Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 13643
Qualification : M.Sc(MicroBio),M.Phil(MicroBio)., Ph.D(MicroBio)
Specialization : Medical microbiology Pharmacology Nanotechnology
Date of Birth : 03-05-1981
Date of Joining : 11-07-2007
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
13 Sri Sakthi Nagar Extension
Gandhi Nagar Post
Kurinjipadi(T.K), Cuddalore - 607 308
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 6-
Ph.D. 83

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 421243
Conducted 1----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 1111,16,800
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
17 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
2 41 - - 6 -

List of Publications - National
Balalakhshitha M and Kolanjinathan K, "Production of biofilm destructing enzymes from agro waste by using yeast and bacteria .", Indian journal of natural science , Volume 12, Number 65, Apr 2021, pp. 30009-30013. 2021.
M. Manigandan, K. Kolanjinathan , "Antibacterial activity of various solvent extract of Spirulina platensis against human pathogens.", Innovare Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 5, Number 1, 2017, pp. 10-12. 2017.
List of Publications - International
M. Balalakshitha, K. Kolanjinathan, T. Aishwarya, and B. Vinothini , "A Review of diabetic wound infection and its treatment using zinc oxide nanoparticle synthesized by green chemistry techniques.", Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Science, Volume 10(10), Number 2277-1808, Oct 2021, pp. 1-15. 2021.
M. Balalakshitha, K. Kolanjinathan, "Phytochemical Analysis of Vitex Negundo by TLC, UV-VIS,FTIR Techniques.", International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Science (IJBPAS), Volume 10(11), Number 2277-4998, Nov 2021, pp. 858-866. 2021/ 10.31032/IJBPAS/2021/10.11.1073.
M. Balalakshitha, K. Kolanjinathan, "Phytochemical and spectroscopic investigations Tridax procumbens.", International Journal of Botany Studies , Volume 6, Number 5,2021, Oct 2021, pp. 1467-1471. 2021.
Kandasamy Sivasubramani, Punamalai Ganesh, Paramasivam Sivagurunathan, Kasinathan Kolanjinathan, Hemalatha Raman , "Biodegradation potential of an estuarine bacterium Bacillus megaterium PNS 15 against an azo dye, Reactive Blue 194 .", Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, Volume 9, Number 4, Jul 2021, pp. 126-132. 2021/10.7324/JABB.2021.9417.
Balalakhshitha M and Kolanjinathan K, "Phytochemistry and bio activity of green synthesized nanoparticles from psidium guajava against selected diabetic wound pathogens .", Bulletin of environment, pharmacology and life sciences , Volume 10, Number 2, Jan 2021, pp. 115-119. 2021.
G. Durgadevi and K.Kolanjinathan, "Isolation and screening of marine microbial against clinical pathogens.", European journal of molecular & clinical medicine , Volume 7, Number 11, 2021, pp. 4278-4286. 2021/2515-8260.
Yoganathan Kamaraj, Ganesh Punamalai, Sivabramani Kandasamy,Kolanjinathan Kasinathan , "Influence of long-term organic and conventional fertilization on bacterial communities involved in bioelectricity production from paddy field-microbial fuel cell .", Archives of Microbiology, Volume 12, Number 202, Jun 2020, pp. 2279-2289. 2020/10.1007/s00203-020-01947-3.
K.A. Selvam, M. Suriyakumar, J. Devanathan, K. Kolanjinathan, A. Ram kumar, S. Selvaraj, L. Ramadass, "Synthesis of Ag-NPs from extracts of Persea americana and its antimicrobial effects in human pathogens .", Nano Next, Volume 1, Number 1, Nov 2020, pp. 10-17. 2020/10.34256/nnxt2012.
G. Durgadevi and K.Kolanjinathan, "Antimicrobial activity of marine sediment bacteria.", Parishodh Journal, Volume IX, Number III, Mar 2020, pp. 5660-5665. 2020/2347-6648.
G. Durgadevi and K.Kolanjinathan, "Physico chemical properties of marine soil from east coast region of Tamilnadu, India. .", Alochana Chakra Journal, Volume IX, Number V, May 2020, pp. 874-878. 2020/2231-3990.
G. Durgadevi and K.Kolanjinathan, "Investigation on phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of Andrographis paniculata .", Interna Journal of Modern Agriculture , Volume 9, Number 3, 2020, pp. 1883-1892. 2305-7246.
K. Kolanjinathan, K.A. Selvam, J. Devanthan , S. Sevaraj, A.Ram kumar, and S.Suresh kumar , "Screening of antimicrobial activity of Avicennia marine plant against clinical pathogens.", Eleyon Chemistry Reports, Volume 2, Number 1, Mar 2019, pp. 27-34. 2019/10.26524/cr1912.
Manigandan M*, Kolanjinathan K, "Antibacterial activity of various solvent extracts of Spirulina platensis against human pathogens.", Innovare Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 5, Number 1, Aug 2016, pp. 10-12. 2016.
M. Manigandan and K. Kolanjinathan, "In vitro antibacterial activity of Elytraria acaulis lindau (ACANTHACEAE) against clinical pathogens.", Indo – Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 2, Number 6, Aug 2016, pp. 876-880. 2016.
C. Manikandan and K. Kolanjinathan, "Antibacterial activity of sea grass therapeutic plants Against gram negative bacterial pathogen.", Indo – Asian Journal of Multidisc iplinary Research, Volume 2, Number 6, Oct 2016, pp. 930-936. 2016.
Manigandan M and K Kolanjinathan, "In-vitro antifungal activity of various solvent extracts of Elytraria acaulis.", International Journal of Applied Research, Volume 2, Number 11, Oct 2016, pp. 386-388. 2016.
G. Durgadevi and K. Kolanjinathan, "Isolation And Identification of Urinary Tract Pathogens from Outpatients with Different Complications.", Life Science Archives (LSA), Volume 2, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 427-432. 2016.
D. Sekar and K. Kolanjinathan, "Screening of Antifungal Activity of Selected Macroalgae Against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata.", Indo – Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Number 4, Apr 2015, pp. 315-319. 2015.
K. Kolanjinathan and P. Saranraj, "Pharmacological activity of mangrove medicinal plants against pathogenic bacteria and fungi .", An International Journal , Volume 8, Number 2277-0364, Jan 2015, pp. 1-15. 2015.
D.Sekar and K.Kolanjinathan, "Antibacterial activity of marine macroalgae Padina gymnospora and Turbinaria conoides collected from Mandapam coast of Tamilnadu,India.", Internati onal Journal of Advance d Research in Biological Sciences, Volume 2, Number 8, Aug 2015, pp. 146-152. 2015.
K.kolanjinathan and M.Manigandan, "screening the in-vitro antifungal activity of certain seaweeds collected from mandapam coast,TamilNadu,india.", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, Volume 1, Number 7, Jan 2014, pp. 280-284. 2014.
T. Bharathi, K. Kolanjinathan and P. Saranraj, "Antimicrobial Activity of Solvent Extracts of Ocimum sanctum, Azadirachta Indica and Phyllanthus amarus Against Clinical Pathogens.", Global Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 8, Number 3, Aug 2014, pp. 294-305. 2014.
K.Kolanjinathan and M.Manigandan, "Screening the in-vitro antifungal activity of certain seaweeds collected from mandapam coast,Tamilnadu,India.", International Journal of Advance Research In Biological sciences, Volume 1, Number 7, Jul 2014, pp. 1-5. 2014.
K. A. Selvam and K. Kolanjinathan, "Antibacterial activity of Mangrove Medicinal Plants against Gram positive Bacterial pathogens.", International Journal of Advance d Research in Biological Sciences, Volume 1, Number 8, May 2014, pp. 234-241. 2014.
K. A. Selvam and K. Kolanjinathan, "Antifungal Activity Of Mangrove Medicinal Plants Against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata.", International journal of current research in Chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences, Volume 1, Number 9, Aug 2014, pp. 231-236. 2014.
K. Kolanjinathan and P. Saranraj, "Pharmacological efficacy of marine seaweed Gracilaria edulis extracts against clinical pathogens..", Global Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 8, Number 2, Aug 2014, pp. 268-274. 2014.
K. Kolanjinathan, P. Ganesh and P. Saranraj, "Pharmacological Importance of Seaweeds: A Review.", World Journal of Fish Sciences and Marine , Volume 6, Number 1, Jun 2014, pp. 1-15. 2014.
M.Manigandan and K.Kolanjinathan, "In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Certain Seaweeds Collected From Mandapam coast,Tamilnadu,India.", Indian journal of applied research, Volume 4, Number 10, Oct 2014, pp. 557-559. 2014.
D. Sekar K. Kolanjinathan P. Saranraj and K. Gajendiran, "Screening of Phyllanthus amarus, Acalypha indica and datura metel for its antimicrobial activity against selective pathogens.", International journal of pharmaceutical and biological archives, Volume 3, Number 5, Nov 2012, pp. 1210-1215. 2012.
Ganesh P. Tharmaraj K. Kolanjinathan K. Selvi Sabhanayagam s.suresh kumar R S Suresh kumar R. Chinna Durai S, "Effect of organic manure and biofertilizers on physical, chemical and biological properties and growth of rice (ADT 43) by field application studies(SRI).", International journal of current life sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2011, pp. 1-5. 2011.
Tharmaraj K. Ganesh P. Suresh kumar R. Anandan A and Kolanjinathan K., "Vermicompost - A soil conditioner cum nutrient supplier.", International journal of pharmaceutical and biological archives, Volume 2, Number 6, Nov 2011, pp. 1615-1620. 2011.
K. Kolanjinathan And D. Stella, "Pharmacological effect of Gracilaria corticata Solvent extracts against human pathogenic bacteria and fungi.", International journal of pharmaceutical and biological archives, Volume 2, Number 6, Dec 2011, pp. 1722-1728. 2011.
K. Kolanjinathan And D. Stella, "Comparitive studies on antimicrobial activity of ulva reticulata and ulva lactuca against human pathogens.", International journal of pharmaceutical and biological archives, Volume 2, Number 6, Dec 2011, pp. 1738-1744. 2011.
Ganesh P. Tharmaraj K. \Kolanjinathan K. Anandan A. Suresh kumar R., "Vermicompost - A soil conditioner cum nutrient supplier.", International journal of pharmaceutical and biological archives, Volume 2, Number 6, Nov 2011, pp. 1615-1620. 2011.
Ganesh P. Tharmaraj K. \Kolanjinathan K. Anandan A. Suresh kumar R., "A Critical review on Panchagavya – A Boon plant growth.", International journal of pharmaceutical and biological archives, Volume 2, Number 6, Nov 2011, pp. 1611-1614. 2011.
Ganesh P. Tharmaraj K. \Kolanjinathan K. Selvi Sabhanayagam S Suresh kumar R. Chinna Durai S, "Effect of organic manures on physical, biological properties and growth of rice (ADT 43) by field application studies(SRI).", International journal of current life sciences, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2011, pp. 1-5. 2011.
Ganesh P. Tharmaraj K. Kolanjinathan K, "Effect of organic manure and biofertilizers oh physical, chemical and biological properties and growth of rice (ADT 43) by field application studies(SRI).", Internati onal journal of recent scientific research, Volume 1, Number 1, Jun 2011, pp. 11-15. 2011.
Tharmaraj K. Ganesh P. And Kolanjinathan K. Suresh kumar R. Anandan A., "Influence of vermicompost and vermiwash on physico- chemical properties of rice cultivated soil..", Current Botony, Volume 2, Number 3, Aug 2011, pp. 18-21. 2011.
K.Tharmaraj, P.Ganesh and K.Kolanjinathan R.Suresh Kumar, A.Anandan, "Influence of vermicompost and vermiwash on physico- chemical properties of black gram cultivated soil..", International journal of recent scientific research, Volume 3, Number 2, Jul 2010, pp. 77-83. 2010.
K.Kolanjinathan and D. Stella, "Antibacterial activity of marine micro algae against human pathogens.", Recent research in science and technology, Volume 1, Number 1, Oct 2009, pp. 20-22. 2009.
K.Kolanjinathan, P. Ganesh, M.Govindarajan, "Antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of seaweeds against fish bacterial pathogens.", European review of medical and pharmac ological sciences., Volume 13, Number 3, Jun 2009, pp. 173-177. 2009.
List of Book Published
K.Tharmaraj, P.Ganesh and K.Kolanjinathan , Effect of organic manures on bio fertilizers on rice and black gram, Lambert academic publications : LAMBERT Academic publications , 9783659222320, pp. Jul 2012.
Kolanjinathan k, Ganesh p and Saranraj J P, Pharmocological importance of seaweeds, Lambert academic publications : LAMBERT Academic publications , 978-3-659-31632-6, pp. May 2012.
Sekar D, Kolanjinathan K and Saranraj J.P, Indian medical plants and its antimicrobial properties , Lambert academic publications : LAMBERT Academic publications , 978-3-659-31632-6, pp. May 2012.
Lipun kumar prathan , k.kolanjinathan and subashree jena, Antifungal Potential of marine soil actinobacteria, Jps scientific publications India : Jps scientific publications India , 978-81-940316-5-9, pp. 1-40. May 2019.
P.Saranraj , Vasavi Dathar and K.Kolanjinathan, Recent trends in pharmaceutical sciences , Jps scientific publications India : Jps scientific publications India , 978-81-943168-5-5, pp. Feb 2019.
K.kolanjinathan , P.Saranraj and Narayan Dattatraya Totewad, Antimicrobial activity of Mangrove medical plants , Jps scientific publications India : Jps scientific publications India , 9798517787149, pp. Jun 2021.