journal of Applied and Natural Science,, Volume 13, Number 4, Nov 2021, pp. 1372-1377. 2021.
Suseendran.K,Nidheesh.S, S.Jawahar, C.Kalaiyarasan,S Kalaisudarson andA P. Srinivasaperumal., "Effect of weed management strategies on the growth and yield performance of blackgram,.", International journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 6, Dec 2021, pp. 1409-1413. 2021.
Abinaya.M,R.Manivannan,MV.Sriramachandrasekharan,P Senthlvalavan and S.Kalaisudarson., "Nitrogen and boron fertilization on growth and yield in rice grown in lowland soils.", International journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 6, Dec 2021, pp. 792-795. 2021.
R.Manivannan,Sriramachandrasekharan.MV,Senthilvalavan.P, Kalaisudarson. S, Ravikumar. C. , " Direct, residual effect of organics with supplemental inorganics on nutrient uptake and yield in rice based cropping system .", International journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 5, Sep 2021, pp. 383-387. 2021.
R.Manivannan,Sriramachandrasekharan.MV,Senthilvalavan.P, Kalaisudarson. S, Ravikumar. C., " Direct, residual effect of organics with supplemental inorganics on nutrient uptake and yield in rice based cropping system .", International journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 5, Sep 2021, pp. 383-387. 2021.
AP. Srinivasa Perumal, S.Kalaisudarson, A. Sundari, K. Suseendran, S. Srinivasan, and S.Arun., " Effect of cultural and chemical weed management practices on growth and yield of irrigated cowpea Co (CP) 7, .", International journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 5, Sep 2021, pp. 1229-1231. 2021.
S.Kalaisudarson, J. Keerthana, A. Sundari, A P. Srinivasaperumal, K.Suseendran and R. Manivannan., "Efficacy of integrated weed management on growth attributes in transplanted ragi,.", International journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 5, Sep 2021, pp. 433-435. 2021.
A. Sundari and S. Kalaisudarson., "Evaluation of off ââ,¬â€œ season and cropping season weed management approaches in irrigated cotton,.", International journal of botany studies, Volume 6, Number 5, Sep 2021, pp. 215-218. 2021.
S.Srinivasan, D.Venkatakrishnan, S. Kalaisudarson and A. P. Srinivasa Perumal, "Effect of Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System on Post-harvest Soil Properties of Ambrette,.", Research journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 12, Number 5, Oct 2021, pp. 1718-1721. 2021.
J.Keerthana and S.Kalaisudarson., "Effect of Integrated Weed Management on Weed indices in Transplanted Ragi.", Research journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 12, Number 6, Dec 2021, pp. 2034-2036. 2021.
J.Keerthana and S.Kalaisudarson., "Effect of Integrated Weed Management on Weed indices in Transplanted Ragi.", Research journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 12, Number 6, Dec 2021, pp. 2034-2036. 2021.
J.Keerthana and S.Kalaisudarson., "Effect of Integrated Weed Management on Weed indices in Transplanted Ragi.", Research journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 12, Number 6, Dec 2021, pp. 2034-2036. 2021.
V. Balamurugan, S. Kalaisudarson, T. Balakrishnan and A. P. Srinivasaperumal., "Use of Farm Power and Livestock for Cultivation Practices in Groundnut Production and Post-harvest Technologies by Farm Women in Keelpenathur Block of Thiruvannamalai District.", Research journal of Agricultural science, Volume 14, Number 4, Aug 2021, pp. 1364-1365. 2021.
T. Balakrishnan, V. Balamurugan, S. Kalaisudarson, A. P. Srinivasaperumal and B. Uma Maheshwari., "Constraints Faced by the Turmeric Growers of Erode District of Tamil Nadu,.", Research journal of Agricultural science, Volume 12, Number 4, Aug 2021, pp. 1361-1363. 2021.
S.Srinivasan,T.Mathana and S.Kalaisudarson., "Effect of Organic Nutrient Sources as Soil and Foliar Application on Growth and Yield of Barnyard Millet.", Research journal of Agricultural science, Volume 12, Number 4, Aug 2021, pp. 1330-1332. 2021.
A.P.Srinivasaperumal,S.Kalaisudarson,V.Balamurugan,T.Balakrishnan and Arun., "Effect of Integrated Weed Management Practices on Weed Parameters in Irrigated Cowpea CO (CP) 7.", Research journal of Agricultural science., Volume 12, Number 4, Aug 2021, pp. 2249-4538. 2021.
S.Kalaisudarson,A.P. Srinivasaperumal, S. Srinivasan, T. Balakrishnan and V. Balamurugan , "Studies on Impact of Weed Management Practices on Nutrient Removal by Weeds and Nutrient Uptake by Irrigated Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).", Research journal of Agricultural sciences, Volume 12, Number 4, Sep 2021, pp. 1358-1360. 2021.
S.Kalaisudarson and A.Sundari. , "Culturalpractices for integration as biorationals in cotton weed management..", Advances in Plant Science, Volume 20, Number 1, Dec 2007, pp. 187-189. 2007.
List of Conferences - International
K. k. Sucking and S. Kalaisudarson, Effect of irrigation on weed dynamics and yield of cowpea, International conference on sustainable management of water resources in india2019 , Feb 22-23, 2019, Annamalaiuniversity, pp. 224-226. Chennai , Glow plus publishers .
S. Kalaisudarson, Impact of integrated weed management on yield of cotton., 2 International conference on Science and technology for clean and green environment, Jul 27-28, 2012, Annamalainagar, pp. 208-209. Annamalainagar, Annamalainagar.
List of Book Published
S.Kalaisudarson A.Sundariand A.P.Srinivasaperumal, Hand book on practical weed management, Hasma pathippagam, chennai: Hasma pathippagam, chennai, 978-81-909185-5-8, pp. 1-128. Jul 2011,
List of Awards
Best researcher award - Voice&Pias,pondicherry - 2020
best researcher state award - BAHUJANA SAHITHIYA ACADEMY - 2019