Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08147
Name : Dr. R. ESWARAN (Deputed)
Qualification : M.Sc(Agri.),Ph.D.,
Specialization : Genetics and Plant Breeding (Heterosis and Recombination breeding in Vegetables
Date of Birth : 13-04-1977
Date of Joining : 01-07-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Flat No: 358, annexure VI ,
Muthiah Nagar
Chidambaram - 608 001.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 101
Ph.D. 01

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 247---
Conducted 1----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
22 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
18 39 22 6 5 -

List of Publications - National
Eswaran.R and N. Senthil Kumar , "Triallel analysis for fruit yield and its component characters in okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (l.) Moench.]..", Plant Archives, Volume 13, Number 02, 2013, pp. 701-706. 2013.
Eswaran.R and S.Thirugnana Kumar, "Studies on the Heterotic potential of Single and Three-Way cross hybrids of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus(L.) Moench.). .", Paripex-Indian Journal of Research., Volume 02, Number 01, 2013, pp. 1-3. 2013.
Eswaran. R., A.Anandan, A.Doss, G.Sangeetha and S.P.Anand., "Analysis of chemical composition of Cissus quadrangularis (Linn). By GC-MS. .", Asian J Pharm Clin Res, , Volume 05, Number 02, 2012, pp. 139-140. 2012.
Anandan,A.,R.Eswaran,A.Doss,G.Sangeetha and S.P.Anand., "Chemical compounds investigation of Cassia auriculata leaves –A potential folklore medicinal plant..", BEPLS, Volume 01, Number 01, 2011, pp. 20-23. 2011.
Rajamadhan.R, R.Eswaran and A.Anandan., "Association analysis of certain quantitative traits on yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under coastal salinity..", Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding., Volume 02, Number 04, 2011, pp. 538-542. 2011.
Sabesan, T., A. Anandan and R. Eswaran. , "Development of New Flash Flood Tolerant Genotype of Rice for Coastal Saline Lowlands of Tamil Nadu..", Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. , Volume 23, Number 02, 2010, pp. 45-48. 2010.
Thirugnana Kumar. S, P.A.Velusami, R.Balamurugan, R. Eswaran and P.Thangavelu., " G x E interaction and stability of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes over environments..", Adv.Plant Sci., Volume 21, Number 2, Jul 2008, pp. 617-619. 2008.
Velusami.P.A., S.Thirugnana Kumar, R.Balamurugan, C. Praveen Sampath Kumar and R. Eswaran., "D2 statistics in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) over environments..", Adv.Plant Sci., Volume 21, Number 2, Jul 2008, pp. 649-650. 2008.
Thirugnana Kumar, S., R. Narasimman, P.Thangavel, R. Eswaran and C. Praveen Sampathkumar., "Heterosis, Residual heterosis and Inbreeding Depression in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) .", Ad.Plant Sci., , Volume 21, Number 01, 2008, pp. 123-127. 2008.
Thirugnana Kumar, S., R. Narasimman, R. Eswaran, C. Praveen Sampathkumar and P.Thangavel., "Studies on the genetic causes of heterosis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) .", Ad. Plant Sci., , Volume 21, Number 01, 2008, pp. 113-117. 2008.
Eswaran R.,Thirugnana Kumar, S., A. Anandan, and N. Senthil Kumar., "Discriminate function analysis for earliness characters in cow pea (Vigna ungiulata). .", Agril. J. of Annamalai University, Golden Jubilee special issue. , Volume 23, Number -, 2008, pp. 51-54. 2008.
Narasimman,R, S, Thirugnana Kumar,N. Senthil Kumar, R. Eswaran, and C.Praveen sampath kumar , "Genetic Analysis for grain yield and other morphological characters in Rice (Oryza sativa). .", Crop Improv.,, Volume 34, Number 02, 2007, pp. 153-156. 2007.
Thirugnana Kumar, S., R.Narasimman, N. Senthil Kumar, R. Eswaran and C.Praveen sampath kumar , "Gene effects for grain yield and its component characters in Rice (Oryza sativa). .", Crop Improv.,, Volume 34, Number 01, 2007, pp. 12-15. 2007.
Narasimman. R, S. Thirugnana Kumar, R. Eswaran, C. Praveen Sampath Kumar, A. Anandan. , "Combining ability and heterosis for grain yield and its component charcters in rice (Oryza sativa L.). .", Crop Improv., , Volume 34, Number 01, 2007, pp. 16-18. 2007.
Eswaran.R., S.Thirugnana Kumar and M.Venkatesan, "Genetic variability and association of component characters for earliness in cow pea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)..", Legume Res., , Volume 30, Number 01, 2007, pp. 17-23. 2007.
Thirugnana Kumar .S., N. Senthil Kumar, R. Eswaran, A. Anandan, J. Ganesan and S. Thangavelu., "Breeding concepts ascertained from experiments on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.).", Res. on Crops, , Volume 07, Number 01, 2006, pp. 229-237. 2006.
Lavanya. M.S., S. Thirugnana Kumar, J. Gokula Krishnan, N. Senthil Kumar, R. Eswaran and A. Anandan, "Genetic analysis for seed yield and its component characters in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) .", Res. on Crops, , Volume 07, Number 02, 2006, pp. 471-473. 2006.
Thirugnana Kumar. S., N. Senthil Kumar, A. Anandam and R. Eswaran., "Partitioning of gene effects in Okra (Ablemoschus esculentus (L.) Monech)..", Crop improvement, , Volume 32, Number 02, 2005, pp. 205-208. 2005.
List of Publications - International
Karthikeyan.P.M.Venkatesan,R.Eswaran and G.Suganya., "Assessment of genetic parameters and determination of yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under natural saline condition. .", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 2, 2019, pp. 2508-2512. 2019.
Eswaran.R., K.R.Saravanan and P.Karthikeyan., "Correlation and Path Coefficient analysis in Cotton ..", Multilogic in Science., Volume 8, Number 28, Jan 2019, pp. 223-225. 2019.
Karthikeyan. P., K.R. Saravanan, R. Eswaran and R.Elangaimannan., "Variability studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using induced mutation. .", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , Volume 8, Number SP 2, Jun 2019, pp. 315-317. 2019.
Karthikeyan.P., R. Eswaran, K.R. Saravanan and P. Thangavel., "Combining ability studies through line X tester analysis in sesame (Sesamum indicumL.)..", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , Volume 8, Number SP 2, Mar 2019, pp. 311-314. 2019.
49. Eswaran,R., P. Karthikeyan, M. Venkatesan, R.Elangaimannan and P. Thangavel, "Association analysis in sesame (Sesamum indicumL.).", Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry ;, Volume 8, Number SP 2, 2019, pp. 18-19. 2019.
Venkatesan.M., R. Eswaran, P. Karthikeyan and K.R. Saravanan., "Genetic variability studies in F3 and F4 segregating generations for yield and its components in rice (Oryza sativa L.).", Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , Volume 8, Number SP 2, 2019, pp. 10-14. 2019.
Eswaran.R., M.Sofiya and V.Anbanandan., "Identification of cold tolerant rice genotypes and associated traits at seedling stage. .", Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , Volume 8, Number SP 2, 2019, pp. 774-776. 2019.
Venkatesan.M., P. Karthikeyan and R.Eswaran., "Interrelationship and cause effect analysis of rice genotypes grown under saline low land condition..", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews., Volume 6, Number 1, 2019, pp. 491-496. 2019.
Karthikeyan.P.M.Venkatesan,R.Eswaran and G.Suganya., "Parental selection for breeding programs in green gram (Vigna radiata (l.) Wilczek). .", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews., Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 304-307. 2019.
Eswaran.R.,P.Karthikeyan, R.Elangaimannan and V.Duraisamy., "Studies on quality and yield contributing characters in rice(Oryza sativa L.)..", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ., Volume 6, Number 4, 2019, pp. 67-77. 2019.
Venkatesan. M., R.Eswaran and R.Elangaimannan., "Effect of EMS and Colchicine on morphology and yield characters in okra (Abelmoschus escelentus (L.) Moench) varieties of TCR 2086 and MAHYCO hybrid in M2 generation..", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research., Volume 6, Number 4, 2019, pp. 542-556. 2019.
Eswaran.R. and V.Anbanandan., "Combining ability and heterosis for earliness,yield and its component traits in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)..", Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci., Volume 7, Number 5, May 2018, pp. 259-266. 2018.
Anbanandan,V. and R.Eswaran., "Genetic variability studies in rice genotypes..", European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience., Volume 6, Number 5, Apr 2018, pp. 74-75. 2018.
Eswaran.R. and V.Anbanandan., "Screening of local genotypes in bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench for shoot and fruit borer resistance..", European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience., Volume 6, Number 5, Apr 2018, pp. 71-73. 2018.
Eswaran.R. and V.Anbanandan., "Influence of perseperformance ,combining ability and heterosis in crosses involving diverse okra(Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) cultivars for yield related traits..", International Journal of Agricultural Sciences., Volume 10, Number 4, Apr 2018, pp. 5220-5222. 2018.
Eswaran.R. and V.Anbanandan., "Studies on genetics of drought tolerance in green gram(Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). .", Int.J.Recent Sci.Res., Volume 9, Number 1, Feb 2018, pp. 23197-23200. 2018.
Anbanandan,V. and R.Eswaran., "Genetic variability,heritability and genetic advance in sugarcane. .", Int.J.Recent Sci.Res., Volume 9, Number 2, Jun 2018, pp. 24217-24219. 2018.
Eswaran.R., "Assessment of spikelet fertility of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes through stability analysis under heat stress. .", Multilogic in Science., Volume 7, Number 1, Apr 2018, pp. 442-446. 2018.
Anbanandan,V. and R.Eswaran., "Magnitude of heterosis for yield and its components in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)..", Journal of Pharmacognsy and Phytochemistry., Volume 7, Number SP 1, Mar 2018, pp. 2671-2674. 2018.
Anbanandan,V. and R.Eswaran., "Association analysis in sugarcane. (Saccharum officinarum L.)..", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , Volume 7, Number SP 1, Feb 2018, pp. 2675-2677. 2018.
Eswaran.R.,V.Anbanandan,P.Karthikeyan,K.Aishwarya and M.Raja., "Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes for heat stress..", Life Sciences International Research Journal., Volume 4, Number 1, Mar 2017, pp. 22-24. 2017.
Anbanandan,V.,R.Eswaranand T.Sabesan., "Heterosis in Interspecific and Intergeneric species of Sugarcane..", Life Sciences International Research Journal., Volume 4, Number 1, Mar 2017, pp. 43-46. 2017.
Anbarasu, M., S. Thirugnanakumar and R. Eswaran., "Genetic divergence in medium duration genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.). .", Plant Archives. , Volume 17, Number 2, Oct 2017, pp. 1033-1036. 2017.
Anbarasu, M., S. Thirugnanakumar and R. Eswaran., "Correlation and path coefficients analyses in medium duration genotypes of rice (oryza sativa L.). .", Plant Archives. , Volume 17, Number 2, Oct 2017, pp. 1469-1472. 2017.
Eswaran.Rand N.Senthil Kumar., "Correlation and Path Analysis in green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) for Drought Stress. .", Plant Archives. , Volume 15, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 247-249. 2015.
Senthil Kumar.N, R.Eswaran and A.Eniyavan., "Genotype X Environment interaction for seed yield and its component traits in black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper). .", Plant Archives. , Volume 15, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 211-215. 2015.
Anandan,A.,R.Eswaran,A.Doss,D.Sangeetha andS.P.Anand., "Chemical compounds investigation of lucas aspera leaves – A potential folklore medicinal plant..", Asian J Pharm Clin Res,, Volume 5, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 86-88. 2012.
Anandan,A., R. Eswaran, A.Doss, G. Sangeetha and S. P. Anand., "Investigation for bioactive compounds of Aervalanata(L.) Juss. ex Schultes..", Asian J. Research Chem., Volume 5, Number 4, Jul 2012, pp. 469-471. 2012.
Eswaran.R, "Genetic divergence analysis for certain yield traits in rice.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research., Volume 03, Number 06, 2012, pp. 486-488. 2012.
Thangavel, P., A. Anandan and R. Eswaran., "AMMI analysis to comprehend genotype-by-environment (G Ã-- E) interactions in rainfed grown mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)..", Australian Journal of Crop Science, , Volume 05, Number 13, 2011, pp. 1767-1775. 2011.
Anandan, A., G. Rajiv, R. Eswaran and M. Prakash. , "Genotypic variation and relationships between quality traits and trace elements in traditional and improved rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes.", Journal of Food Science. , Volume 76, Number 04, 2011, pp. 122-130. 2011.
Anandan, A., R. Eswaran and M. Prakash. , "Diversity in rice genotypes under salt affected soil based on multivariate analysis..", Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Sciences , Volume 34, Number 01, 2011, pp. 33-40. 2011.
Anandan.A, T. Sabesan, R. Eswaran and M. Prakash. , "Additive main effects and multiplicative interactions analysis of yield performances in rice genotypes under coastal saline environments..", Adv. Bio. Res. , Volume 03, Number 1-2, 2009, pp. 43-47. 2009.
Anandan.A, T.Sabesan, R.Eswaran, G.Rajiv, N.Muthalagan, and R.Suresh. , "Appraisal of environmental interaction on quality traits of rice by additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis..", Cereal Res. Commu. , Volume 37, Number 01, 2009, pp. 139-148. 2009.
Thirugnana Kumar. S, R. Narasimman, R. Eswaran, C. Praveen Sampath Kumar and A. Anandan. , "Studies on genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in segregating generations of rice (Oryza sativa L.). .", Int. J. Pl. Sci., , Volume 02, Number 01, 2007, pp. 48-51. 2007.
Eswaran. R, S.Thirugnana Kumar, C. Praveen Sampath Kumar, A. Anandan and C. Padmanaban. , "Studies on the genetic causes of heterosis in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Monech). .", Pl. Archives, , Volume 07, Number 02, 2007, pp. 721-724. 2007.
Thirugnana Kumar. S., N. Senthil Kumar, D. Rajasekhar Reddy, R. Eswaran and A. Anandan., "Studies on combining ability and heterosis for shattering tolerance and their component characters in seasmum (Sesamum indicum L.)..", Sesame and Safflower Newsletter, , Volume 20, Number 01, 2005, pp. 17-21. 2005.
Thirugnana Kumar. S., A. Anandan and R. Eswaran. , "Breeding for earliness in seasmum (Sesamum indicum L.). .", Crop Res., , Volume 30, Number 03, 2005, pp. 250-254. 2005.
Thirugnana Kumar. S., R. Eswaran and A. Anandan , "Fitness, Adaptedness and Ayala’s Paradox in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) .", Agricultural Science Digest: , Volume 26, Number 03, 2005, pp. 194-196. 2005.
List of Conferences - National
Eswaran.R.,V.Silambarasan and M.Sofiya , Stability analysis of rice(Oryza sativa L.) for yield under heat stress., Frontiers in Ecobiological Sciences and its applications, Oct 16-18, 2019, School of Life Sciences, pp. 17-17. Periyar University, -.
Eswaran.R., N.Senthilkumar and V.Anbanandan., Stability analysis of grain yield and its components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes under heat stress., Climate Resilient Agriculture for Abiotic Stress, Mar 12-13, 2019, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,, pp. 166-166. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran.R.N.Senthilkumar and V.Anbanandan., Association between traits and path analysis for grain yield in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) under coastal salinity., Advances in Plant Science Research, Feb 27-28, 2019, Department of Botany,, pp. 60-60. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R., Genetic analysis of fruit yield and its component characters in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)., Horticulture in the Vanguard of Climate Change and Urban Environment, Feb 7-8, 2019, Department of Horticulture,, pp. 25-25. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and V.Anbanandan., Effect of microbe-mediated mitigation in plants for abiotic stress, Novel Microbial Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Industries, Jan 28-29, 2019, Department of Microbiology, , pp. 40-40. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran.R.V.Anbanandan and N.Senthilkumar., Genetic divergence for heat tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)., Climate Resilient Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture, Jan 24-25, 2019, Department of Agronomy , pp. 64-64. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and V.Anbanandan., Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture., Extension Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural Development, Nov 1-2, 2018, Department of Agricultural Extension,, pp. 106-106. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R. M.Sofiya and V.Silambarasan., Evaluation of okra genotypes (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) for shoot and fruit borer resistance., Recent Trends in Hybrid Breeding in Crop Plants, Sep 27-28, 2018, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,, pp. 58-58. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and V.Anbanandan., Effect of Polyethylene glycol on greengram (Vigna radiata) at germination and early seedling stages., Quantitative Techniques in Research Data Analysis, Sep 19-20, 2018, Department of Agricultural Economics,, pp. 79-79. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and M.Raja., Studies on heat tolerance in rice(Oryza sativa L.)., Abiotic Stress Agriculture:Constraints and Strategies, Mar 6-7, 2018, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding , pp. 119-119. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and V.Anbanandan. , Triallel analysis in Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)., Conventional and Molecular Strategies for Sustainable Crop Improvement, Mar 16-17, 2017, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, pp. 16-16. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and V.Anbanandan., Studies on genetics of drought tolerance in greengram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)., Emerging trends in crop improvement, Mar 9-10, 2017, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding , pp. 17-17. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and K.R.Saravanan., Heterotic potential of single and three-way cross hybrids of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)., Integrated Approaches for Sustainable Agriculture, Mar 27-27, 2014, Department of Agronomy,, pp. 97-97. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran.,R,A.Anandan and P.Thangavel., Heterosis for yield attributes in greengram (Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek) under drought condition., Abiotic stress management and Crop Improvement, Feb 22-22, 2013, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,, pp. 21-21. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.P.Thangavel and A.Anandan., Genetic variability, trait association and path analysis of yield and yield components in mungbean (Vigna radiata)., Advances in Crop Improvement and stress management, Mar 5-6, 2012, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,, pp. 29-29. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and A.Anandan., Assessment of Genetic divergence in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Future Perspective of Botanical Research, Feb 18-19, 2011, Department of Botany,, pp. 69-69. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.,A.Anandan and P.Thangavel., Effects of peg stress on greengram cultivars(Vigna radiate(L.) at germination stage., Innovative Crop Improvement Techniques, Feb 17-18, 2011, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,, pp. 17-17. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran.R., A.Anandan and T.Sabesan., Heterosis for yield and yield component in rice using CGMS system., Crop Improvement Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture, Mar 5-6, 2009, Department of Agricultural Botany, pp. 57-57. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran,R.and A.Anandan., Correlation and Path analysis for yield and yield component traits in Cowpea(Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp)., Legume Research, Mar 5-6, 2008, Department of Agricultural Botany,, pp. 18-18. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran. R.A.Anandan and T.Sabesan., Correlation analysis in maize (Zea mays L.)., Fifty years of Indian Agriculture: Problems,Prospects and Future Thrusts, Feb 20-21, 2008, Faculty of Agriculture,, pp. 31-31. Annamalai University, -.
Sundharaiya. K. R.Eswaran,K.Sundaravelpandiyan and Arumugam Shakila., Rank correlation studiesin bitter gourd(Momordica charantia L.)., Appropriate technologies for Sustainable Horticulture, Mar 20-21, 2006, Department of Horticulture,, pp. 49-49. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran. R.A.Anandan, K.Suseendran and J.Ganesan., Heterosis in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) based on cytoplasmicgenic male sterility (CGMS)system., Hybrid Breeding in Crop Plants, Mar 3-4, 2004, Dept.of Agricultural Botany,, pp. 94-94. Annamalai University, -.
List of Conferences - International
Eswaran.R.V.Anbanandan and N.Senthilkumar., Stability analysis of rice (oryza sativa L.) genotypes forspikelet fertility under heat stress., Recent Innovations in Biosustainability and Environmental Research, Feb 20-22, 2019, Dept.of Zoology ,, pp. 36-36. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran.R. andV.Anbanandan., Screening of local germplasm for shoot and fruit borer resistance in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)., Recent Scenario in Plant Science Research- Climate Change and its Associated Variations, Mar 23-25, 2018, Dept.of Botany,, pp. 114-114. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran.R.,V.Anbanandan,P.Karthikeyan,K.Aishwarya and M.Raja., Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes for heat stress., Recent Trends in Agriculture,Veterinary&life sciences,, Feb 2-4, 2017, Carmel College for Women,, pp. 31-31. Nuvem,Goa , -.
Eswaran R,A.Anandan,N. Senthilkumar, and S. Thirugnanakumar., Effects of high night time temperature and role of plant growth regulators on growth and development of plants., Science and Technology for Clean and Green Environment, Jul 27-28, 2012, Zoology Wing, pp. 19-19. Annamalai University, -.
Eswaran R, A.Anandan and T.Sabesan., Genetic divergence of Indica and Japonica rice(Oryza sativa L.) genotypes., 2nd International Rice Research Conference, Oct 9-13, 2006, National Agricultural Science Centre,, pp. 672-672. New Delhi, -.
Eswaran.R, S.Thirugana Kumar, and S.Rajalakshmi., Genetic studies on better reproductive efficiency,source- sink relationship and sexual strategy in sesame., Sustainable Development and Management of Natural Resources, Mar 15-17, 2003, Holy Cross College,, pp. 6-6. Tiruchirappalli, -.
List of Book Published
A. Anandan,. and R. Eswaran., Plant Physiology., 5/132,S.P.Koil Street,Chidambaram-608001.: VelanPathipagam,, ISBN – 978-81-909322-9-5., pp. 1-125. Apr 2011, -.
N.Senthil Kumar,R.Elangaimannan,A.Anandan and R.Eswaran , Fundamentals of Crop Botany, 31,Stringer Street,Chennai-600108: Manivasagar Pathippagam, 978-81-92222127, pp. 1-250. Oct 2012, -.
S.Thirugnana Kumar,K.Saravanan, N.Senthil Kumar, A.Anandan and R.Eswaran, Quantative Genetics and Crop nBreeding, 101,Vikas Surya Plazza,L.S.C. Mkt,CU Block,Pitam Pura,New Delhi-110 088: New India Publishing Agency, 978-93-80235-98-1, pp. 1-248. Jun 2012, www.nipabooks.cpm.
S.Thirugnana Kumar, K.Manivannan,P.Thangavel, K.Saravanan, N.Senthilkumar, R.Eswaran and A.Anandan., Gene Action and Effects in Crop Plants., Jodhpur: Agrobios, ISBN:978-81-934673-4-3, pp. 1-175. Apr 2018, -.
S.Thirugnana Kumar, K.Manivannan,P.Thangavel, K.Saravanan, N.Senthilkumar, R.Eswaran and A.Anandan., Components of Yield and their Analyses in Crop Plants., Jodhpur.: Agrobios, .ISBN:978-81-939255-6-0., pp. 1-150. Mar 2019, -.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Society for Advancement of Rice Research - No.686
Indian Society of Plant Breeders (ISPB) - LM-184
List of Awards
Best Paper Award in Oral Presentation - Frontiers in Ecobiological Sciences and its applications(FESA-2019)-Theme: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment - 2019