Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 03473
Qualification : B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D
Specialization : Software Engineering
Date of Birth : 27-11-1969
Date of Joining : 14-09-2004
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
617/1710, Ezhilagam,
V.M. Govindasamy Nagar,
Annamalai Nagar - 608 002.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 1918
Ph.D. 04

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 1192-6
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
20 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
1 31 2 11 - -

List of Publications - National
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "Regression Testing In Developer Environment For Absence Of Code Coverage.", Journal of Software Engineering And Applications, Volume 7, Number 7, Jul 2014, pp. 617-625. 2014.
List of Publications - International
Gopeekrishnan , Dr.M.Thillaikarasi, "Enhanced Gated network for Rumour Category Classification on social media.", Neuroquantology, Volume 20, Number 19, Nov 2022, pp. 3576-3591. 2022.
Gopeekrishnan , Dr.M.Thillaikarasi, "Combatting Misinformation with Attention LSTM Model: A NovelApproach to Fake News Classification.", Material Science and Technology, Volume 21, Number 04, Aug 2022, pp. 42-47. 10.10543/f0299.2022.41569.
K. Nageswara Reddy, Dr. M. Thillaikarasi,Dr. B. Siva Kumar, "Design of Bacterial Foraging Optimization model with Deep Support Vector Machine for Solar Radiation Prediction using Weather Forecasting Data.", neuroquantology, Volume 20, Number 15, Nov 2022, pp. 5733-5745. 2022.
Gopeekrishnan , Dr.M.Thillaikarasi, "Natural Language Processing based Fake News Detection assisted by Ensemble Learning.", neuroquantology, Volume 20, Number 1, Jan 2022, pp. 625-642. 2022.
k.Nageswara reddy,M.Thillaikarasi,B.Sivakumar,T.Suresh, "A Novel Elephant herd optimization model with a deep extreme learning machine for solar Radiation prediction using Weather Forecasts.", The Journal of Super Computing, Volume 78, Number 64, Jan 2022, pp. 8560-8576. 2022.
Ayyappa chakravarthi Metlapalli,Thillaikarasi Muthusamy,Bhanu Prakash Battula, "Classification of Image Spam Using Convolution Neural Network.", International Information and Engineering Technology association, Volume 39, Number 1, Feb 2022, pp. 363-369. 2022.
Gopeekrishnan R, M. Thillaikarasi, "Ensemble Supported Fake News Detection using Natural Language Processing.", Design Engineering, Volume 4, Number 8, Jun 2021, pp. 3158-3177. 2021.
R.Brindha M.Thillaikarasi, "Crime Data Forecasting using Machine learning and Big Data Analytics.", Computing Technology and Information Management, Volume 18, Number 4, Dec 2021, pp. 591-606. 10.14704/WEB/V 18504/WEB 18284.
K.Nagaswara reddy, Dr.M.Thillaikarasi, B.Siva kumar , "Artificial intelligence techniques for solar radiation prediction using weather forecasts:A comparative study .", AEGAEUM JOURNAL , Volume 8, Number 11, Nov 2020, pp. 34-44. 2020.
Ayyappa chakravarthi metlapalli,Thillaikarasi Muthusamy,Bhanu prakash Battula, "Classification of social media text spam using VAE-CNN and LSTM model.", International information and Engineering technology association , Volume 25, Number 6, Dec 2020, pp. 747-753. 2020.
Gopeekrishnan R,Dr.M.Thillaikarasi, "A review on machine learning approaches in fake news detection.", Journal of information and computational science , Volume 10, Number 3, 2020, pp. 604-615. 2020.
M.Ayyappa Chakravarthi,DR.M.Thillaikarasi,DR.Bhanu Prakash Battula, "social media text data classification using enhanced TF-TDF based feature classification using Naive Bayesian classifier.", International Journal of Advanced Science And Technology, Volume 29, Number 3, May 2020, pp. 9044-9055. 2020.
Gopee krishnan .R,M.Thillaikarasi, "A Review on Machine Learning Approach in Fake News Detection.", Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 10, Number 3, Feb 2020, pp. 604-615. 2020 ISSN-1548-7741.
K.Nageswara Reddy,M.Thillaikarasi,T.Suresh, "Weather Forecasting using Data Mining and Deep learning techniques -Survey.", Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 10, Number 3, Feb 2020, pp. 597-603. 2020 ISSN-1548-7741.
Ayyappa Chakravarthi ,M.Thillaikarasi,Bhanu prakash Battula,T.Suresh, "Social Media Data Classification -Survey.", Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 10, Number 3, Feb 2020, pp. 604-615. 2020 ISSN-1548-7741.
M.Thillaikarasi, "Implementing Supervised Bayesian Approach for Mining Facial Images.", International journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 2071-2076. 2019 ISSN 2279-543X UGC 64650.
M.Thillaikarasi, "A New approach for Enhancing Speech Signals.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 126-133. 2019 ISSN 2349-5162.
B.Achiammal ,M.Thillaikarasi, "Simulation and Real time Implementation of PI controller for Power Electronic Converter based on Genetic Algorithm.", International journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 1768-1779. 2019 ISSN 2279-543X.
M.Thillaikarasi, "Software Metric Estimation using Manual and Automated Testing.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Volume 6, Number 2, May 2019, pp. 491-499. 2019 ISSN 2349-5138.
M.Thillaikarasi, "Text data Classification using Naive Bayesian Classifier.", International Journal of information and Computing Science, Volume 6, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 611-620. 2019 ISSN-0972-1347.
M.Thillaikarasi,B.Achiammal, "A Novel approach to regulate Machine learning Algorithm.", International journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 2063-2070. 2019 ISSN-2279-543X UGC -64650.
M.Thillaikarasi, "Software Testing in Developer site for absence of Code Coverage.", International journal of Advance Research in Management ,Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Number 1, Apr 2019, pp. 178-182. 2019 ISSN-2456-6446.
B.Achiammal ,M.Thillaikarasi, "Performance Analysis of PI controller for Power Electronics Converter using Evolutionary Algorithm.", International journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, Volume 7, Number 2, Feb 2018, pp. 1132-1140. 2018 ISSN 2319 -8354.
M.Thillaikarasi, "A New approach for Classification Algorithm in Data mining.", Iconic Research and Engineering Journals, Volume 1, Number 4, Oct 2017, pp. 77-82. 2017 /2456-8880.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "Efficiency Of Test Case Prioritization Technique Based on Practical Priority Factors.", International Journal Of Soft Computing, Volume 10, Number 2, Jan 2015, pp. 183-188. 2015.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "Effectiveness Of Test Case Prioritization Techniques based on Regression Testing.", International Journal Of Software Engineering And Applications, Volume 5, Number 6, Nov 2014, pp. 113-123. 2014.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "Test case Prioritization Techniques in Regression Testing.", International Journal Of Innovative Research in Technology And Science ISSN:2321-1156, Volume 3, Number 1, Nov 2014, pp. 17-20. 2014.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "A Novel Prioritization Technique For Improving The Rate Of Error Detection in Regression Testing.", European Journal Of Scientific Research , Volume 126, Number 2, Nov 2014, pp. 133-141. 2014.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "Comparison Of Test Case Prioritization Algorithm With Random Prioritization.", International Journal Of Computer science and Information Technology ISSN-0975-9646, Volume 5, Number 5, Oct 2014, pp. 6814-6818. 2014.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "A New Effective Test Case Prioritization For Regression Testing Based on Prioritization Algorithm.", International Journal Of Applied Information Systems ISSN:2249-0868, Volume 6, Number 7, Jan 2014, pp. 21-26. 2014.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, "A Testcase Prioritization Method With Weight Factors in Regression Testing based on Measurement Metrics .", International journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering ISSN:2277-128X, Volume 3, Number 12, Dec 2013, pp. 390-396. 2013.
List of Conferences - National
M.Thillaikarasi, Hardware Implementation of PI controller using Genetic Algorithm for NOEL Converter, National conference of Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Apr 27-27, 2019, Kuttikkanam,Peermade, pp. 166-167. MAR BASELIOS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, MBCCET.
M.Thillaikarasi,P.Venkatesh, Enhanced Methodology for prioritizing test cases, National conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics Instrumentation Automation and Control, Mar 19-19, 2014, coimbatore,Tamilnadu, pp. 405-409. Karpagam college of engineering, ETEIAC.
List of Conferences - International
k.Nageswara reddy,M.Thillaikarasi,T.Suresh, An intelligent Solar Radiation prediction using Optimal Deep learning Model, Two day International Virtual Conference on Computational Intelligence ,Communication and Informatics(IVC-CICI 2021 , Oct 4-5, 2021, Department of Computer science and Engg,Annamalai university, pp. 95-98. ISBN:978-93-91332-01-3, IQAC enabled DST Purse II.
M.Thillaikarasi and Nageswara Reddy, A review on weather forecasting using data mining and deep learning techniques, International conference on Advances in computing and Information Technology, Sep 24-25, 2020, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 388-390. ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY , ICACIT.
M.Thillaikarasi, Detection of Fake news in Social Media -A preliminary survey, International conference on Advances in computing and Information Technology, Sep 24-25, 2020, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 299-301. ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY , ICACIT.
M.THILLAIKARASI, Comprehensive Review on Social Media Data Classification, International conference on Advances in computing and Information Technology, Sep 24-25, 2019, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 333-335. ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY , ICACIT.
M.THILLAIKARASI, Implementing Supervised Bayesian approach for mining facial images, international conference on Multidisciplinary Research, May 30-31, 2019, Osmania University,Hyderabad, pp. 199-201. Osmania University centre for International program, ICMR.
M.Thillaikarasi, A Novel Approach to regulate Machine Learning Algorithm, international conference on Multidisciplinary Research, May 30-31, 2019, Osmania University,Hyderabad, pp. 905-907. Osmania University centre for International program, ICMR.
M.THILLAIKARASI, Application of CELP and LPC vocoders in Digital Hearing Aids, International conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, May 4-4, 2019, St.Joseph Institute of Technology,Chennai, pp. 108-110. Chennai,Tamilnadu, ICRTET.
M.THILLAIKARASI and G.PRABAKARAN, Software Testing in Developer Site for Absence of Code Coverage, International conference on Breakthrough in Engineering, Science and Technology, Apr 29-29, 2019, Salem,TamilNadu, pp. 30-34. Salem,Tamilnadu, Dr.Kalam Institute of Engineering Research,Chennai.
M.THILLAIKARASI and G.PRABAKARAN, New Reasonable Regulate of Classification Algorithm, International conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science ,Engineering and Technology, Apr 19-23, 2019, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research,Chennai,Tamilnadu, pp. 968-970. Chennai,Tamilnadu, IIIASTR.
M.THILLAIKARASI AND M.AYYAPPA CHAKRAVARTHI, Social Media Text data classification using Enhanced TF-IDF based Feature Classification using Naive bayesian classifier, First international conference on Technological Emerging Challenges, Mar 15-16, 2019, Guntur,Andhrapradesh, pp. 61-61. NARASARAOPET,GUNTUR, JIMS.
M.Thillaikarasi,K.Seetharaman, Measuring The Effectiveness Of Test Case Prioritization Techniques Based On Weight Factors, International Conference on Advanced Computing, Oct 25-26, 2014, Bangalore,India, pp. 39-43. Computer Science and Information Technology, ADCO.