Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 03096
Name : Dr. S. SRIRAM
Designation : PROFESSOR & DEAN
Department : MATHEMATICS
Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.
Specialization : Theory of Fuzzy Matrices, Operations Research
Date of Birth : 22-03-1967
Date of Joining : 22-07-1993
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 10-
Ph.D. 93

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 72412
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
31 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
10 69 - 2 - 1

List of Publications - National
M.Ramakrishnan and S. Sriram, "Some equalities on Einstein operations of Pythagorean Fuzzy Matrices.", Stochastic Modeling and Applications, Volume 26, Number 3, Dec 2022, pp. 564-578. 2022.
D. Venkatesan, Sriram,S, "Commutative monoids and monoid homomorphism on Lukasiewicz disjunction and conjunction operations over Pythagorean fuzzy matrices.", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 12 , Number 10, Mar 2019, pp. 1-9. .
I. Silambarasan, Sriram, S, "New operations for Pythagorean fuzzy matrices.", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 12 , Number 20 , May 2019, pp. 1-7.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram, O. Ravi, "On Fuzzy slightly γ - continuous functions.", Global Journal of Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 1, 2012, pp. 105-121. 2012.
S. Sriram, P. Murugadas, "Sub inverses of Intuitionistic Fuzzy matrices.", Acta Ciencia Indica, Volume XXXVII M, Number 1, 2011, pp. 41-56. 2011.
R. Ezhilarasi, S. Sriram, "Fuzzy prime and Fuzzy semiprime Bi ideals of a semigroup.", Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Volume 27E, Number 2, 2008, pp. 277-286. 2008.
AR.Meenakshi, R.Ezhilarasi, S.Sriram, "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Implicative Ideals in BCK - Algebra.", Acta Ciencia Indica, Volume XXXIII M, Number 4, 2007, pp. 1683-1691. 2007.
AR. Meenakshi, Sriram.S , "Full rank Factorization of Fuzzy matrices.", Annamalai University Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 1, Number 1, 2005, pp. 108-110. 2005.
Ar. Meenakshi, Sriram.S , "Some remarks on Regular Fuzzy Matrices.", Journal of Annamalai University (Sciences), Volume XL, Number 1, 2003, pp. 1-4. 2003.
Ar. Meenakshi, Sriram.S , "On regularity of sums of Fuzzy Matrices.", Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Volume 22E, Number 2, 2003, pp. 395-403. 2003.
List of Publications - International
M.Ramakrishnan and S. Sriram, "Hamachar operations on Picture Fuzzy matrices.", Communications in Mathematics and Applications, Volume 14, Number 1, May 2023, pp. 311-322. 2023.
A. Arikrishnan and S. Sriram, "Some results on Pythagorean Fuzzy Soft Matrices and their application in Agriculture.", Indian Journal of Natural Sciences , Volume 12, Number 70, Feb 2022, pp. 38710-38718. 2022.
M.Ramakrishnan and S. Sriram, "Modal Operators on Einstein Operations of Pythagorean Fuzzy Matrix.", Indian Journal of Natural Sciences , Volume 13, Number 75, Dec 2022, pp. 50174-50184. 2022.
A. Arikrishnan and S. Sriram, "Some operators on Pythagorean Fuzzy Soft Matrices.", TWMS J. Applied. and Engineering Mathematics, Volume 11, Number 4, 2021, pp. 1138-1147. .
D. Venkatesan and S. Sriram, "Remarks on the Multiplicative operations of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices.", TWMS J. Applied. and Engineering Mathematics, Volume 11, Number 4, 2021, pp. 1116-1124. .
R. Uma, S. Sriram and P. Murugadas, "Fuzzy Neutrosophic soft Matrices of Type I and Type II.", Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Volume 13, Number 2, Jul 2021, pp. 211-222. .
I. Silambarasan and S. Sriram, "Some operations over Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices based on Hamacher t - norm and t - conorm.", TWMS J. Applied. and Engineering Mathematics, Volume 11, Number 2, Apr 2021, pp. 541-551.
M.Kavitha, P.Murugadas and S.Sriram, "Periodicity of Interval Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft matrices.", Advances in Mathematics Scientific Journal , Volume 9, Number 4, Jul 2020, pp. 1661-1670.
I. Silambarasan, S. Sriram, "Some operations over Pythagorean fuzzy matrices based on Hamacher operations.", Applications and Applied Mathematics, Volume 15, Number 1, Jun 2020, pp. 353-371. 2020.
A. Arikrishnan and S. Sriram, "Algebraic operations on Picture fuzzy soft matrices.", Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal , Volume 9, Number 8, Aug 2020, pp. 6349-6358. .
T.M. Selvarajan, S. Sriram, R.S. Ramya, "Einstein operations of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices.", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Number 1C2, May 2019, pp. 1104-1106.
S. Sriram and J. Boobalan, "Some results on inequalities of Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics , Volume 17, Number 1, Feb 2019, pp. 59-64.
I. Silambarasan, S. Sriram, "Commutative monoid of Pythagorean fuzzy matrices.", Int. J. Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume 7, Number 4, Apr 2019, pp. 637-643.
D. Venkatesan, S. Sriram, "Reduction of a Pythagorean fuzzy matrix to fuzzy matrix.", World Scientific News, Volume 129, Number -, May 2019, pp. 180-192. 2019.
D. Venkatesan, S. Sriram, "New equalities connected with intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", Malaya Journal of Matematik, Volume S, Number 1, Jul 2019, pp. 385-388.
D. Venkatesan, S. Sriram, "Multiplicative operations of Pythagorean fuzzy matrices.", Malaya Journal of Matematik, Volume S, Number 1, Jul 2019, pp. 389-393.
P. Murugadas, M. Kavitha, S. Sriram, "Monotone interval fuzzy neutrosophic soft eigenproblem.", Malaya Journal of Matematik, Volume S, Number 1, Jul 2019, pp. 342-350.
I. Silambarasan, S. Sriram, "Implication operator on Pythagorean Fuzzy set.", International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, Volume 8, Number 8, Aug 2019, pp. 1505-1509. 2019.
I. Silambarasan, S. Sriram, "Hamacher operations on Pythagorean fuzzy matrices.", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics , Volume 18, Number 3, Sep 2019, pp. 69-78. .
J. Boobalan, S. Sriram, "Certain properties of Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls., Volume 13, Number 1, Jun 2019, pp. 37-47. 2019.
A.Arikrishnan and S.Sriram, "Necessity and Possibility Operators on Pythagorean Fuzzy Soft Matrices.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177, Volume 2177, Number 020010, Dec 2019, pp. 1-8. .
D.Venkatesan and S. Sriram, "Some Remarks on Lukasiewicz Disjunction and Conjunction Operations of Pythagorean Fuzzy Matrices.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177, Volume 2177, Number 020103, Dec 2019, pp. 1-6. .
P. Murugadas, M.Kavitha and S.Sriram, "Monotone Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft Eigenspace Structure in Max-Min Algebra.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177, Volume 2177, Number 020048, Dec 2019, pp. 1-8. .
M. Ramakrishnan and S. Sriram, "Two New Operations on Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", AIP Conference Proceedings 2177, Volume 2177, Number 020080, Dec 2019, pp. 1-5. .
T.M. Selvarajan, S. Sriram and R.S. Ramya, "Einstein operations of fuzzy matrices.", Int. J. Engg. & Tech, Volume 7(4.36), Number Spl. Issue 36, 2018, pp. 813-816. 2018.
I. Silambarasan and S. Sriram, "Algebraic operations on Pythagorean fuzzy matrices.", Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Volume 7, Number 2, Sep 2018, pp. 406-414. 2018.
M. Kavitha, P. Murugadas and S. Sriram, "Minus ordering on Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft matrices.", Int. J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 120, Number 6, 2018, pp. 7665-7675. 2018.
M. Kavitha, P. Murugadas and S. Sriram, "T-Ordering on Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft matrices.", Int. J. Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 120, Number 6, 2018, pp. 7641-7651. 2018.
T.M. Selvarajan, S. Sriram and R.S. Ramya, "Some equalities on Einstein operations of intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", Int. J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, Number 18.a, 2018, pp. 261-271. 2018.
M. Kavitha, P. Murugadas, S. Sriram, "On the powers of fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrices.", J. of Linear and Topological Algebra, Volume 7, Number 2, Jul 2018, pp. 133-147. 2018.
R.Uma, P. Murugadas, S. Sriram, "Section of Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft matrix.", Int. J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118, Number 23A, Mar 2018, pp. 79-87. 2018.
I. Silambarasan, S, Sriram, "Hamacher operations of Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices .", Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 16, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 81-90. 2018.
M. Kavitha, P. Murugadas and S. Sriram, "On the λ -robustness of Fuzzy Neutrosophic soft matrix.", International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, Volume 14, Number 2, Dec 2017, pp. 267-286. 2017.
M. Kavitha, P. Murugadas, S. Sriram, "Computing the greatest X- eigenvetor of fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrix .", Int. J. of Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 5, Number 4-F, Dec 2017, pp. 893-907. 2017.
R. Uma, P. Murugadas and S. Sriram, "Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft Block Matrices and its some properties.", International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, Volume 14, Number 2, Dec 2017, pp. 287-303. 2017.
I. Silambarasan and S. Sriram, "Hamacher sum and Hamacher product of fuzzy matrices.", International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, Volume 13, Number 2, Dec 2017, pp. 191-198. 2017.
I. Silambarasan and S. Sriram, "Bounded sum and bounded product of fuzzy matrices.", Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 14, Number 3, Nov 2017, pp. 513-523. 2017.
M. Kavitha, P. Murugadas and S. Sriram , "Minimal solution of fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrix.", Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra, Volume 6, Number 2, Aug 2017, pp. 171-189. 2017.
R. Uma, P. Murugadas and S. Sriram, "Generalized inverse of fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrix.", Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra, Volume 6, Number 2, Aug 2017, pp. 109-123. 2017.
D. Venkatesan and S. Sriram , "Multiplicative operations of Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 14, Number 1, Aug 2017, pp. 173-181. 2017.
D. Venkatesan and S. Sriram , "Further multiplicative operations of Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", Intern. J. Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, Volume 12, Number 2, Jul 2017, pp. 105-113. 2017.
T. Muthuraji, S. Sriram, "Representation and Decomposition of an Intuitionistic fuzzy matrix using some (α,α') cuts .", Applications and Applied Mathematics , Volume 12, Number 1, Jun 2017, pp. 241-258. 2017.
T. Muthuraji, S. Sriram, "Reduction of an intuitionistic fuzzy matrix to fuzzy matrix with some algebraic properties.", Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, Volume 13, Number 4, Apr 2017, pp. 475-483. 2017.
R. Uma, P. Murugadas and S. Sriram, "Determinant theory for Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft matrices.", Progress in Non linear Dynamics and Chaos, Volume 4, Number 2, Nov 2016, pp. 85-102. 2016.
T. Muthuraji, S. Sriram and P. Murugadas, "Decomposition of Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Volume 8, Number 3, 2016, pp. 345-354. https://doi.or/10.1016/j.fiae.2016.09.003.
S. Sriram, J. Boobalan, "Monoids of intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", Annals of fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, Volume 11, Number 3, Mar 2016, pp. 505-510. 2016.
Boobalan. J, Sriram. S, "New operations on Intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", International J. of Pure and Engg. Mathematics, Volume 3, Number 1, Apr 2015, pp. 177-186. 2015.
T. Muthuraji, S. Sriram, "Commutative monoids and monoid homomorphism on Lukasiwicz conjunction and disjunction operators over intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", International Journal of Pure & Engineering Mathematics, Volume 3, Number 11, Aug 2015, pp. 63-75. 2015.
T. Muthuraji, S. Sriram, "Some Remarks on Lukasiwicz disjunction and conjunction operators On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices.", Journal of Advances in Mathematics, Volume 11, Number 3, Aug 2015, pp. 5000-5006. 2015.
P. Murugadas, S. Sriram, T. Muthuraji, "Modal operators in Intuitionistic Fuzzy matrices.", Int. J. Comp. Applns., Volume 90, Number 17, 2014, pp. 1-4. 2014.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "On ∧- Generalized closed sets in Fuzzy topological spaces.", Jordan J. Math. & Statistics, Volume 7, Number 1, 2014, pp. 29-46. 2014.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "On perfectly fuzzy α - irresolute functions.", J. Adv. Res. Sci. Comput., Volume 5, Number 2, 2013, pp. 7-17. 2013.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "On β*g- closed sets in fuzzy topological spaces.", J. Adv. Stud. Topol. , Volume 4, Number 3, 2013, pp. 1-8. 2013.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "On fuzzy almost contra γ continuous functions.", Inter. J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 85, Number 1, 2013, pp. 109-127. 2013.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "Mildly fuzzy normal spaces and some functions.", J. of Mathematical Computational Science , Volume 4, Number 3, 2013, pp. 1094-1107. 2013.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "On Fuzzy Spaces.", Elixir Appl. Math., Volume 59, Number 1, 2013, pp. 15538-15542. 2013.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "Fuzzy almost contra rw- continuous functions in Topological spaces.", Int. J. of Mathematics Research , Volume 5, Number 1, 2013, pp. 109-117. 2013.
J. Boobalan, S. Sriram , "The semi inverse of max-min product of Fuzzy matrices.", Int. J. Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, Volume 3, Number 1, 2013, pp. 23-27. 2013.
S. Sriram, P. Murugadas, "“<α,α’>-cut of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices.", The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, Volume 20, Number 2, 2012, pp. 307-318. 2012.
S. Ganesan,O. Ravi, K.Balasubramaniyan and S. Sriram, "Another Decomposition of Fuzzy continuity.", Int. J. of Mathl. Archive, Volume 2, Number 7, 2011, pp. 1149-1152. 2011.
K. Balasubramaniyan, S. Sriram , O.Ravi , "A new Decomposition of fuzzy continuity.", International Journal of Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics , Volume 1, Number 1, 2011, pp. 46-52. 2011.
S. Sriram, K. Balasubramaniyan, "A new Fuzzy based image denoising algorithm.", CIIT International Journal of Digital image processing , Volume 2, Number 2, 2010, pp. 384-390. 2010.
S. Sriram, P. Murugadas, "Preorder and Semi inverse of Intuitionistic Fuzzy matrices .", Advances in Algebra, Volume 3, Number 1, 2010, pp. 133-141. 2010.
S. Sriram, P. Murugadas, "Rank and Regularity of Intuitionistic Fuzzy matrices.", Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics, Volume 5, Number 3, 2010, pp. 335-347. 2010.
S. Sriram, P. Murugadas, "The Moore-Penrose inverse of intuitionistic fuzzy matrices.", International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Volume 4, Number 33-36, 2010, pp. 1779-1786. 2010.
S. Sriram, P. Murugadas, "On Semiring of Intuitionistic Fuzzy matrices.", Applied Mathematical Sciences, Volume 4, Number 21-24, 2010, pp. 1099-1105. 2010.
R.Ezhilarasi, S. Sriram, "(λ,μ) – fuzzy subnear rings and (λ,μ) – fuzzy ideals of near rings.", The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, Volume 18, Number 2, Jun 2010, pp. 435-446. 2010.
R.Ezhilarasi, S. Sriram, "Intuitionistic fuzzy interior ideals in ordered semigroups.", The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, Volume 17, Number 4, Dec 2009, pp. 867-875. 2009.
R. Ezhilarasi, S. Sriram, "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideals of Subtraction Algebras.", International Journal of Algebra, Volume 2, Number 8, 2008, pp. 349-356. 2008.
List of Conferences - International
J. Boobalan, S. Sriram, Arithmetic operations on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Jul 17-19, 2014, Sathyabama University, Chennai , pp. 484-487. Chennai, Elsevier.
S. Sriram, P. Murugadas, Maximum and minimum g - inverse, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications, Dec 16-18, 2010, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, pp. 32-36. Chennai, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., .
List of Popular Article
S. Sriram, Research Methodology in Commerce, Deep& Deeo Publishers: S. Mohan and R. Elangovan, 81-7629-915-4, pp. 185-193. Jan 2007,
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Member of Board of Studies, Dept. of Mathematics, Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram - 2022
Member of Academic Council, Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram - Academic Council XV
Annamalai University Alumni Association - LM - 0352
Member board of Studies, Department of Mathematics, A.V.C College - 1