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Past - Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Training Programmes
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
2/2/2023 and 3/2/2023 Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi - Two days National Seminar on "India's Opportunities and Challenges of Creating Sustainable Agri Retail Supply Chain". Department of Business Administration
15/02/2023 and 16/02/2023 Two Days National Workshop on "Bonsai Culture A Traditional Japanese Art Form" By Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University.
20/02/2023 and 21/02/2023 An IQAC Enabled RUSA 2.0 Sponsored - Two-Day Multidisciplinary online International Conference on Nutrition and Health Education Department of Education
23/02/2023 and 24/02/2023 Two Days Workshop on Basics of Networking and Web Design Annamalai Digital Information Centre
24/02/2023 and 25/02/2023 RUSA 2.0 Sponsored - Two day National Conference on BIOENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY BEES – 2023. Department of Chemical Engineering
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
02/03/2023 and 04/03/2023 Training programme on Perception creation on Gender Equality Among University Students. Department of Population Studies.
03/03/2023 and 04/03/2023 RUSA 2.0 Sponsored - Two days National Conference on "Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovative Breakthrough Therapies - 2023" Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Pharmacy
06/03/2023 and 08/03/2023 Rajiv gandhi national institute of youth development Organize the three day workshop on Capacity building on interpersonal skills. Directorate of skill development And entrepreneurship
09/03/2023 to 11/03/2023 Training Programme on "High Risk Behaviour Among Youth: Awareness and Prevention Strategies" Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth and Development
9/3/2023 and 10/03/2023 International Conference on "Bio Diversity, Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture towards food Security". Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture
10/03/2023 and 11/03/2023 National Conference on "The Role of Computational Intelligence in Emerging Research Innovations" Department of Computer and Information Science, Faculty of Science.
16/03/2023 to 18/03/2023 Workshop on "Solving Career Challenges for North-East Students at Annamalai University" Department of Population Studies
17/03/2023 and 18/03/2023 Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation Sponsored - Two Days National Conference on "Role of Public Libraries in Creating Knowledge Society" By Dr.C.P.Ramaswami Aiyar University Library
20/03/2023 and 21/03/2023 An IQAC – Enabled RUSA 2.0 – Sponsored National Seminar on INDIGENOUS LITERATURES OF INDIA Department of English, Faculty of Arts.
23/03/2023 and 24/03/2023 Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi - Organizes a National Seminar on - Women's Role in Nation Building Past, Present and Future Perspectives Department of Population Studies
29/03/2023 to 31/03/2023 Three Days International Conference on "Mission Antyodaya for Strengthening India: Committed to Sustainable Rural Livelihoods" Centre for Rural Development
30/03/2023 to 31/03/2023 FENESTRA 2K23 Two day National Level Students Symposium Department of Civil Engineering
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
17/04/2023 to 21/04/2023 RUSA 2.0 SPONSORED TRAINING PROGRAMME ON "Entrepreneurship through organic farming" Department of Microbiology, faculty of Agriculture and UGC-EOC-SC/ST CELL
19/04/2023 to 23/04/2023 One week Hands on Training on Total Station Department of Civil Engineering
27/04/2023 and 28/04/2023 National Conference on "Engineering Applications on Alternate Fuels, Sustainable Energy and Bio-Materials" Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
05/06/2023 National Workshop on Real time Observation of Meteorological Parameters (In eve of celebrating World Environmental Day) Centre for Atmospheric Research & Climate Change
10/06/2023 and 11/06/2023 International Conference on VALLALAR - 200 Department of Philosophy
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
27/07/2023 and 28/07/2023 National Seminar on Immunology and Immunotechnology Research - 2023 CAS in Marine Biology
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
01/09/2023 & 02/09/2023 A Two-Day National Level Hands-On Training Workshop on Emerging Trends in Web Application Development Department of Computer Science Engineering, FEAT
22/09/2023 RUSA 2.0 & TNSCST Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences – 2023 (NETCS – 2023) Department of Chemistry
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
11/10/2023 to 12/10/2023 National Workshop on "Applications of Artificial intelligence in Renewable Energy" by Mechanical Engineering, FEAT
On 27/10/2023 RUSA 2.0 Sponsored One Day National Seminar on RECENT TRENDS IN TOPOLOGICAL AND FUZZY TOPOLOGICAL SPACES (RTTAFTS - 2023) by Department of Mathematics
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
01/11/2023 to 05/11/2023 Five days National Seminar on "Skill development workshop on histology techniques and its Importance"
20/11/2023 to 25/11/2023 Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Recent Developments on Intelligent Algorithms and Electric Vehicle Technologies" Department of Information Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering
20/11/2023 to 25/11/2023 Faculty Development Program on Simulation of Welds and Optimization Techniques Centre for Materials Joining and Research , Department of Manufacturing Engineering , FEAT
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
6/12/2023 to 8/12/2023 National Conference on "An Innovative Voyage of Sedimentology: From the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean"
26/12/2023 to 31/12/2023 Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Technological Development in Mines and Power Plants" Mining Engineering Programme, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University
Event Date Name of the Topic Organised by Event Details
4/1/2024 to 5/1/2024 National Seminar on "Elimination of Violence against Women : Issues and Challenges" Department of Population Studies
22/1/2024 to 31/1/2024 Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi Sponsored Ten Days Research Methodology Course for M.Phil./Ph.D./PDF Scholars in Social Sciences Department of Library and Information Science & Department of Political Science and Public Administrartion
29/1/2024 & 30/1/2024 Basics of Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting.
(For in-house staff of Annamalai University.)
Annamalai Digital Information Centre