Annamalai University
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Computer Science & Engineering

  • To provide a congenial ambience for individuals to develop and blossom as academically superior, socially conscious and nationally responsible citizens.
  • Impart high quality computer knowledge to the students through a dynamic scholastic environment wherein they learn to develop technical,communication and       leadership skills to bloom as a versatile professional.
  • Develop life-long learning ability that allows them to be adaptive and responsive to the changes in career, society, technology, and environment
  • Build student community with high ethical standards to undertake innovative research and development in thrust areas of national and international needs.
  • Expose the students to the emerging technological advancements for meeting the demands of the industry.
  • The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 1984 to meet the demand for well-qualified computer professionals. Flexible Choice based Credit System. Student Centric Teaching Methodology is adopted. The various Associations and Clubs promote the leadership and organisational skills of the students by conducting various academic events throughout the year. Apart from academics, students also involve themselves in activities that inculcate service and team spirit. The department library has more than 7500 books.

    The department has two research laboratories having high-end systems with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Graphics Card to carry out research in the areas of Speech, Image/Video Processing and Data Analytics. There are six Computer Laboratories having 300 systems, an IoT Laboratory, and three seminar halls with necessary ICT facilities to conduct conferences/seminars and placement activities.

    Programmes Offered
  • B.E. Computer Science & Engineering (Full-time)
  • M.E. Computer Science & Engineering (Full-time)
  • Ph.D. Computer Science & Engineering
  • New Programmes Introduced
  • B.E. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) 2019-20 onwards
  • B.E. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine       Learning) 2019-20 onwards
  • Contact

    The Professor and Head
    Department of Computer Science & Engineering
    Annamalai University
    Annamalai Nagar-608002
    Tel Number : 04144-239733 (Ext - 481)
                         04144-239738 (Ext - 481)
    E-mail :