Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 13625
Name : Dr L. VENGADESHKUMAR (Deputed)
Qualification : M.Sc(Agri).,Ph.D.,
Specialization : PLANT PATHOLOGY
Date of Birth : 21-12-1981
Date of Joining : 11-07-2007
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 55
Ph.D. 01

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 166210
Conducted -11--

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
17 Years2 Years
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
9 38 - - 1 -

List of Publications - National
Akshaya, C K., Vengadeshkumar, L. and T. Meera, "induced resistance in maize by combination of bio-agent and fungicide for the management of maydis leaf blight.", CROP RESEARCH, Volume 57, Number 1&2, Mar 2022, pp. 53-58. 2022.
Mary sharmila, A., Vengadeshkumar, L., Sanjaygandhi, S. and T. Meera, "survey on the incidence of rice sheath blight disease incited by Rhizoctonia solani and assessing their characters.", CROP RESEARCH, Volume 57, Number 1&2, Mar 2022, pp. 44-52. 2022.
Mahalakshmi, G., Vengadeshkumar, L. and T. Meera, "Prevalence of tomato early blight disease in Tamilnadu and morpho-cultural characterization of Alternaria solani isolates.", Plant Disease Research, Volume 37, Number 01, Jun 2022, pp. 58-63. 2022/10.5958/2249-8788.2022.00010.5.
Mahalakshmi, G., Vengadeshkumar, L., Sanjaygandhi, S. and T. Meera, "Impact of different media, temperature and pH on the growth of Alternaria solani causing tomato early blight disease.", CROP RESEARCH, Volume 56, Number 6, Nov 2021, pp. 358-362. 2021.
Jaignesh, V. and Vengadeshkumar, L., "Changes in Peroxidase and Poly Phenol Oxidase content of rice var. ADT 36 as influenced by application of integrated approaches and Bipolaris oryzae inoculation.", Life Science Bulletin, Volume 15, Number 2, 2018, pp. 217-220. 2018.
T. Meera, Balabaskar, P. and Vengadeshkumar,L., "Bio-active antifungal compound of E. globules against S. oryzae causing paddy sheath rot.", Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Volume 44, Number 1, 2014, pp. 83-87. 2014.
L. Vengadeshkumar and P. Balabaskar., "Survey, isolation, characterization and pathogenicity test of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae causing bacterial leaf blight disease in rice.", Annals of Plant Protection Sciences, Volume 48, Number 2, 2013, pp. 456-459. 2013.
T. Meera, Balabaskar, P. and Vengadeshkumar, L., "Potential of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Eucalyptus globules extract on inducing defense molecules against rice sheath rot disease.", Annals of Plant Protection Sciences, Volume 21, Number 2, 2013, pp. 315-321. 2013.
List of Publications - International
Akshaya, C.K., Vengadeshkumar, L., Meera, T. and S. Sanjaygandhi, "Survey on the incidence of maydis leaf blight of maize incited by Bipolaris maydis in major maize growing regions in Tamilnadu.", International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 07, Number 02, Feb 2022, pp. 536-540. 2022.
Akshaya, CK., Vengadeshkumar, L., Meera, T. and K. Vignesh, "Remarkable sequel of Tricyclazole, Mancozeb and Trichoderma harzianum on the management of maydis leaf blight of maize.", BIOPESTICIDES INTERNATIONAL, Volume 17, Number 02, Feb 2022, pp. 173-178. 2022.
Akshaya, C K., Vengadeshkumar, L., Sanjaygandhi, S. and T. Meera, "Effect of pH, temperature and antagonistic activity of bioââ,¬â€œcontrol agents against Bipolaris maydis incited by maydis leaf blight in maize.", CURRENT ADVANCES IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, Volume 13, Number 2, Dec 2021, pp. 123-127. 2022/10.5958/2394-4471.2021.00026.5.
Vengadeshkumar, L., Meera, T., Sanjaygandhi, S., Udhayakumar, R. and K. Rajamohan, "Rhizophora apiculata and Pseudomonas fluorescens: Novel bio inducers in rice bacterial leaf blight management.", BIOPESTICIDES INTERNATIONAL, Volume 17, Number 02, Dec 2021, pp. 151-158. DocID:
Monisha, P., Sanjaygandhi, S. and L. Vengadeshkumar, "Biological control of rice sheath blight disease using medicinal plant extract and Pseudomonas fluorescens.", Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 12, Number 4, Aug 2021, pp. 1158-1161. 2021.
A. Mary Sharmila, L. Vengadeshkumar, S. Sanjaygandhi and T. Meera, "Antifungal Activity of Rhizophora apiculata Leaf Extract for the Management of Rice Sheath Blight.", Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 12, Number 4, Jul 2021, pp. 1153-1157. 2021.
Mahalakshmi, G., Vengadeshkumar, L.*., Rajamohan, K., Sanjaygandhi, S., Sharmila, A.M., "Leaf extract of Rhizophora apiculata as a potential bio-inducer of early blight disease resistance in tomato plant.", Novel Research in Microbiology Journal, Volume 4, Number 2, Apr 2020, pp. 714-724. 2020.
37. Jaiganesh, V., Kannan, C., Sutha raja kumar, R., Darwin christhdas henry, L., Thamaraiselvi, M. and L. Vengadeshkumar , "Studies on the induction of host defense enzymes in rice due to the application of silicon nutrient, organic product and Bipoloaris oryzae inoculation.", plant archives, Volume 20, Number 02, Sep 2020, pp. 7235-7238. 2020.
Mahalakshmi G., L. Vengadeshkumar*, Sanjaygandhi S., Rajamohan K., Udhayakumar R. and A. Mary Sharmila, "MANAGEMENT OF TOMATO EARLY BLIGHT DISEASE USING MANGORVE LEAF EXTRACT.", Plant Archives , Volume 20, Number 1, Apr 2020, pp. 3130-3134. 2020.
Thirunarayanan P., Sanjaygandhi S*., Vengadeshkumar L., Rajamohan K. and R. Udhayakumar, "SURVEY, CULTURAL CHARACTERS AND PATHOGENICITY OF MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA CAUSING SESAME ROOT ROT DISEASE.", Plant Archives , Volume 20, Number 1, Apr 2020, pp. 3007-3010. 2020.
Thirunarayanan P., Sanjaygandhi S*., Rajamohan K., Udhayakumar R. and L. Vengadeshkumar, "ISOLATION, CULTURAL CHARACTERIZATION AND ANTAGONISTIC ACTIVITY OF TRICHODERMA VIRIDE AGAINST MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA.", Plant Archives , Volume 20, Number 1, Apr 2020, pp. 2951-2955. 2020.
Mahalakshmi G., L. Vengadeshkumar*, Sanjaygandhi S., Rajamohan K., Udhayakumar R. and A. Mary Sharmila, "ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY OF RHIZOPHORA APICULATA AGAINST ALTERNARIA SOLANI.", Plant Archives , Volume 20, Number 1, Apr 2020, pp. 2931-2936. 2020.
G. Mahalakshmi, L. Vengadeshkumar*, S. Sanjaygandhi and A. Mary Sharmila, "Inhibitory Effect of Marine Mangrove on the Growth of Alternaria solani Causing Tomato Early Blight Disease.", International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Volume 9, Number 4, Apr 2020, pp. 2196-2202. 2020.
K. Rajamohan, M.Thamaraiselvi, S.Sanjaygandhi, R. Udhayakumar and L.Vengadeshkumar, "Efficacy Of Glomus mosseae On Plant Growth Promotion And Dry Root Rot Incidence Of Groundnut.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 2, Jun 2019, pp. 669-676. 2019.
Jaignesh, V., Kannan, C. and Vengadeshkumar, L., "Effect of Zinc Sulphae, Salicylic acid and Potassium Silicate application on micro nutrient content of brown spot infected rice var. ADT 36.", International Journal of life sciences research, Volume 7, Number 1, 2019, pp. 74-79. 2019.
Sudhasha, S., Balabaskar, P., Sanjeevkumar, K., Sivakumar, T. and L. Vengadeshkumar, "Eco-friendly management of basal rot of onion incited by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae.", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , Volume 6, Number 2, 2019, pp. 15-56. 2019.
Rajamohan, K., Udhayakumar, R., Sanjaygandhi, S., Vengadeshkumar, L., Thamaraiselvi, M., Sudhasha, S. and Yuvarani, R., "Efficacy of VAM fungi and antagonistic bcerial against onion basal rot incited by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 2, Number 1, 2019, pp. 413-418. 2019.
M. ThamaraiSelvi, L. Darwin Christdhas Henry and L. Vengadeshkumar, "Certain studies on the management of P. aphanidermatum causing rhizome rot of turmeric by using fungicides and bio inoculants.", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 1, 2019, pp. 409-412. 2019.
Udhayakumar, R., Rajamohan, K., Sudha Raja Kumar, R., Sanjaygandhi, S. and Vengadeshkumar, L., , "Evaluation of filia 52.5 SE (Tricyclazole 34.2%+Propiconazole 10.7%) against rice sheath blight.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 2, Number 1, 2019, pp. 371-374. 2019.
29. Udhayakumar, R., Rajamohan, K., Suth raja kumar, R., Sanjaygandhi, S., Vengadeshkumar, L. and M Thamaraiselvi , "Effect of preharvest application of bioformulations on the induction of defense enzymes and phenols in mango leaves.", advances in plant sciences, Volume 32, Number 01, Jun 2019, pp. 1-6. 2019.
Udhayakumar, R., Rajamohan, K., Sanjaygandhi, S. and Vengadeshkumar, L., , "Effect of foliar application with bio-formulations on mango anthracnose incidence under pot culture conditions.", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 1, 2019, pp. 757-761. 2019.
Sanjaygandhi, S., Vengadeshkumar, L., Udhayakumar, R., Rajamohan, K. and M. Thamaraiselvi, "Survey of wilt incidence of cotton and pathogenic variability of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum.", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 1, 2019, pp. 1317-1329. 2019.
Sanjaygandhi, S., Udhayakumar, R., Vengadeshkumar, L., Rajamohan, K. and M. Thamaraiselvi, "Effect of combined application of antagonistic organisms and organic amendments on the wilt incidence of cotton incited by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum.", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 1, 2019, pp. 1324-1329. 2019.
Vengadeshkumar, L., Kalaiselvi, M., Sanjaygandhi, S. and V. Jaiganesh, "Survey on the incidence of cowpea root rot disease and assessing the cultural characters and virulence of M. phaseolina.", Plant Archives, Volume 19, Number 1, 2019, pp. 143-148. 2019.
M.Thamaraiselvi, R. Chandrika, K. Rajamohan, R. Udhayakumar, S.Sanjaygandhi and L.Vengadeshkumar, "efficacy of seaweed extract for the control of sheath blight of rice caused by Rhizoctonia solani.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 2, Oct 2019, pp. 247-251. 2019.
. Rajamohan, M. Thamaraiselvi, S. Sanjaygandhi, R. Udhayakumar and L. Vengadeshkumar, "Effect of AM fungi on dry root rot disease incidence and biometrics of groundnut.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 2, Jun 2019, pp. 565-576. 2019.
K. Rajamohan, M.Thamaraiselvi, S.Sanjaygandhi, R. Udhayakumar and L.Vengadeshkumar, "Seed and Soil Application with Antagonist on Plant Growth Promotion and Dry Root Rot Incidence of Blackgram Under In vitro Condition.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 218-228. 2019.
Udhayakumar, R., Rajamohan, K., Sanjaygandhi, S. and Vengadeshkumar, L. , "Effect of pre harvest application of bioformulations on the anthracnose disease incidence and biometrics of mango .", Journal of Biopesticides, Volume 12, Number 1, May 2019, pp. 61-71. 2019.
M. Thamarai Selvi*, L. Darwin Chritdhas Henry and L. Vengadesh Kumar, "EFFICACY OF FUNGICIDES AND ANTIBIOTICS AGAINST SPORE GERMINATION AND PER CENT DISEASE INCIDENCE OF COLLETOTRICHUM FALCATUM CAUSING RED ROT OF SUGARCANE.", Plant Archives , Volume 19, Number 1, Oct 2019, pp. 1219-1222. 2019.
K. Rajamohan*, R. Udhaya Kumar, S. Sanjay Gandhi, L. Vengadesh Kumar, M. Thamarai Selvi, S. Sudhasha and R. Yuvarani, "IN VITRO EFFICACY OF FUNGALAND BACTERIALANTAGONISTS AGAINSTFUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. CEPAE CAUSING BASAL ROT OF ONION.", Plant Archives , Volume 19, Number 1, Oct 2019, pp. 813-817. 2019.
Rajamohan, K., Udhayakumar, R., Sanjaygandhi, S., Vengadeshkumar, L., Thamaraiselvi, M., Sudhasha, S. and R. Yuvarani, "management of basal rot of onion caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepe using bio-regulators.", Journal of Biopesticides, Volume 12, Number 2, Sep 2019, pp. 239-247. 2019.
K. Rajamohan, M.Thamaraiselvi, S.Sanjaygandhi, R. Udhayakumar and L.Vengadeshkumar, "Efficacy of Bioinoculants on Dry Root Rot Incidence of Blackgram Under In Vitro Conditions.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 174-184. 2019.
Vengadeshkumar, L., Kalaiselvi, M., Meera, T., Sanjaygandhi, S.,Udhayakumar, R., Rajamohan, K. and S. Sudhasha, "Effect of neem compared with Pseudomonas fluorescens on the management of cowpea root rot disease..", Journal of Biopesticides, Volume 12, Number 2, Dec 2019, pp. 232-238. 2019.
Vengadeshkumar Lakshmanan, Meera Thangaraj, Balabaskar Ponnusamy, Sanjaygandhi Santhirakasan, Rajamohan Kannan, Udhayakumar Regunathan and Sudhasha Selvaraj, "Antibacterial Activity of Rhizophora apiculata Leaf Extract for the Management of Rice Bacterial Blight Disease.", plant pathology journal, Volume 18, Number 1, Jul 2019, pp. 39-46. 2019.
Thirunarayanan P, Sanjaygandhi S, Vengadeshkumar L, Rajamohan K and CK Akshaya, "Biochemical characterization and antagonistic potential of Pseudomonas fluorescens against Macrophomina phaseolina.", journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry , Volume 8, Number 4, Jun 2019, pp. 1257-1261. 2019.
Kalaiselvi, M., Vengadeshkumar, L., Sanjaygandhi, S., Rajamohan, K., Thamaraiselvi, M. and V. Jaiganesh, "Induction ofsystemic resistance in cowpea plants treated with P. fluorescens and neemcake.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 8, Number 3, Jun 2019, pp. 627-632. 2019.
Vengadeshkumar, L., Meera, T, Sanjaygandhi, S., Udhayakumar, R., Rajamohan, K. and S. Sudhasha, "Endophytic movement and phylloplane survival of P. fluorescens in rice.", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Volume 8, Number 3, Jun 2019, pp. 518-520. 2019.
L. Vengadeshkumar and P. Balabaskar., "In vitro antibacterial activity of plant extracts against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae causing bacterial leaf blight disease in rice.", International Journal of Plant Protection., Volume 6, Number 1, 2013, pp. 111-117. 2013.
List of Book Published
Vengadeshkumar, L., Sanjaygandhi, S., Kannan, C., Rajamohan, K., Thamaraiselve, M. and R. Udhayakumar, Emerging Technologies and Enabling Tools in Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases, chennai, mobile: 7806808760; Forschung Publications, 978-93-87865-68-6, pp. 1-499. Dec 2020.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
indian phytopathological society - IPS/LM/2019/2011
List of Awards
YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD IN PLANT PATHOLOGY - Agro Environmental Development Society (AEDS) - 2021