Annamalai University
Home > Faculty of Science > Botany


  • To create a dynamic learning environment
  • To empower students to become responsible and respectful global citizens
  • To strive for understanding the diversified facets of plant science
  • To provide a firm foundation and broad spectrum of modern trends in Botany
The Department of Botany, one of the oldest departments in our university was established in 1932.The Department initially was designed to teach traditional Botany and it has diversified in recent years to offer interdisciplinary subjects such as Tissue Culture, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Engineering. Curriculum have been designed based on recommendations of TANSCHE.The famous work of Dr. T.C.N. Singh (1948-1963),proved that plant growth can be stimulated by rhythmic sound waves produced by music.
The University Grant Commission has recognized the Department of Botany for its excellence in research and teaching under Special Assistance Programme (SAP)andDepartment of Science and Technology (DST) since 2004 onwards. All the faculty members have Ph.D. degree and completed 35 research projects from various funding agencies (UGC,DBT,DRDO,DRDE, ICMR and DOD) and 4 ongoing projects funded by RUSA -II. The Botanical Garden covering an area of about two hectares. The garden is more like a forest with innumerable varieties of trees, flowering and medicinal plants. All are meticulously labelled for the botanical reference.
The Department is proud of having produced many famous scientists and academicians like Prof. A.Gnanam (Former Chairman-NACC, New Delhi andVice-Chancellor of Bharathidasan University, University of Madrasand Pondicherry University), Prof. K.M.Marimuthu (Vice-Chancellor of Bharathiyar University), Prof. N.Anand (Vice-Chancellor of VELS University, Chennai), MaduraiG. Ganesan, Co-Founder and CEO, Sanja Pharmaceuticals Company, USA and Dr A.T. Natarajan, Former Emeritus Professor, Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Netherlands. Our Department Alumni Association provide opportunities for sharing knowledge, voluntary service, social interaction and philanthropy.
Programmes offered
  • M.Sc. (Two year)
  • Ph.D.
Thrust areas
  • Stress Physiology
  • Phytoremediation
  • Bioactive compounds from Plant origin
  • Ethanobotany and Medicinal Plants
  • Cytogenetics and Mutation Breeding
  • Pollution Ecology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Mangrove Physiology
  • Palaeobotany - Studies on Tertiary Fossil woods
Research Equipments
  • NIKON – Florescence Trinocular Microscope
  • Incubator Shaker
  • PCR
  • Gel Documentation system
  • RT-PCR
  • Autoanalyser for NPK and Minerals
  • UV-Spectrophotometer
  • Statistical Software for Teaching and Research purposes
Research outcomes
  • Ph.D Awarded – 338
  • M.Phil Awarded – 482
  • D.Sc Awarded – 01
  • Publication -1100
  • Books - 23
  • H-index – 32
  • Citations – 5805
  • Project Funds –3.28 Crores
Highlights of the department
  • Smart Classrooms and well equipped laboratories
  • 7593 textbooks with Internet facility
  • Well maintained Herbarium with rare specimens
  • Museum with rare collections of Thallophytes and fossils
  • Conservation of endangered Mangroves through extension activities
  • Botanical field Trips
Students’ activities
  • Botanical Society
  • Mentor-Mentee System
  • Research Colloquium
  • Training and Placement Cell
  • Sports and Cultural Programmes
  • Alumni Association



Department of BOTANY
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