Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04695
Designation : PROFESSOR
Qualification : M.P.E.S.,P.G Dip.,M.Phil.,M.Sc(Yoga).,Ph.D.,
Date of Birth : 13-07-1971
Date of Joining : 28-07-2000
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 97-
Ph.D. 105

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 5417--28
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
24 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
21 23 - - - 12

List of Publications - National
K.Usha & Dr. N. Premkumar, "Effect of Yogic Practices With and Without AUM Chanting On Depression and Anxiety Parameters among College Women.", Think India Journal, Volume 22, Number 14, Dec 2019, pp. 5080-5088. December - 2019.
K.Usha & Dr. N. Premkumar, "Effect of Yogic Practices with and Without Pranayama on BMI and Anxiety among over Weight Women.", Journal of The Gujarat Research Society (JGRS), Volume 21, Number 1, Sep 2019, pp. 137-139. September -2019.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Analysis of Selected Performance Related Physical Fitness Components Among Guard Forward and Center Playing Positions of Basketball Players”.", Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume 4, Number 11, Nov 2014, pp. 415-417. November, 2014.
M. Varadharajan & Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Comparison of Selected Physical Variables of University Men Basketball Players in Relation to Different Playing Positions”.", Journal of Physical Education and Yoga, Volume 4, Number 2, Jul 2012, pp. 28-31. July, 2012.
U.V. Shankar & Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Analysis of Personality Traits Among Different Skill Level of Indian Men Cricketers”.", Journal of Physical Education and Yoga, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 66-80. January, 2012.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Aerobic Endurance Training on Cardio Respiratory Endurance and Vital Capacity of Long Distance Runners”.", Journal of Physical Education and Yoga, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2012, pp. 92-101. January, 2012.
S.Valarmathi & Dr. N.Premkumar, "“A Comparative Study of Coordinative Abilities Among Volleyball Basketball and Handball Players”.", Indian Journal for Research in Physical Education and Sports Sciences (IJRPESS), Volume 6, Number 2, Oct 2012, pp. 73-77. October 2011-March 2012.
S. Manikandan, Dr. N.Premkumar & M.Rajashekaran, "“Effect of Varied Intensities of Plyometric Training on Passing and Trapping of Football Players”.", Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Sciences, Volume 5, Number 2, Feb 2011, pp. 76-79. February, 2011.
U.V. Shankar & Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Analysis of Personality Traits Among Different Level of Indian Men Cricketers”.", Journal of Physical Education and Yoga, Volume 3, Number 2, Jul 2011, pp. 26-38. July, 2011.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Aerobic Circuit Training on Strength Endurance and Breath Holding Time of College Women Basketball Players”.", Journal of Physical Education and Yoga, Volume 3, Number 2, Jul 2011, pp. 5-13. July, 2011.
S. Natarajan, Dr. N.Premkumar & G. Santhosh Kumar, "“Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on Anxiety Among University Players”.", Journal of Physical Education Sports and Allied Disciplines, (JPESAD), Volume 2, Number 2, Jul 2011, pp. 97-100. July, 2011.
G. Ramesh, Dr. N.Premkumar & A.S. Nageswaran, "“Effect of High Intensity Intermittent Training and Detraining on Cardio-Respiratory, Resting Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate”.", Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Sciences, Volume 5, Number 2, Feb 2011, pp. 71-75. February, 2011.
S. Manikandan & Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Varied Intensities of Plyometric Training on Leg Strength and Shooting Performance of Soccer Players”.", Journal of Health and Sports Sciences, (JHSS), Volume 2, Number 2, Dec 2010, pp. 35-40. December, 2010.
S. Manikandan, Dr. N.Premkumar & M.Rajashekaran, "“Effect of Low Moderate and High Intensity Plyometric Training on Kicking and Dribbling Performance of Football Players”.", Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science, (J-PESMES), Volume 10, Number 2, Jul 2010, pp. 82-87. July - December, 2010.
S. Manikandan and Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Different Intensities of Plyometric Training on Speed and Cardio Respiratory Endurance Among Soccer Players”.", Journal of Physical Education Sports and Allied Disciplines, (JPESAD), Volume 1, Number 2, Jul 2010, pp. 100-104. July, 2010.
S. Manikandan, Dr. N.Premkumar & Dr. M. Rajashekaran, "“Effect of Low Moderate and High Intensity Plyometric Training on Kicking and Passing Performance of Football Players”.", Bharathiar National Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Sciences, (BNJPEES), Volume 1, Number 1, Apr 2010, pp. 81-88. April, 2010.
G. Ramesh & Dr. N.Premkumar, "Effect of Intermittent Training on Cardio-respiratory Endurance Resting Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate”.", ‘Voice of Sports’- Research Journal on Physical Education and Sports,, Volume 4, Number 2, Mar 2010, pp. 44-49. March, 2010.
S.Manikandan, N.Premkumar, M.Rajashekaran & K. Murugavel, "“Effect of Plyometric Training on Selected Bio-Motor Abilities Among Football Players”.", Indian Journal of Yoga Exercise & Sports Science and Physical Education, (IJYESSPE) , Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2010, pp. 72-77. January, 2010.
S.Manikandan, N.Premkumar & M.Rajashekaran, "“Effect of Plyometric Training on Selected Physical Fitness Variables Among Football Players”.", Osmania Journal of Physical Education, Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2009, pp. 20-24. January, 2009.
S.Manikandan & N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Plyometric Training on Selected Motor Fitness Components of Football Players”.", Indian Journal for Research in Physical Education and Sports Sciences (IJRPESS), Volume 3, Number 1, Apr 2008, pp. 48-52. April-September, 2008.
S.Manikandan, N.Premkumar & M.Rajashekaran, "“Effect of Plyometric Training on Speed and Leg Strength among Football Players”.", Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Sciences, Volume 4, Number 1, Nov 2008, pp. 55-57. November, 2008.
List of Publications - International
M. Indra & N.Premkumar, " “Effects of Different Modes of Yoga Practice on Strength Endurance, Flexibility and Anxiety” .", Review of Research, International Recognition Multidisciplinary Online Research Journal, (UGC Approved Journal No – 48514) , Volume 07, Number 10, Jul 2018, pp. 1-5. July, 2018.
M. Indra & N.Premkumar, "“Effects of Different Modes of Yoga Practice on Strength Endurance, Vital Capacity and Anxiety” .", Research Directions, An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Monthly Research Journal (UGC Approved Journal No – 45489 & UGC Sl. No: 1208) , Volume 6, Number 1, Jul 2018, pp. 1-5. July, 2018.
Praveen Mathew & N.Premkumar, "“Effect of SAQ Training and Detraining Induced Adaptation on Agility Performance of Badminton Players” .", International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, Indexed, Referred & Peer Reviewed Journal, (UGC Approved Journal No – 44404), Volume 3, Number 2, Jun 2018, pp. 987-990. June, 2018.
Praveen Mathew & N.Premkumar, "“Effect of SAQ Training and Detraining Induced Adaptation on Skill Performance of Badminton Players” .", the International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Indexed, Referred & Peer Reviewed Journal, (UGC Approved Journal No – 49165 Sl. No. 166) , Volume 3, Number 2, Jun 2018, pp. 655-658. June, 2018.
Dr. N. Premkumar, "“Efficacy of Multiple Jump Drill Training on Selected Power Parameters of Basketball Players” .", International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports (IJPEFS), , Volume 6, Number 2, Jun 2017, pp. 32-36. June, 2017.
Dr. N. Premkumar, "“Changes in Selected Strength Parameters Induced by Specific Multiple Jump Exercise Protocol in Basketball Players”, .", International Journal of Physical Education, Yoga and Health Sciences – An International Level Biannual Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, , Volume 4, Number 1, Feb 2017, pp. 66-69. February, 2017 .
Dr. N. Premkumar, "“Impact of Abdominal Strength Training on Selected Strength and Power Parameters of Female Basketball Players”, .", International Journal of Physical Education, Yoga and Health Sciences – An International Level Biannual Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, , Volume 3, Number 2, Aug 2016, pp. 72-75. August, 2016.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Influence of Specific Footwork Training on Defensive Movement of Male Basketball Players”, .", International Research Journal on Health Fitness and Sports Sciences , Volume 4, Number 1, Apr 2016, pp. 9-13. April, 2016.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Analysis of Agility and Explosive Power Among Different Playing Positions of Basketball Players”, .", International Journal of Physical Education, Yoga and Health Sciences – An International Level Biannual Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, , Volume 3, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 7-9. February, 2016 .
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Impact of Eight Weeks Skill Based Conditioning Training on Dribbling and Shooting Abilities of Male Basketball Players”.", International Journal of Physical Education, Yoga and Health Science - An International Level Biannual Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, , Volume 2, Number 1, Feb 2015, pp. 9-12. February, 2015 .
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Analysis of Agility and Explosive Power Among Different Playing Positions of Basketball Players”, .", International Journal of Physical Education, Yoga and Health Sciences – An International Level Biannual Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, , Volume 2, Number 2, Aug 2015, pp. 25-27. August, 2015.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Impact of Specific Speed and Agility Training on Dribbling Ability and Defensive Movement of Male Basketball Players”.", The Global Journal for Research Analysis – A Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal, , Volume 4, Number 5, May 2015, pp. 42-44. May, 2015.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of High Intensity Aerobic Training on Selected Physiological Parameters of Women Basketball Players”.", International Journal of Physical Education, Yoga and Health Sciences (IRFPEYHS), Peer Reviewed Journal,, Volume 1, Number 1, Aug 2014, pp. 7-10. August, 2014.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Basketball Specific Footwork Training Protocol on Selected Offensive and Defensive Skills in Basketball”.", International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports (IJPEFS), Volume 3, Number 2, Jun 2014, pp. 60-67. June, 2014.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of On the Court Specific Footwork Training Protocol on Passing Ability and Defensive Movement of Male Basketball Players”.", International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR), Volume 3, Number 11, Nov 2014, pp. 446-447. November, 2014.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Specific Footwork and Agility Workout on Selected Offensive Skills of Basketball Players”.", International Recognition Research Journal- Physical Education and Sports Research Journal- Academic Sports Scholar, , Volume 3, Number 6, Jun 2014, pp. 1-7. June, 2014.
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Specific Agility and Footwork Training on Passing and Dribbling Abilities of Male Basketball Players”.", Thematics Journal of Physical Education – A Peer-Reviewed International Research Journal, , Volume 3, Number 3, May 2014, pp. 35-44. May, 2014 .
Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Abdominal Strength Training on Strength Endurance and Explosive Power of Women Players”.", International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports (IJPEFS), Volume 2, Number 4, Dec 2013, pp. 49-52. December, 2013.
U.V. Shankar & Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Analysis of Personality Traits Among Achievements of Indian Men Cricketers”.", International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (IJAIR), Volume 1, Number 6, Nov 2012, pp. 330-334. November, 2012.
M. Varadharajan & N.Premkumar, "“A Relationship Study of Selected Physical, Physiological, Anthropometric and Psychological Variables with Skill Performance of University Men Basketball Players”.", International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (IJAIR), Volume 1, Number 6, Nov 2012, pp. 335-339. November, 2012.
V. Sudha, Dr. N.Premkumar & B.Chittibabu, "“Changes in Leg Anaerobic Power Induced by Different Types of Training in University Male Handball Players”.", Thematics International Journal of Physical Education (TJPE) – A Peer-Reviewed International Research Journal,, Volume 1, Number 3, May 2012, pp. 66-69. May, 2012.
V. Sudha, Dr. N.Premkumar & B.Chittibabu, "“Effect of Six Weeks of Speed Agility and Quickness (SAQ) Training Programme on Selected Biomotor Abilities of Male Handball Players”.", International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Yogic Sciences (IJPESYS), Volume 1, Number 3, May 2012, pp. 53-55. May, 2012.
S. Natarajan & Dr. N.Premkumar, "“Effect of Asana and Pranayama on Stress Among the Players”.", International Journal of Yoga, (IJOY) , Volume 4, Number 2, Jul 2011, pp. 49-61. July-December, 2011.
List of Popular Article
Sethu, A.S. Nageswaram, N.Premkumar & M. Elayaraja, ‘Application of Statistics and Computers in Physical Education and Sports’ ‘Application of Statistics and Computers in Physical Education and Sports’ , published by Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, (Deemed University) Shakti Nagar, Gwalior, Madhya Prasad : “Effects of Varied Velocity Resistance Training Followed by Speed Training on Selected Speed and Strength Parameters”, printed at Welcome Offset Printers, Naya Bazar, Lashkar, Gwalior , pp. 79-82. Mar 2005.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Effect of Yogic Practices on Selected Psycho-motor Profiles of Basketball Players” “Recent Trends in Yoga and Physical Education” , Virudhunagar: published by Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars’ Senthikumara Nadar College, , ISBN : 97881–910426–8–9, pp. 126-128. Aug 2011.
K. Sreedhar, N.Premkumar, A.Subramanian & Baiju P. Jose, “Resistance Training Effect on Lipid Profiles Among Middle Aged Men” “Recent Trends in Yoga and Physical Education”, Virudhunagar : published by Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars’ Senthikumara Nadar College,, ISBN : 97881–910426–8–9, pp. 341-343. Aug 2011.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Effect of Stationary Circuit Training on Shoulder Strength and Explosive Power of College Women Basketball Players” “Physiological Aspects of Training Nutrition Recovery and Performance” , Madurai : published by Shanlax Publications, Madurai , ISBN NO : 978-93-80657-73-8, pp. 189-192. Aug 2012.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Effect of Specific Conditioning Drills and Yogic Practices on Selected Leg Strength and Breath Holding Time” “Modern Trends in Sports Management” , published by MSK Publications, Salem : Salem, ISBN NO : 978-93-80487-18-2, pp. 428-431. Mar 2012.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Effect of Specific Training and Yogic Practices on Explosive Power and Resting Pulse Rate of Male Handball Players” “Yoga Towards Enhancement in Sports”, Tiruchirappalli,: published by Department of Physical Education & Centre for Ethics and Human Values, Seethalakshimi Ramaswami College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, , ISBN NO : 978-81-921759-6-6, pp. 19-25. Sep 2013.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Effect of Combined Yogic Practices and Aerobic Training on Strength Endurance and Vital Capacity of Women Basketball Players” “Promotion of Yoga, Health Awareness and Physical Fitness – A Multi Dimensional Approach” , printed at Mano Fine Arts, Sivakasi : B-Digest Publications, Nagercoil, , 978-93-84734-02-2, pp. 111-112. Oct 2014.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Impact of Aerobic Training and Yogic Practices on Selected Physiological Parameters of Women Basketball Players”Application of Statistics and Computers in Physical Education and Sports‘Renaissance in Sports Strategies, Challenges and Choice – ICRS-2014’ , National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli : National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli and printed at The Printing House, Tiruchirappalli , 978-81-908942-2-7, pp. 245-248. Aug 2014.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Influence of Concurrent Yogic Practices and Aerobic Training on Vital Capacity and Blood Pressure of Women Basketball Players”on “Sound Body Sound Mind Fitness Through Yoga & Sports” , Shanlax Publications, Madurai,: printed at Shanlax Press, Madurai , ISBN NO : 978-93-80686-60-8, pp. 220-223. Mar 2015.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Application of Physics in Sports” “Recent Advances in Applied Physics ICRAAP -- 2017” , printed at ManiBharathi Achagam, Chidambaram: ManiBharathi Publishers, Chidambaram, , ISBN NO: 978-93-84446-32-1, pp. 35. Sep 2017.
Praveen Mathew & N.Premkumar, “Analysis of Selected Motor Fitness Profiles of Different Playing Position of Football Players” The Role of Women’s Participation in Sports or Women Empowerment” , Salem: MSK Publications, , ISBN NO: 978-93-80528-26-7 , pp. 276-277. Mar 2017.
Dr. N. Premkumar, “Contribution of ICT in Physical Education and Sports” “Integration of ICT into Education” , Chidambaram,: published by JCERI Publishers, , ISBN NO: 978-93-5300-703-4, pp. 213-215. Mar 2018.