Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 05268
Name : Dr. P. PONRAJ
Department : EDUCATION
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : Science Education (Biology , Zoology Teaching),Educational Psychology
Date of Birth : 24-03-1969
Date of Joining : 18-07-2001
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
22/7, I Cross Min Nagar,
Cuddalore - 608 001.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 1617
Ph.D. 25

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 301219213
Conducted ----1

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing 1-5.25,000/-
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
23 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
4 34 31 16 - 4

List of Publications - National
P.Ponraj, "Computer Assisted Instruction in Zoology in relation to learners Personality.", EDU TRACKS, Volume 9, Number 0972-9844, Feb 2010, pp. 34-37. 2010.
P.Ponraj, "CAI in teaching in zoology.", Research and Reflection on Education, Volume 6, Number TNENG/2003/10220, Apr 2008, pp. 18-21. 2008.
P.Ponraj, "Information Technology in Education..", EDU TRACKS, Volume 7, Number 0972-9844, Dec 2007, pp. 17-19. 2007.
P.Ponraj, "Food Habits and Academic achievement among Secondary School Students.", All India Association for Educational Research, Volume 18, Number 0970-9327, Mar 2006, pp. 74-76. 2006.
List of Publications - International
*Mr.A.Gopi. Ph.D., Research Scholar,Department of Education, Annamalai University. **Dr.P.Ponraj, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Annamalai University., "THE LEVEL OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS ICT AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERââ,¬â"˘S IN THIRUCHIRAPALLI DISTRICT.", Science, Technology and Development, Volume XI , Number V, May 2022, pp. 702-706. MAY 2022.
A.Gopi and Dr.P.Ponraj, "Barriers in use of ICT Among Secondary School Teachers: An Item Analysis.", Science, Technology and Development, Volume 11, Number 6, Jun 2022, pp. 290-294. June 2022 /
Mr.Gulzar Ahmad and Dr.P.Ponraj, "Teacher Effectiveness and Digital Competence of High School Teachers in Shopian, District, Jammu and Kashmir .", European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, Volume 11, Number 02, Mar 2022, pp. 362-369. 2022./
Mr.Gulzar Ahmad and Dr.P.Ponraj, "Teacher Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction of High school Teachers of Kashmir Valley..", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 12, Number Special Issue, Oct 2021, pp. 2698-2703. Oct. 2021/
Mr.Gulzar Ahmad and Dr.P.Ponraj, "Construction and validation of Teacher Effectiveness scale of High school teachers.", Turkish online journal of Qualitative inquiry (TOJQI), Volume 12, Number 5, Aug 2021, pp. 3994-4002. 2021/July.
Mr. C. AZHAGAPURI and Dr. P. PONRAJ, "Development and Validation of E-Learning in Teaching for XI - Std Student on Achievement in Tamil.", Mukt Shabd Journal, Volume X, Number I, Jan 2021, pp. 202-208. 2021.
Dr.P.Ponraj, and K.Rajan, "A study on awareness towards clean India and green India among B.Ed. students.", the International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Volume 12, Number 2, Feb 2020, pp. 809-814. 2020.
Dr.P.Ponraj, and K.Rajan, "A study on Awareness towards Clean India and Green India Relation to their Health Habits among B.Ed.students.", Studies in Indian Place Names, Volume 40, Number 3, Feb 2020, pp. 642-648. 2020.
Dr.P.Ponraj, "Validation of E-Content Package vs Construction and Standardization of an Achievement Test in Learning History among XI Standard Students .", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology , Volume Vol. 29, , Number No. 03, , Mar 2020, pp. 6219-6224. 2020.
Dr.P.Ponraj**, "An Anticipated Study On Burnout Among Secondary School Teachers.", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Volume 29, Number 11, Jul 2020, pp. 295-301. 2020.
Dr.P.Ponraj*, "A STUDY ON CAREER INTEREST OF HIGHER SECONDARY STUDENTS.", Research and Reflections on Education, Volume 18, Number 2, Jun 2020, pp. 1-6. 2020.
Mrs.T. SIVARANJANI and Dr. P. PONRAJ, "Manual and strategies of Android Application in Teaching English.", Adalya Journal, Volume 9, Number 9, Sep 2020, pp. 597-601. 2020.
Mr. C. AZHAGAPURI and Dr. P. PONRAJ, "Effectiveness of E-learning in teaching of Tamil at higher secondary level.", The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis, Volume XII , Number XII, Dec 2020, pp. 1668-1673. 2020.
Mrs.T. SIVARANJANI and Dr. P. PONRAJ, "Construction and Standardization of an Achievement test in English Grammar for IX Standard Students.", Adalya Journal, Volume 9, Number 11, Nov 2020, pp. 345-350. 2020.
Dr.P.Ponraj, "ENRICHMENT OF E-CONTENT PACKAGE FOR LEARNING HISTORY AT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS.", Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology , Volume Volume XI,, Number Issue XII,, Dec 2019, pp. 1499-1503. 2019 .
Dr.P.Ponraj, and K.Rajan, "Relationship between Environmental Ethics and Moral Value of High School Students in Cuddalore District.", Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, Volume 21, Number 15, Nov 2019, pp. 320-322. November 2019.
Dr.P.Ponraj, and K.Rajan, "A Study On Environmental Ethics Of High School Students.", THINK INDIA JOURNAL, Volume 22, Number 14, Dec 2019, pp. 2465-2470. 2019.
C.Azhagapuri and Dr.P.Ponraj, "Effectiveness of E-Learning in Teaching Tamil on XI- Std Student in Tamil, Respect to School Locality, Parental Occupation and Learner Generation.", Journal of the Gujarat Research society, Volume 21, Number 9, Nov 2019, pp. 188-193. Nov-2019.
C.Azhagapuri and Dr.P.Ponraj, "Impact of E-Learning through E-Content in Teaching of Tamil at Higher Secondary level.", Review of Research, Volume 8, Number 8, May 2019, pp. 1-4. May-2019.
Dr.P.Ponraj and Dr.T.Manickavasagan, "Validation of E-Learning package & construction and validation of achievement test.", Review of Research, Volume 8, Number 6, Mar 2019, pp. 24-28. March-2019.
G.Muruganantham and P.Ponraj, "Enhancement of E-content on Achievement in history Among XI Standard Boys Students.", Review of Research, Volume 8, Number 6, Mar 2019, pp. 14-17. March-2019.
P.Ponraj, "Internet Browsing Behavior Among Student Teachers.", Journal of contemporary educational research and innovation, Volume 7, Number 3, May 2017, pp. 95-99. May-2017.
P.Ponraj, "Awareness of Global Warming Among Higher Secondary Students.", Journal of contemporary educational research and innovation, Volume 6, Number 4, Jul 2016, pp. 107-112. July-216.
Dr.P.PONRAJ, "emotional maturity of higher secondary students in relation to adjustment.", Journal of contemporary educational research and inovations, Volume 6, Number 1, Jan 2016, pp. 14-16. 2016.
P.Ponraj, "Effectiveness of Audio cassette in teaching Environmental education.", Journal of Contemporary Educational Research and Innovations, Volume 5, Number 2, Apr 2015, pp. 69-73. April 2015.
Dr.P.PONRAJ, "self concept and teaching competency of student teachers in teacher training institutes .", Journal of contemporary educational research and inovations, Volume 5, Number 5, Sep 2015, pp. 250-253. 2015.
Dr.P.PONRAJ, "Job satisfaction of higher secondaey school teachers.", Journal of contemporary educational research and inovations, Volume 5, Number 3, May 2015, pp. 150-152. 2015.
G.Muruganantham and P.Ponraj, "Environmental Awareness of women in Rural Area.", Journal of contemporary educational research and innovation, Volume 4, Number 6, Dec 2014, pp. 47-49. Nov-Dec.,2014.
P.Ponraj, "Computer Anxiety of Higher Secondary Biology Students .", International Journal of Teacher Educational Research (IJTER) , Volume 3, Number 2319 - 4642, Apr 2014, pp. 13-17. 2014.
P.Ponraj, "A study of Emotional Intelligence of B.Ed., teacher trainees in Cuddalore District of Tamilnadu.", International Journal of Academic Research , Volume 2, Number 2277-7342, Mar 2013, pp. 44-49. 2013.
P.Ponraj, "Effectiveness of E-content package for XI standard students in learning History.", Annamalai Journal of Educational Endeavors, Volume 2, Number 2278-9804, Jul 2013, pp. 23-26. 2013.
P.Ponraj, "Impact of E-content Package for XI standard students achievement in History.", Journal of Contemporary Educational Research and Innovations, Volume 3, Number 2249-9636, Nov 2013, pp. 69-71. 2013.
P.Ponraj, "Manual and Strategies for E-content .", Innovative Thoughts, International Research Journal, Volume 1, Number 2321-5453, Oct 2013, pp. 76-81. 2013.
List of Conferences - National
Dr.P.Ponraj and K.Rajan, Mental Illness for Adolescents, Identification and Renovation of Content and Strategies to Enhance Adolescents Mental Health, Jan 30-31, 2020, Annamalai University, pp. 46-48. Udumalpet Tirupur 642126, Mathi off set printer,56 Advocate Nagarajan Street udumalpet Tirupur 642126.
Dr.P.Ponraj, and K.Rajan, Role And Importance Of Guidance And Counselling For Higher Secondary Students In Indian School., Identification And Renovation Of Content And Strategies To Enhance Adolescents' Mental Health., Jan 30-31, 2020, Annamalai University, pp. 40-46. Department of Education, Annamalai University,Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu., Mathi Offset Printer, 56. Advocate Nagarajan St, Udumalpet-642126.Tirupur..
P.Ponraj, Digital Media and Human Development, Media and Child Development, Oct 18-19, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 15-19. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Online learning Resources, Education on online Resources and online Scams, Oct 18-19, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 392-394. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Cyber Bullying, Education on online Resources and online Scams, Oct 18-19, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 295-297. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Online learning Resources, Education on online Resources and online Scams, Oct 18-19, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 276-278. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, The internet holds potentials solution to pernicious mental health issues, Education on digital culture and Social Media, Sep 6-7, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 530-532. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Social media the other side of a coin, Education on digital culture and Social Media, Sep 6-7, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 500-502. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Social media and adolesscents and young adults mental health, Education on digital culture and Social Media, Sep 6-7, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 447-449. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Social Media and Adolescents and young adults mental health, Education on digital culture and Social Media, Sep 2-3, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 447-449. chidambaram, Department of Education.
P.Ponraj, Integration of Social media in Teaching Learning Process, “Integration of Social media into Education”, Jul 25-26, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 353-354. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, Issues and chellenges in integreting socil media into education, “Integration of Social media into Education”, Jul 25-26, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 383-385. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, Advanteges and disadvanteges of social media as learning environment, “Integration of Social media into Education”, Jul 25-26, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 373-375. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
K.RAJAN AND DR.P.PONRAJ, ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN INTEGRATING SOCIAL MEDIA INTO EDUCATION, Integration of Social Media into Education, Jul 25-26, 2019, Department of Education, pp. 341-343. JCERI Publications 12/9, Kalanathar Koil Street, Chidambaram - 608001., JCERI Publications 12/9, Kalanathar Koil Street, Chidambaram - 608001..
DR.P.PONRAJ, ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN INTEGRATING SOCIAL MEDIA INTO EDUCATION, Integration of Social Media into Education, Jul 25-26, 2019, Department of Education, pp. 383-385. JCERI Publications 12/9, Kalanathar Koil Street, Chidambaram - 608001., Department of Education, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608002, Tamilnadu, India..
C. AZHAGAPURI AND DR.P.PONRAJ, ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL MEDIA AS LEARNING ENVIRONMENT, Integration of Social Media into Education, Jul 25-26, 2019, Department of Education, pp. 373-375. JCERI Publications 12/9, Kalanathar Koil Street, Chidambaram - 608001, Department of Education, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar - 608002, Tamilnadu, India..
T.SIVARANJANI AND DR.P.PONRAJ, INTEGRATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS, Integration of Social Media into Education, Jul 25-26, 2019, Department of Education, , pp. 353-354. Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar - 608002., JCERI Publications 12/9, Kalanathar Koil Street, Chidambaram - 608001..
P.Ponraj, Impact of ICT on the Teaching Learning process of slow Learners, Emerging Technologies to Enhence Learning Among slow Lerners, Mar 15-16, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 292-294. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Health habits of slow learners, Emerging Technologies to Enhence Learning Among slow Lerners, Mar 15-16, 2019, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 149-151. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Positive Effects of Social media on Children, Media and Child Development, Sep 28-29, 2018, Government College of Education Vellore, pp. 81-83. Vellore, Government College of Education Vellore.
P.Ponraj, Digital Media and Human Development, Media and Child Development, Sep 28-29, 2018, Government College of Education Vellore, pp. 59-61. Vellore, Government College of Education Vellore.
P.Ponraj, ICT in Teacher Education, “Integration of ICT into Education”, Mar 22-23, 2018, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 532-534. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, Integrating ICT into Teacher Education curriculum development, “Integration of ICT into Education”, Mar 22-23, 2018, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 260-262. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, The use of social netuoring in education chellenges and opportunities, “Integration of ICT into Education”, Mar 22-23, 2018, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 178-181. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, ICT in Teaching and Learning Process, “Integration of ICT into Education”, Mar 22-23, 2018, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 478-480. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, Social network in education, “Integration of ICT into Education”, Mar 22-23, 2018, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 295-297. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, Role of youth for clean and Green India, Teacher education enhancing Clean India and Green India in21st Century, Oct 26-27, 2017, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 315-317. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, clean india programme through ICT, Teacher education enhancing Clean India and Green India in21st Century, Oct 26-27, 2017, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 387-389. chidambaram, JCERI Publication.
P.Ponraj, Environmental Ethics – Need of the Hour , Environment, Biodiversity and Bioethics – Current and Future Perspectives – 2012 , Mar 23-24, 2012, Annamalai University, pp. 130-131. Annamalai University, Department of Zoology Annamalai University.
P.Ponraj, Mobile Phone Technology in Distance Education, Quality Enhancement in Distance Education for Life Long Learning , Mar 26-27, 2011, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, pp. 798-799. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Department of Education (CDE) Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
P.Ponraj, E – Learning: New Mantra for Distance Education, Significance of distance education in enhancing the enrollment in higher education , Mar 28-29, 2009, Department of Education (CDE) Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, pp. 1-2. Department of Education (CDE) Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Department of Education (CDE) Bharathidasan University, .
List of Conferences - International
T. Sivaranjani and Dr.P.Ponraj, Online programme in Distance Education , Integration of online learning resource in Distance Education programme , Jul 2-3, 2020, Department of Education Bharadhithasan University , pp. 198-201. Bharadhithasan University , Bharadhithasan University .
K. Rajan and Dr.P.Ponraj, Creativity and Innovation in open and distance education , Online programme in Distance Education , Jul 2-3, 2020, Department of Education Bharadhithasan University , pp. 209-211. Bharadhithasan University , Bharadhithasan University .
K. Rajan and Dr.P.Ponraj, Creativity and Innovation in open and distance education , Online programme in Distance Education , Jul 2-3, 2020, Department of Education Bharadhithasan University , pp. 209-211. Bharadhithasan University , Bharadhithasan University .
A. Gopi and Dr.P.Ponraj , Importance of online learning in Distance Education in India , Online programme in Distance Education , Jul 2-3, 2020, Department of Education Bharadhithasan University , pp. 220-224. Bharadhithasan University , Bharadhithasan University .
P.Ponraj, Open Educational Resource Policies, OER 2OEP :A PARADIGM SHIFT, Sep 12-13, 2019, Alagappa University Karaikudi, pp. 27-29. Deprtment of Education Alagappa University Karaikudi, Deprtment of Education Alagappa University Karaikudi.
P.Ponraj, Designing and Developing Open Education Resources, OER 2OEP :A PARADIGM SHIFT, Sep 12-13, 2019, Alagappa University Karaikudi, pp. 104-106. Deprtment of Education Alagappa University Karaikudi, Deprtment of Education Alagappa University Karaikudi.
P.Ponraj, Implication for Education Knowledge of societies in uses of ICT on Globalization Based on Education, Global Challenges in Distance Education, Apr 12-12, 2019, Department of Education Bharathidasan University, pp. 69-71. Bharathidasan University, Bharathidasan University.
P.Ponraj, Causes of slow learning and solutions, Education for Slow Learners, Feb 24-25, 2017, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 74-76. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Causes and Remedial Measures for the slow Learners , Education for Slow Learners, Feb 24-25, 2017, Annamalai university,Chidambaram, pp. 103-105. Hillsborough St.,Raleigh,NC27607, United States., Lulu published.
P.Ponraj, Attitude of higher Secondary Students tow wards the introduction of Sex Education in Schools with Certain Selected Variables, Aquatic Science, Biodiversity conservation and management strategies, Sep 26-28, 2016, Department of Zoology Annamalai University, pp. 109-111. chidambaram, Department of Zoology Annamalai University.
P.Ponraj, The guiding principle and criteria for Human conflict Management, Education- A Panacea for Human Conflict Management, Feb 24-25, 2012, Annamalai University, pp. 250-251. Annamalai University, Department of Education Annamalai University.
P.Ponraj, Community Resources A means for Mitigation of Human Conflict, Education- A Panacea for Human Conflict Management, Feb 18-19, 2010, Annamalai University, pp. 728-729. Annamalai University, Department of Education Annamalai University.
P.Ponraj, E – Learing in Teaching a Dravidian Language, Dravidian Linguistics in honour of Prof. S. Agesthialingom , Aug 19-21, 2009, Annamalai University, pp. 46-47. Annamalai University, Centre of AdvancedStudy in Linguistics Annamalai University.
P.Ponraj, Role of Teachers in Conflict Resolution, Education for Mitigation of Human Conflicts , Feb 18-19, 2009, Annamalai University, pp. 446-447. Annamalai University, Department of Education Annamalai University.
P.Ponraj, ftpQh; fz;zjhrd; ftpijfspyjha;ik;, “,f;fhy ,yf;fpak;” , Feb 15-16, 2008, Annamalai University, pp. 231-234. Annamalai University, kalaingan pathipagam.
P.Ponraj, Teacher as A Science Motivator, The Indian Science Congress Association- anthropology and behavioural sciences, Jan 3-7, 2007, Annamalai University, pp. 52-53. Annamalai University, The Indian Science Congress Association.
List of Popular Article
Dr. P. Ponraj, ICT In EDUCATION, 7A, Veerabathra 2nd St, Sathy Road, Erode-3.: Aram Book House, 978-80-93541-17-4, pp. 16-19. Sep 2019.
Dr. P. Ponraj, Value Education, 7A, Veerabathra 2nd St, Sathy Road, Erode-3.: Aram Book House, 978-80-93541-18-1, pp. 12-16. Sep 2019.
Dr. P. Ponraj, Adolescent Problems in Education, 7A, Veerabathra 2nd St, Sathy Road, Erode-3.: Aram Book House, 978-80-93540-06-1, pp. 21-25. Aug 2019.
Dr. P. PONRAJ, Inclusive Education (Other Health Impairment), No. 321, Rayal Nagar, North Mathavi Road, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India: DK international Research Foundation, 978-81-945642-8-7, pp. 179-190. Nov 2020.
List of Awards
Dr.Radhakrishnan Award - kanchi kalaichasangamam Iyal, Isai, nadaga, nattupura kalaikoodam Tamil nadu/Pudhuvai Tamizhu sangam - 08.03.2020