Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08318
Department : MATHEMATICS
Qualification : M.Sc(App.Maths),M.Phil.,Ph.D., B.Ed.,P.G.D.C.A.
Specialization : Stochastic Processes and Its Applications, Graph Theory, Nano Topology and Network Computing
Date of Birth : 15-05-1967
Date of Joining : 10-10-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
82/60, New Street,
Chidambaram - 608001.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 25-
Ph.D. 65

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 17171213
Conducted -2215-3

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
21 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
3 123 - - - -

List of Publications - National
3. M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "The Stationary Analysis of a Single Server Retrial Queue With Server Breakdown and Geometric Loss.", Jamal Academic Research Journal -Inter Disciplinary, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2016, pp. 354-359. 2016.
2.M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "The Stationary analysis of M/M/4/4+1 queuing Model.", Annamalai University Science Journal , Volume 46, Number 1, Feb 2010, pp. 103-110. 2010.
1.M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "The Stationary Analysis of a Retrial Queue with multi server.", Proceedings of National Seminar on Mathematical Methods for Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2008, pp. 1-12. 2008.
List of Publications - International
112. M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, A. Hari Ganesh, N. Jaimurthi, "On testing of Fuzzy Hypothesis for mean and variance using centroid-based new distance functions under symmetric fuzzy environment.", Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 5, Number 1, Dec 2024, pp. 60-92. 2024.
113. M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, "Analysis of Attainment of Estimate Loss System Queue.", Advances in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics, Springer Link (Book Chapter), Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2024, pp. 591-531. 2024.
114. M. Seenivasan, K. Divya and K. Indhira, "Heterogeneous queuing Model with Intermittently Obtainable Server with Feedback.", Advances in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics, Springer Link (Book Chapter), Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2024, pp. 615-625. 2024.
115. M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh and M. Kannan, "Achievement Estimations of Priority Queue System in Fuzzy Environment.", Advances in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2024, pp. 637-658. 2024.
116. M. Seenivasan, K. Karthikeyan, Rashi Khumbnani and Ishika Ahuja, "Prediction of Social Status on Depression by Using Logistic Regression.", Advances in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2024, pp. 709-724. 2024.
117. M. Seenivasan and R. Abinaya, "Markovian queuing Model with single working vacation, Breakdown with Backup Server.", Advances in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics, Springer Link (Book Chapter), Volume 1, Number 1, Jul 2024, pp. 725-734. 2024.
118. M. Seenivasan, P. Gnanachandra and B. Ananda Priya, "A new paradigm for a key exchange and encryption alogorithms.", 2024 fourth International conference on advances in Electrical, Computing, communications and sustainable Technologies (ICAECT), Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2024, pp. 1-6. 10.1109/ICAECT 60202.2024.10469019.
119.M. Seenivasan, S. Pandisaranya and V. Anita, "Markovian Queuing Model with Customer’s Impatience in Differentiated Vacations and Feedback Customers.", 12th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, May 2024, pp. 1597-1609. 2024.
120.M. Seenivasan, V. Anita and S. Pandisaranya, "Performance Analysis of M/M/1 Queuing Model with Working Vacation, Reneging, Balking and Feedback Customers Using Matrix Geometric Method.", 12th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, May 2024, pp. 1610-1627. 2024.
121.M. Seenivasan and R. Dhanabhakkiyam, "Batch Arrival Queuing System with Single Service and Single Vacation with Feedback.", 12th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, May 2024, pp. 1751-1763. 2024.
122.M. Seenivasan, P. Gnanachandra and M. Jeffin Varunnya, "Interpolative type contractions in altering JS-metric space.", Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials AIP, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2024, pp. 1-7. 2024.
123.M. Seenivasan, F. Patricia and R. Vijayalakshmi, "Analysis of M/M/1 queue with catastrophe, backup server and feedback.", 4th International Conference on Advances in Physical Science and Material, AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2024, pp. 1-11. 2024.
124.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, T. Gunasekar, K.R. Balasubramanian, K. Nathiya, "Applying Fuzzy Ordering Approach in Transportation Problems with Decagonal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers.", Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 31, Number 4, Jun 2024, pp. 621-632. 2024.
125.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, R. Jagatheesan, S.P Rajasekar, "A Fuzzy Optimal Base Stock System for Tolerant Clients.", Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 31, Number 4, Jun 2024, pp. 586-598. 2024.
126. M. Seenivasan, R. Singaravel, "Organic and Humic materials for soil fertility and Sustainable crop production in coastal sandy soils.", 2024 International conference on Advances in Modern Age Technologies for health and Engineering Science, Volume 1, Number 1, Jul 2024, pp. 1-5. 2024.
91.M. Seenivasan, J. Shiny Epciya, "M/M/1 Retrial Queueing Model with Server Breakdown and Feedback.", Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Volume 31, Number 2, Jan 2023, pp. 224-235. 2023.
92.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh and F. Patricia, "Performance Analysis of M/M/1/N Queueing Model with Single Working Vacation subject to Catastrophe and Restoration.", Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume XIV, Number 12, Apr 2023, pp. 224-235. 2023.
93.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, "Discouraged Arrivals Queuing System in Inter valued type-2 Fuzzy Environment, Recent trends on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic systems: Theory, methodology and Application.", Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computating, Volume 425, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 235-247. 2023.
94.M. Seenivasan, B. Ananda Priya, P. Gnanachandra, "AI-Driven in Cryptography: Enhancing Key Generation and Security.", E3S web of conferences, Volume 399, Number 1, Jul 2023, pp. 1-9. 2023.
95.M. Seenivasan, R. Singaravelan and G. Vishwanathan, "Effect of clay and Humic materials for the control of nitrate leaching from sandy agro ecosystem.", E3S web of conferences , Volume 405, Number 1, Jul 2023, pp. 1-11. 2023.
96.M. Seenivasan, V. Tharakeswari, M. Kameswari and T.K.B. Rishi, "A Hexagonal Fuzzy Matrix Application In Medical Diagnosis.", IEEE Xplore, 2023 Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 1-4. 2023.
97.M. Seenivasan and F. Patricia, "Model of Markovian Queue with Catastrophe, Restoration and Balking.", IEEE Xplore, 2023 Fifth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 1-7. 10.1109/ICECCT56650.2023.10179799.
98.M. Seenivasan, V. Tharakeswari and M. Kameswari, "A New Approach to the Transportation Problem of the Hexagonal Fuzzy Number.", IEEE Xplore, 2023 Fifth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 1-5. 2023.
99.M. Seenivasan, P. Gnaanachandra, A.M. Kumar, R. Ramesh, "On Generalization of Fuzzy Topological Groups and Modelling Robotic Crash*.", IEEE Xplore, 2023 Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 1-8. 10.1109/ICEEICT56924.2023.10157226 .
100. M. Seenivasan, P. Syamala, R. Ramesh, and R. Singaravel, "3D Based CT Scan Retrial Queuing Models by Fuzzy Ordering Approach.", 2023 Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 1-5. 2023.
101. M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "Cost Appraises of a Phosphorescent Bulk Arrival Queueing system by Wingspans Fuzzy Ranking Approach.", Stochastic Processes and Their Applications in Artificial Intelligence , Volume chapter 5, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 50-64. 2023.
102. M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh and S.P. Rajasekar, "Markovian Social Retrial Queuing Models with Fuzzy Approach.", International Izmir Congress on Life, Engineering and Applied Sciences Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 329-339. 2023.
103. M. Seenivasan, S. Chandiraleka, "Markovian Queueing Model with Multiple Working Vacation and catastrophe with Restoration.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2764, Number 1, Sep 2023, pp. 1-9. 2023.
104. M. Seenivasan, F. Patricia, "Analysis of Number of Times M/M/1/N Queueing Model Reaches Its Capacity in time.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2764, Number 1, Sep 2023, pp. 1-16. 2023.
105. M. Seenivasan, J. Shiny Epciya, "Markovian Queue with Single Working Vacation, Feedback and State Dependent Customer with Unique server.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2764, Number 1, Sep 2023, pp. 1-8. 2023.
106. M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, S.P. Rajasekar and A. Hari Ganesh, "Primitive Heterogeneous Queuing System with Fuzzy Nature.", 4thInternational Azerbaigan Congress on Life, Engineering and applied sciences, Congress Proceeding book, Volume 1, Number 1, Sep 2023, pp. 222-229. 2023.
107. M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, S.P. Rajasekar and A. Hari Ganesh, "Analysis of distribution of medicines for controlling communicable diseases with optimization technique approach.", 5thInt.Artemis Congress on Life, Engineering and applied sciences, Congress Proceeding book, Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2023, pp. 231-243. 2023.
108. M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "Attainment enhancements of Capacious server Queuing Models by Fuzzy Ordering approach.", Advances in Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Volume Chapter 7, Number 1, Oct 2023, pp. 105-121. 2023.
109. M. Seenivasan, F. Patricia and R. Ramesh, "Analysis of Single Server Queue with single working vacation subject to Catastrophe.", 4th International Conference on Material Science and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 1, Number 1, Nov 2023, pp. 1-6. 2023.
110. M. Seenivasan, S. Chandiraleka, H. Manikandan and R. Ramesh, "Single Server Queueing Model with Multiple Working Vacation, Feedback and Catastrophe.", 4th International Conference on Material Science and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 1, Number 1, Nov 2023, pp. 1-9. 2023.
111. M. Seenivasan, R. Singaravel, K. Viswanathan, Devarajan Arul Rajasekaran, Keerthana Krishnakumar, "Strategies to increase Nitrogen and Zinc use efficiency for climate smart coastal soil nutrient management.", Nano world Journal, Volume 9, Number 1, Oct 2023, pp. 273-277. 2023.
47.M. Seenivasan and R. Abinaya, "Markovian Queueing Model with Single Working Vacation and Server breakdown.", Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Volume 30, Number 2, Oct 2022, pp. 210-221. 2022.
50.M. Seenivasan, R. Senthilkumar and K. S. Subasri, "M/M/2 Heterogeneous Queueing System Having Unreliable Server with Catastrophes and Restoration.", Materials Today: Proceedings , Volume 51, Number 8, Dec 2022, pp. 2332-2338. 2022 / 0.1016/j. matpr. 2021.11.567.
51.M. Seenivasan and R. Abinaya, "Markovian Queueing Model with Single Working Vacation and Catastrophe.", Materials Today: Proceedings , Volume 51, Number 1, Dec 2022, pp. 2348-2354. 2022 /
52.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, "Performance Calibrations of A single server Glycolic Acid Based Beauty Parlor by Fuzzy Retrial Queuing Models.", Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 51, Number 1, Dec 2022, pp. 2422-2426. 2022 /
53.M. Seenivasan, K.R. Jeyashri, Y. Baby, E. Dhineshkumar and H. Manikandan, "Synthesis, spectral and theoretical studies of some 3-benzylidene amino-1,2, 3-triarylpropan-1-one thio/semicarbazide.", Materials Today: Proceedings, (Scopus), Volume 51, Number 1, Dec 2022, pp. 2300-2308. 2022 /
54.M. Seenivasan,G. Logeshwari, R. Rajarajeshwari, E. Dhineshkumar and H. Manikandan, "Synthesis, spectral and antimicrobial studies of some 3-Arylideneamino-1,2,3-triarylpropan-1-ones.", Materials Today: Proceedings, (Scopus), Volume 51, Number 1, Dec 2022, pp. 2207-2217. 2022 /
55.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan, E. Enbaraj and B. Jegadeeswari, "Synthesis, spectral and antimicrobial studies of some N-Arylidene-2-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amines.", Materials Today: Proceedings , Volume 51, Number 1, Dec 2022, pp. 2437-2443. 2022 /
56.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan, S. Sivapriya, S. Priyanka, M. Gopalakrishnan and S. Pazhamalai, "Synthesis, Characterization and DFT Calculations of a Novel Pyrazole Derivative: 4-(1-Phenyl- 5-(p-Tolyl) - 2, 5-Dihydro-1 H-Pyrazol-3-yl) Benzoc [1,2,5] Oxadiazole.", Materials Science Forum , Volume 1048, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 227-238. 2022 / doi:10.4028/
57.M. Seenivasan, K. Pattabiraman and M. Kameswari, "Generalized Vision of ISI Invariant for Some Molecular Structures.", Materials Science Forum, Volume 1048, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 221-226. 2022 /
58.M. Seenivasan and S. Chandiraleka, "Markovian Queue with Multiple Working Vacation and Reneging.", 4th International New York Academic Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2022, pp. 469-477. 2022.
59.M. Seenivasan, R. Senthilkumar and R. Abinaya, "Markovian Queue with Single Working Vacation and Reneging.", 4th International New York Academic Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 478-486. 2022.
60.M. Seenivasan and K. S. Subasri, "Performance Analysis of M/M/2 Queueing Model Having Intermittently and Unreliable Server with Catastrophe and Restoration.", 4th International New York Academic Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 487-499. 2022.
61.M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh , "Achievement appraises of fuzzy batch arrival queuing model by wingspans ranking function method.", 4th International New York Academic Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 500-506. 2022.
62.M. Seenivasan, V.J. Chakarvarthy and R. Abinaya, "Queueing system with Single Working Vacation, Feedback and Heterogeneous Customers With Unique Server.", 4th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World congress proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 204-209. 2022.
63.M. Seenivasan, R. Senthilkumar and J. Shiny Epciya, "Single Server Retrial Queueing System With Geometric Loss And Feedback Using Matrix Geometric Method.", 4th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World congress proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 215-223. 2022.
64.M. Seenivasan and F. Patricia, "Analysis of Number of Times M/M/1/N Queueing Model Reaches Its Capacity in time t.", 4th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World congress proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 186-198. 2022.
65.M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "Heterogeneous queueing system with cost and profit appraises by robust fuzzy ranking approach.", 4th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World congress proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 196-203. 2022.
66.M. Seenivasan, R. Abinaya and K. Karthikeyan, "Queueing System with Single Working Vacation using Matrix Geometric Approach.", 5th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 342-347. 2022.
67.M. Seenivasan, F. Patricia and M. Kameshwari, "Analysis of Finite Capacity Single Server Queueing System with Feedback.", 5th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 362-367. 2022.
68.M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "FM/FM/1/1-(FR) Retrial Queueing Models using Ranking Function Method.", 5th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 332-341. 2022.
69.M. Seenivasan, S. Chandiraleka and G. Mahadevan, "Multi Server Queueing model with Multiple Working Vacation using Matrix Geometric Method.", 5th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 348-351. 2022.
70.M. Seenivasan, V. J. Chakravarthy and J. Shiny Epciya, "Multi Server Retrial Queueing System with multiple Working Vacation and Feedback.", 5th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 356-361. 2022.
71.M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "Achievement expedients of fuzzy queuing models with an unreliable electrical transformer.", IEEE Xplore , Volume 22, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 1-5. 2022 / 10.1109/ICEEICT53079.2022.9768437.
72.M. Seenivasan, M. Kameshwari and M. Indumathi, "Markovian Queueing Model with Intermittently Accessible Server and Restoration using Matrix Geometric Method.", IEEE Xplore , Volume 22, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 1-7. 2022 / 10.1109/ICEEICT53079.2022.9768627.
74.M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "Performance measures of M/M/1 priority queues by circumcenter of centroids fuzzy ranking method.", 5th international New York academic research congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 746-758. 2022.
75.M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "Revenue Estimates of Heterogeneous Queueing System Under Fuzzy Ranking Approach.", 9th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, May 2022, pp. 1100-1110. 2022.
76.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan and K. S. Subasri, "Analysis of Heterogeneous Queueing Model with Unreliable Server and Working Vacation.", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Book Series, Volume 881, Number 1, Jun 2022, pp. 331-345. 2022.
77.M. Seenivasan, V. J. Chakravarthy and R. Abinaya, "Markovian Queueing Model with Server Breakdown, Single Working Vacation and Catastrophe.", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Book Series, Volume 881, Number 1, Jun 2022, pp. 409-421. 2022.
78.M. Seenivasan and R. Ramesh, "Performance Analysis of Single Server Low Priority Queue Based on Electronic Transmitter.", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Book Series, Volume 881, Number 1, Jun 2022, pp. 347-359. 2022.
79.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh, R. Abinaya and S. Chandiraleka, "Markovian Queuing Model with Multiple Working Vacation and Catastrophe .", Neuro Quantology, Volume 20, Number 6, Jun 2022, pp. 6302-6310. 2022 /10.14704/nq.2022.20.6.NQ22633.
80.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh and F. Patricia, "A Markovian queueing model with catastrophe unreliable and backup server.", International Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 6, Number 1, Jun 2022, pp. 9136-9150. 2022 /
81.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan and J. Shiny Epciya, "M/M/1 queue with Server Breakdown, Single Working Vacation, Feedback and State Reliant Customers and Feedback.", 2022 Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies, Volume 1, Number 1, Jul 2022, pp. 1-5. 2022 / 10.1109/ICAECT54875.2022.9807917.
82.M. Seenivasan and S. Chandiraleka, "Single Server Queueing Model with Multiple Working Vacation and with Server Breakdown.", 2022 Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies , Volume 1, Number 1, Jul 2022, pp. 1-5. 2022 / 10.1109/ICAECT54875.2022.9807852.
83.H. Manikandan, S. Sivapriya, S. Priyanka, M. Seenivasan and V. Rajathi, "Green synthesis, spectroscopic and quantum chemical calculations of some pyrimidine derivatives.", Materials Today Proceedings, (Scopus), Volume 66, Number 1, Jul 2022, pp. 2322-2331. 2022 /
84. M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh and F. Patricia, "Single Server Finite Queueing Model with Catastrophe, Restoration and Partial Breakdown.", Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, Volume 71, Number 4, Aug 2022, pp. 3661-3685. 2022.
85.K. Shakthivel, R. Ramesh and M. Seenivasan, "Markovian Queueing System with Discouraged Arrivals by Fuzzy Ordering Approach.", Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, Volume 71, Number 4, Aug 2022, pp. 3787-3800. 2022.
86.M. Seenivasan and J. Shiny Epciya, "Single server retrial queueing system with feedback using matrix geometric Approach.", Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, Volume 71, Number 4, Aug 2022, pp. 4254-4267. 2022.
87. M. Seenivasan , "Batch arrival Queuing System by Fuzzy Ordering Approach.", 7th International Baskent Congress on Physical, Social and Health Sciences Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2022, pp. 828-834. 2022.
88.M. Seenivasan and F. Patricia, "A finite Markovian Single Server Queueing Model with Multiple Working Vacation, Catastrophe and Restoration.", Louis Savenien Dupuis Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 56-60. 2022.
89.M. Seenivasan and F. Patricia, "Analysis of finite capacity Single Server Queueing System with Feedback.", Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Engineering, Architecture, Physics & Mathematical Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, Nov 2022, pp. 41-46. 2022.
90.M. Seenivasan, R. Ramesh and R. Syamala, "Accomplishment Expedients of Unreliable Server Queueing Models by Centroids Based Fuzzy Ranking Approach.", Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume XIV, Number 12, Dec 2022, pp. 147-161. 2022.
27.M. Seenivasan, K. Pattabiraman and M. Indumathi, "The Stationary Investigation on Multi Server Fluid Queueing Model with Unreliable Server.", Lecture notes in mechanical engineering, Advances in Fluid Dynamics- Springer, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 851-864. 2021 /
28.M. Seenivasan and M. Kameswari, "Impact and Importance of Pre-Conceptual Test Through IGT Tools in Teaching Learning Process of Functions in Discrete Mathematics.", Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Volume 9, Number 11, Jan 2021, pp. 9759-9767. 2021 / org/10.37418/amsj.9.11.85.
30.M. Seenivasan, V.J. Chakravarthy, M. Indumathi, "Performance Analysis of Two Heterogeneous Server Queueing Model with Intermittently Obtainable Server Using Matrix Geometric Method.", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1724, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 1-12. 2021 / 10.1088/1742-6596/1724/1/012011 .
31.M. Seenivasan, A. Vadivel and C. John Sundar, "An Introduction to ?-open sets in a Neutrosophic Topological Spaces.", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1724, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 1-9. 2021 / 10.1088/1742-6596/1724/1/012011.
32.M. Seenivasan, G. Rajarajan, E. Dhineshkumar, S. Amala, A. Paramasivam, "Determination of Stability constants Nickel binary and ternary complexes in aqueous DMSO by Potentiometric method.", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1724, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 1-11. 2021/10.1088/1742-6596/1724/1/012005.
33.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan, E. Enbaraj, E. Dineshkumar and K.R. Jeyashri, "Novel Synthesis of NE, N’E-4, 4’-sulfonylbis(N-(substituted-dicholorobenzylidene)) anilines derivative their application biological and DFT Studies.", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1724, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 1-9. 2021 / 10.1088/1742-6596/1724/1/012046.
34.M. Seenivasan, M. Kameswari, Hakkim Devan Mydeenand V.J. Chakravarthy, "Opinion mining from student text review for choosing better online courses.", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1070, Number 1, Feb 2021, pp. 1-13. 2021 / 10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012067.
35.M. Seenivasan, H.Manikandan, K.R. Jeyashri and V. Rajathi, "Design, Synthesis of E-N-substituted-dichlorobenzylidene-2-(pyrrolidin-1-y1) ethanamine Schiff bases derivative and their DFT studies.", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1070, Number 1, Feb 2021, pp. 1-9. 2021 / 10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012015.
36.M. Seenivasan, G. Rajarajan and M. Indumathi, "Retrial Queueing Model with Two Heterogeneous Server Using Matrix Geometric Method.", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1070, Number 1, Feb 2021, pp. 1-9. 2021 / 10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/022028.
37.M. Seenivasan, K. Pattabiraman, M. Kameswari, "Two Graph Invariants of Certain Types of Convex Polytopes.", Materials Today: Proceedings , Volume 42, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 947-950. 2021 /
38.M. Seenivasan, G. Rajarajan, E. Dhineshkumar, S. Amala, and C. Praveena, "Thermo analytical study of nitrones in static air.", Materials Today: Proceedings , Volume 42, Number 1, Jan 2021, pp. 1017-1023. 2021 /
41.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan, S. Priyanka, M. Gopalakrishnan and S. Sivapriya, "Substituent Effect on the Chalcones and their DFT Studies.", IEEE Xplore Proceedings, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2021, pp. 1-4. 2021 / 10.1109/ICAECT49130.
42.M.Seenivasan, H.Manikandan, S.Priyanka, M. Gopalakrishnan and S. Sivapriya, "Novel bioactive Benzoxzdiazole Derivatives, on Computational Studies.", IEEE Xplore Proceedings, Volume 1, Number 1, Nov 2021, pp. 1-5. 2021 / 10.1109/ICAECT49130.
43.M. Seenivasan and K. S. Subasri, "Performance analysis of multi-server markovian queue with intermittently available and unreliable Server.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2364, Number 1, Sep 2021, pp. 1-12. 2021 /
44.M. Seenivasan, V.J. Chakravarthy, M. Kameswari and M. Indumathi, "Analysis of Queueing Model with Catastrophe and Restoration.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2364, Number 1, Sep 2021, pp. 1-12. 2021 /
45.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan, S. Sivapriya, S. Priyanka, D. Sivakumar and M. Gopalakrishnan, "Experimental and Optimized Studies of Some Pyrimidine Derivatives.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2364, Number 1, Sep 2021, pp. 1-15. 2021 /
46.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan, S. Sivapriya, S. Priyanka, D. Sivakumar, and M. Gopalakrishnan, "Synthesis and DFT calculation of novel pyrazole derivatives.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2364, Number 1, Sep 2021, pp. 1-7. 2021 / .
48.M. Seenivasan, S. Chandiraleka and R. Abinaya, "M/M/1 Multiple Working Vacation with Catastrophes and unreliable Server.", 7th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Dec 2021, pp. 640-651. 2021.
49.M. Seenivasan, and R. Abinaya, "Markovian Queueing Model with Single working Vacation and feedback.", 7thInternational Istanbul Scientific Research Congress Proceedings Book, Volume 1, Number 1, Dec 2021, pp. 672-681. 2021.
73.M. Seenivasan, P. Hakkim Devan Mydeen and V.J. Chakravarthy, "Internet of Nano Technology (IONT) In Healthcare Monitoring system.", Hand Book of Research on Nano-Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering, Volume part 1 , Number chapter 5, Mar 2021, pp. 151-156. 2021.
22.M. Seenivasan, P. Manivannan, A. Vadivel, and V. Chandrasekar, "Nano Generalized E-Continuous Mappings in Nano Topological Spaces.", Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Number 5, Jan 2020, pp. 2172-2176. 2020.
23.M. Seenivasan, V.J. Chakravarthy and P. Hakkim Devan Mydeen, "Methodological Development of Mathematical Modeling Techniques in Health Care.", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 9, Number 3, Jan 2020, pp. 3339-3342. 2020.
24.M. Seenivasan, A. Padma, M. Saraswathi, and A. Vadivel, "Nano M Locally Closed Sets and Maps in Nano Topological Spaces.", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 9, Number 4, Feb 2020, pp. 563-566. 2020/10.35940/ijitee.D1368.029420.
25.M. Seenivasan, and A. Vadivel, "Nano Generalized e Closed Function and Homeomorphisms in Nano Topological Spaces.", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Volume 29, Number 3, Feb 2020, pp. 4502-4512. 2020.
26.M. Seenivasan, P. Hakkin Devan My deen, G. Rajarajan and V.J. Chakravarthy, "Analysis in the Field of Manufacturing Processes of Energy for Titanium Alloy Drilling.", Journal of Green Engineering (JGE), Volume 10, Number 5, May 2020, pp. 2323-2337. 2020.
29.M. Seenivasan, K. Pattabiraman and M. Kameswari, "Inverse Degree Invariant of Graphs.", Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Volume 9, Number 11, Jan 2020, pp. 9653-9658. 2020.
39.M. Seenivasan, G. Rajarajan, E. Dhineshkumar, S. Amala and Jean Rebeiro, "Synthesis and non-isothermal decomposition of Copper (II) complex under dynamic Nitrogen atmosphere.", Materials Today: Proceedings (SCOPUS, Science Direct) , Volume 42, Number 1, Dec 2020, pp. 700-709. 2020/
40.M. Seenivasan, H. Manikandan, E. Enbaraj, E. Dinesh kumar, K.R. Jeyasri and G. Logeswari, "Novel Synthesis, Special characterization and DFT calculation of (3,4-bis((E)-(substituted- dichlorobenzylidene) amino)phenyl) (phynyl) methanone derivatives.", Materials Today: Proceedings(SCOPUS , Science Direct) , Volume 42, Number 1, Nov 2020, pp. 982-988. 2020 /
18.M. Seenivasan and V.J. Chakravarthy, "Brain Computing Interface using deep learning for blind people.", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume 8, Number 4, Nov 2019, pp. 8227-8230. 2019/10.35940/ijrte.D8906.118419.
19.M. Seenivasan and G. Rajarajan, "Design Synthesis and Characterization of 2-(4, 5-Dihydro-2,4,5-Triphenylimidazol-1-Yl) -6- Methylpyridine: FT-IR, NMR, and Computational Investigation.", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2177, Number 1, Dec 2019, pp. 1-15. 2019.
20.M. Seenivasan and K. Pattabiraman, "Some Constructed Graphs and their H-Zagreb Index.", Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2177, Number 1, Dec 2019, pp. 1-9. 2019 /
21.M. Seenivasan and V. J. Chakravarthy, "Analysis of Water Resource Availability for Wildlife in Forest Using Advanced Random Forest Algorithm.", Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2177, Number 1, Dec 2019, pp. 1-8. 2019/
12.M. Seenivasan and K. Pattabiraman, "Vertex-Zagreb index of Graphs.", International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Volume 7, Number 1, Oct 2018, pp. 573-576. 2018.
13.M. Seenivasan and K. S. Subasri, "Batch Arrival Queuing Model with Unreliable server.", International journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Volume 7, Number 1, Nov 2018, pp. 269-273. 2018.
14.M. Seenivasan, K. Arulmozhi and V. Chinnadurai, "Bipolar Fuzzy Soft Hyper ideals and Homomorphism of Gamma- Hyper semi-groups.", International journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Volume 7, Number 1, Dec 2018, pp. 127-132. 2018.
15.M. Seenivasan, P.V. Kumaraguru and V. J. Chakravarthy, "Analysis of Component based Computing.", International journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Volume 7, Number 1, Dec 2018, pp. 133-136. 2018.
16.M. Seenivasan, K. Nagarajan and G. Rajasekar, "Location Domination Number of Sum of Graph.", International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE), Volume 7, Number 1, Dec 2018, pp. 852-856. 2018.
17.M. Seenivasan and M. Indumathi, "A Retrial Queuing Model With Unreliable Server in K Policy.", Springer Book Chapter, Advances in Algebra and Analysis – Trends in Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 1, Dec 2018, pp. 361-372. 2018.
11.M. Seenivasan and K. Pattabiraman, "Bounds on Vertex Zagreb Indices of Graphs.", Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (GJSFR), Volume 17, Number VI, Oct 2017, pp. 43-47. 2017.
10.M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "The Performance Analysis of a M/M/2/2+1 Retrial Queue With Unreliable Server.", Journal of Statistical Science and Application, Volume 3, Number 1, Oct 2015, pp. 163-174. 2015.
7. M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "A single server retrial queue with orbital search.", Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematical Models, Volume 1, Number 1, Jan 2014, pp. 36-40. 2014.
8. M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "The Stationary Analysis of M/M/5/5+1 Queueing model with linear retrial rate.", Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, Jul 2014, pp. 749-758. 2014.
9. M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "Retrial Queuing System With Two and Three Servers.", Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications , Volume 2, Number 1, Dec 2014, pp. 1064-1077. 2014.
5. M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "A multi server retrial queuing system with breakdown and geometric loss.", International Journal of Computational Cognition, Volume 1, Number 1, Mar 2011, pp. 44-48. 2011.
6.M. Seenivasan and R. Kalyanaraman, "A retrial queuing system with geometric loss with feedback.", Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models, Volume 1, Number 1, Dec 2011, pp. 108-118. 2011.
4. M. Seenivasan and R .Kalyanaraman, "A Multi Server retrial queuing system with unreliable server.", International Journal of Computational Cognition, Volume 8, Number 1, Sep 2010, pp. 113-120. 2010.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Technical Program Committee Member - 2020 International Conference on Applied Physics and Computing
Editorial Board - International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research & International Journal of Research in S
Editorial Board - International Journal of BEI-ESP Associated.
Technical Programe Committe - Third International Conference in ââ,¬Å“Latetest Concepts in Science, Technology and Management (ICLCS
Editorial Board - International Journal of Scientific Research in Physical and Mathematical Science (Astro Internatio
Editorial Board - International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Research (ARSEAM
Editorial Board - International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP ) .
Editorial Advisory Board - Elixir International Journal .
Editorial Board - International Journal of Mathematical Research (Pak Publishing Group).
Editorial Board - International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research (IAETSD - IJMR).
National Advisory Committe - Fourth International Conference on Reuse and Recycling Materials and their Products
Editorial Board Member - - International Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Editorial Board - International Journal of Applied and Pure Science and Agriculture
National Advisory Board - International Journal of Engineering Studies and Technical Approach
List of Awards
Distingused Professor - International Researchers Connect and Awards 2019 Organized by Arunai International Research Foundation - 2019
Outstanding Research Supervisor - International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology, held at AIMST University, MALAYSIA - 2018
Outstanding Faculty in Mathematics - International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Technology and Innovation, Baan Sukhawadee, THAILAND - 2018
Outstanding Scientist in the field of Queueing Theory - Arunai International Research Foundation - 2017