
The following are the formats for the various annexure. Candidates are here by advised to go through the Prospectus throughly and attach the various annexure as per the requirements of the programmes they are applying for.

Sl.No. Details of the Annexure Link to the format
1 Candidates applying for orthopadically disabled category - for all applicable programmes except paramedical programmes. ORTHO DISABLED - A
2 Candidates applying for orthopadically disabled category - for paramedical programmes. ORTHO DISABLED - B
3 Candidates applying for hearing impaired - for all programmes. Hearing Impaired
4 Candidates applying for Visually impaired - for all programmes. Visually Impaired
5 First graduate certificate and joint declaration form First Graduate
6 Candidates authorizing Paren/ Guardian to attend the counselling Authorization
7 Income Certificate format Income
8 Instructions for Nativity certificate format Nativity
9 Joint Decalarationn by candidate and Parent / Guardian for all programmes except paramedical programmes. Joint Declaration - A
10 Joint Decalarationn by candidate and Parent / Guardian for paramedical programmes. Joint Declaration - B
11 Government School Bonafide Certificate. Bonafide Certificate