Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 13202
Name : Dr. V. SUMATHI
Qualification : M.Sc(MicroBio),M.Phil(MicroBio), Ph.D.,
Specialization : Industrial Microbiology and Medical Microbiology
Date of Birth : 12-03-1980
Date of Joining : 14-03-2007
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 8-
Ph.D. 44

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 978-1
Conducted ----1

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
17 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
2 26 1 - 4 -

List of Publications - National
V.Sumathi and Priyalaxmi Rajesh , "Secondary metabolites of some medicinal plants from cuddallore district extracted with different solvents.", Journal of The Gujarat Research Society, Volume 21, Number ISSN :0374-8588 , Nov 2019, pp. 1119-1148. 2019.
Sumathi V and Priyalaxmi Rajesh , "Screening of secondary metabolites in some medicinal plants from cuddallore district .", Journal of The Gujarat Research Society, Volume 21, Number ISSN :0374-8588 , Nov 2019, pp. 1103-1118. 2019.
List of Publications - International
Rajasri Celladurai, Sumathi Vadamalai, "Antibacterial, Antibiofilm And Antioxidant Activity Of Secondary Metabolites Of Antagonistic Bacterial Strain Bacillus ParamycoidesPP4 Isolated From Mangrove Soil.", Journal of Xidian University, Volume 17, Number 1, Jan 2023, pp. 20-34. 10.37896/jxu17.1/002.
Dr.V.Sumathi and G.Rahini, "Isolation, biochemical and molecular characterization of plant growth promoting bacteria from spinacia oleracea growth from soil sample.", International journal of biology,pharmacy and allied sciences ( IJHPAS), Volume 12, Number 7, Jul 2023, pp. 2985-2992. 10.31032/IJBPAS/2023/12.7.7208.
B. Aswini, P. Sivagurunathan, S. Sowndarya, Av. Sumathi, L. Vennila, S. VivekanandhanAndC. Uma, "A Comprehensive Review On Phytochemistry And Pharmaceutical Applications Of Maranta Arundinacea L..", A Web Of Science Journal, Volume 38, Number 1, Aug 2023, pp. 206-277. -.
Rajasri Celladurai Sumathi Vadamalai, "Antagonistic, Antibiofilm Antioxidant And Anticancer Activity Of Secondary Metabolites Of Isolated Bacteria From Mangrove Soil.", International Journal of Biosciences, Volume 21, Number 6, Dec 2022, pp. 378-386. 10.12692/ijb/21.6.378-386.
Usharani Saminathan,Pasiyappazham Ramasamy, Anjalidevi Chinathambi, Sivagurunathan Paramasivam, Sumathi Vadamalai , Uma Chinnaiyan , Rajesh Singh, "Synthesis, Characterization Of Silver Nanoparticles From Punica Granatum L. And Its In Vitro Antidiabetic Activity.", Nanotechnology For Environmental Engineering, Volume 7, Number ., Aug 2022, pp. 923-930. 2022.
Dr.V.Sumathi and G.Rahini, "Isolation and characterization of leaf spot plant pathogens from spinacia olerace.", International journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research, Volume 13, Number 11, Nov 2022, pp. 4656-4660. 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.13(11).4656-60.
Somaji Shankar Anuse ,* V. Sumathi , C. Uma , D. Sangeetha ,P.Sivagurunathan and D. J. Mukesh Kumar, "Anti-Diabetic Effect Of Acacia Catechu Mediated Selenium Nanoparticles.", Uttar Pradesh Journal Of Zoology, Volume 43, Number 24, Dec 2022, pp. 115-120. 10.56557/upjoz/2022/v43i243302.
Somaji Shankar Anuse *V. Sumathi, C. Uma , D. Sangeetha, P. Sivagurunathan and D. J. Mukesh Kumar, "Greener Synthesis And Characterization Of The Selenium Nanoparticles From Acacia catechu.", Uttar Pradesh Journal Of Zoology, Volume 43, Number 24, 2022, pp. 58-71. 10.56557/upjoz/2022/v43i243286.
B. Aswini , P. Sivagurunathan , S. Sowndarya , V. Sumathi , S. Vivekanandhan And C. Uma, "A Study On The Effect Of Methanolic Extracts Of Maranta Arundinacea Leaves Against Urinary Tract Infection Causing Pathogens.", Uttar Pradesh Journal Of Zoology, Volume 43, Number 22, Dec 2022, pp. 71-77. 10.56557/UPJOZ/2022/v43i223235.
RajasriCelladurai And Sumathi Vadamalai, "Secondary Metabolites Of Antagonistic Bacterial Strain Streptomyces Griseus Kd1 Exert Antibacterial And Anticancer Activity Against Breast Cancer Mcf-7 Cells.", Uttar Pradesh Journal Of Zoology, Volume 43, Number 24, Dec 2022, pp. 393-401. DOI: 10.56557/UPJOZ/2022/v43i243337.
T.Punithavalli,C P Prince and V.Sumathi, "Screening and Evaluation of a Potential Bacteriocin Producing Lactobacillus in Milk and Dairy Products Collected from Puducherry.", Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Volume 14, Number 4, Dec 2021, pp. 1600-1606.
T.Punithavalli,C P Prince and V.Sumathi, "Determination of Molecular Weight and Antimicrobial Activities of a Purified Bacteriocin from Lactiplantibacillus plantarum MDP 5.", Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Volume 14, Number 4, Dec 2021, pp. 1501-1507.
Priyalaxmi Rajesh , Sumathi, "Isolation and characterization of multi drug resistant bacteria from chidambaram GH , Cuddalore,Tamil Nadu,India.", International journal of Advanced Science and Research, Volume 4, Number 3, Apr 2019, pp. 50-55. 2019.
Sumathi V and Priyalaxmi Rajesh , "Effect of quality of plant extract and maceration period in extraction of phytochemical compounds from six different plants of cuddalore district ,Tamil Nadu ,India.", International Journal of Applied Research, Volume 5, Number ISSN :2394-5869, Apr 2019, pp. 213-218. 2019.
Rajasri .C and Sumathi .V , "Prevalence and heavy metals assay of bioluminescent Vibrio spp .in karaikal coastal waters.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Number 2348-1269, Oct 2018, pp. 327-333. 2018.
V.Sumathi , "Invitro and in vivo studies of Trichoderma spp.against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Number 2348-1269, Oct 2018, pp. 357-364. 2018.
Priyalaxmi Rajesh,Sumathi v,Viswanathan S, "An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Cuddallore district.", INTER NATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Volume 3, Number 10, Sep 2018, pp. 14-22. 2018.
S. Aarthi Nishanthi Mary and V. Sumathi, "Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria form different food samples.", Indo American Journal of Pharmacutical Sciences, Volume 04, Number 12, Dec 2017, pp. 4810-4815. 2017.
S. Aarthi Nishanthi Mary and V. Sumathi, "Screening of Inhibitory activity of lactic acid bacteria from fresh meat.", International Journal of Advanced Science and Research, Volume 02, Number 04, Jul 2017, pp. 56-59. 2017.
D. Venkatesan and V.Sumathi, "Isolation of inhibitory activity of spray dried Lactobacillus acidophilus from dairy products.", Life Science Archives, Volume 02, Number 03, Mar 2016, pp. 543-548. 2016.
D. Venkatesan and V.Sumathi, "Screening of Lactic acid bacteria for their antibacterial activity against Milk borne Pathogens.", International journal of Applied Research, Volume 01, Number 11, Sep 2015, pp. 970-973. 2015.
V.Sumathi and D. Reetha, "Screening of Lactic acid bacteria for their antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria.", International journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives, Volume 03, Number 03, May 2012, pp. 768-774. 2012.
V.Sumathi and D. Reetha, "Effect of storage time and temperature for maximum bacteriocin production by Lactic acid bacteria.", International journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives, Volume 03, Number 04, May 2012, pp. 831-834. 2012.
P.saranraj, V.sumathi, D.Reeetha and D.Stella, "Fungal Decolourizationdirect azodyes and biodegradation of textile dye effluent.", journal of ecobiotechnology, Volume 02, Number 07, Nov 2010, pp. 12-16. 2010.
P.saranraj, V.sumathi, D.Reeetha and D.Stella, "Decolourization and degradation of direct azo dyes and biodegradation of textile dye effluent by using bacteria isolated from textile dye effluent..", journal of ecobiotechnology, Volume 02, Number 07, Nov 2010, pp. 7-11. 2010.
V.Sumathi and D. Reetha, "Isolation and screening of Bacteriocin producing lactic acid bacteria from milk and milk products.", journal of ecobiotechnology, Volume 01, Number 01, Dec 2009, pp. 21-23. 2009.
List of Conferences - National
Sumathi .V , Effect of various levels and formulations of Trichoderma spp. against tomato wilt caused by Fusarium spp., Environmental pollution and control technologies-2019 , Aug 30-31, 2019, Chidambaram, pp. 120-121. Chidambaram, Department of Chemical Engineering.
List of Book Published
J.P. Saranraj and V.Sumathi, Decolourization of Direct Azo Dyes By Bacteria and fungi, Heinrich- Bocking-Str. 6-8, 66121 Saarbrucken, Deutschland / Germany: LAP LAMBERT, 978-3-659-30982-3, pp. 1-150. Feb 2012, -.
D.Sangeetha V. Sumathi , Microbial Research- Challenges and prospects, Dharsan publisher, Tamil Nadu, India: Dharsan publisher, 978-81-947071-0-3, pp. 34-47. Nov 2021, -.
D Sangeetha, V Sumathi, Synthetic Microbial Research- Challenges and Prospects, Darshan Publishers,8/173, Vengayapalayam, Rasipuram.: Darshan Publishers, 978-81-947071-0-3, pp. 34-47. Nov 2021, -.
D.Sangeetha,V. Sumathi and R.Ishwarya, Biofilm Formation -An Overview And Its Control Measures, Thanuj International Publishers, Tamilnadu, India: Thanuj International Publishers, 978-93-94638-22-8, pp. 101-109. Feb 2023, -.