Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04285
Name : Dr. S.G. SANTHI
Qualification : B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : Wireless Sensor Networks , Network Security, Web Security, Internet of Things
Date of Birth : 13-05-1970
Date of Joining : 28-07-1999
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
92, Min Nagar,
Chidambaram - 608 001.
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 2020
Ph.D. 26

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 10172-4
Conducted ----1

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
25 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
- 35 8 21 4 -

List of Publications - International
B. SRINUVASU KUMAR, S.G. SANTHI, "Wireless Sensor Network and IoT-Based Systems for Healthcare Application.", Solid State Technology, Volume 63, Number 6, 2020, pp. 20827-20837. 2020.
Dr.S.G.SANTHI, "Boosting of Energy-Efficiency in IoT Devices.", Journal of Xidian University, Volume 14, Number 7, Jul 2020, pp. 604-607. 2020.
A.REVATHI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "An Enhanced Energy Optimization Routing Protocol with Fuzzy Logic in Wireless Sensor Network.", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 9, Number 5, Mar 2020, pp. 1200-1206. 2020.
A.REVATHI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "A Novel Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Reliable Cluster Head.", International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 9, Number 3, Mar 2020, pp. 5605-5610. 2020.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTH, "Detection of Wormhole Attack and Secure Path Selection in Wireless Sensor Network.", Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 112, Number 4, Jun 2020, pp. 329-345. 2020.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Fuzzy Based Enhanced Medium Access Control protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume 8, Number 6, Mar 2020, pp. 1585-1591. 2020.
27. N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Secure Routing with Improved Medium Access Control (SRI-MAC) protocol for Wireless Sensor Network using Particle Swarm Optimization.", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume 8, Number 5S3, Jul 2019, pp. 145-150. July 2019.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Energy Enhanced Multipath Opportunistic Routing (EEMOR) protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.", Journal of Applied Science and Computations (JASC), Volume 6, Number 3, Mar 2019, pp. 2418-2426. 2019.
Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "A Novel Authentication based Wireless Sensor Network Routing Mechanism resistant to DoS Attacks.", International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 8, Number 4, Apr 2019, pp. 570-574. 2019.
Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Evaluation of Energy Efficient Routing Protocols with Optimization Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Volume 3, Number 2, May 2019, pp. 195-200. May 2019.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Neutralization of Denial of Service Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks.", Pramana Research Journal, Volume 9, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 454-461. May 2019.
Dr.S.G.SANTHI, "Energy Yielding Multi Hop Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.", ASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume 6, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 726-732. 2019.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Improvised Black Hole Attack Detection and Prevention (IBHDP) Technique using AODV in WSN.", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 6, Number 5, May 2019, pp. 642-647. May 2019.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Significance of Hazardous Black Hole Attack in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).", Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 9, Number 11, Nov 2019, pp. 1335-1342. November 2019.
A.REVATHI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "Energy Consumption Based Low Energy Aware Gateway (LEAG) Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume 8, Number 5S3, Jul 2019, pp. 128-132. 2019.
M.KAMESWARA RAO, Dr.S.G.SANTHI, Dr. MD.ALI HUSSAIN, "A Pass Character Pair (PCP): A Graphical Password Mechanism for User Authentication.", International Journal for Development of Computer Science and Technology (IJDCST), Volume 6, Number 4, Dec 2018, pp. 19-23. 2018.
M.KAMESWARA RAO, Dr S.G.SANTHI, Dr. MD.ALI HUSSAIN, "A Multi Factor Authentication System for Web Based Applications.", International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), Volume 6, Number 4, Dec 2018, pp. 1665-1668. 2018.
M.KAMESWARA RAO, Dr S.G.SANTHI, Dr. MD.ALI HUSSAIN, "Shuffling Based Graphical Password Authentication System Resistant to Peeping Attack.", International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), Volume 6, Number 4, Dec 2018, pp. 1658-1660. 2018.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, "A New Approach to detect and prevent Wormhole in Wireless Sensor Network using AD-AODV.", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), Volume 6, Number 12, Dec 2018, pp. 730-734. 2018.
N.TAMILARASI, Dr.S.G.SANTHI, "Enhanced MAC Layer Based on Fitness Function for WSN Using Fuzzy Inference System.", International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), Volume 6, Number 4, Dec 2018, pp. 1049-1055. 2018.
15. M.KAMESWARA RAO, Dr S.G.SANTHI, Dr. MD.ALI HUSSAIN, "Multiple Pattern Based Graphical Password Authentication Technique for Touch Based Devices.", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Volume 10, Number 7, Jul 2018, pp. 1739-1743. 2018.
M. Kameswara Rao , Dr. S.G. Santhi , Dr. Md.Ali Hussain, "Spin Wheel based Graphical Password Authentication resistant to Peeping Attack.", International Journal of Engineering and Technology(IJET) , Volume Volume 7, Number 7 (2.7), May 2018, pp. 984-987. May 2018.
S.G. SANTHI and N.TAMILARSI , "A Comparative Study on LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network.", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering , Volume 5, Number 6, Jun 2017, pp. 12654-12659. June 2017.
S.G. SANTHI and A.VISALATCHI, "Congestion Avoidance using Distributed VehicularTraffic Re-Routing System.", International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology , Volume 3, Number 3, Mar 2017, pp. 881-889. MARCH 2017.
S.G.SANTHI and R.RAMYA, "Clustering based Data Collection using Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Computer Applications , Volume 116, Number 9, Apr 2015, pp. 975-8887. April 2015.
S.G.SANTHI and B.DIVYA, "Energy Consumption using IEEE802.15.4 Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 116, Number 9, Apr 2015, pp. 975-8887. April 2015.
S.G.SANTHI K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, "Multiple Cluster Tree routing and Scheduling for Collision avoidance in 802.15.4 sensor Networks.", Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology (RJASET), Volume 07, Number 15, Apr 2014, pp. 3075-3082. April-2014.
S.G.SANTHI R.NATHIYA, "Power Consumption Based Efficient Routing With Mobile Collector in Wireless Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE, Volume 02, Number 04, Apr 2014, pp. 64-70. April-2014.
S.G.SANTHI K.CHITRALAKSHMI, "Mobility Based Tree Construction for ZigBee Wireless Networks.", International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET, Volume 05, Number 01, Jan 2014, pp. 22-25. January -2014.
S.G.SANTHI K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, "Collision Free Scheduling and Rejoin Procedure for Multiple Cluster Tree in 802.15.4 Sensor Networks.", International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Volume 8, Number 6, Jun 2013, pp. 1279-1286. June 2013.
S.G.SANTHI K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, "Energy consumption based Rejoin Procedure for Cluster Tree in 802.15.4 Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER, Volume 04, Number 11, Nov 2013, pp. 404-408. November – 2013.
S.G.SANTHI K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, "An Overview of a Method for Increasing Performance and Energy Efficiency of Topology Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT, Volume 02, Number 10, Oct 2013, pp. 2457-2463. October – 2013.
R.AKILA and S.G.SANTHI, "Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Information Technology and Engineering, Volume 3, Number 1-2, Jun 2012, pp. 365-370. JUNE 2012.
S.G.SANTHI K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, "Ant based Multiple Cluster Tree Routing for 802.15.4 Sensor Networks.", International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 48, Number 10, Jun 2012, pp. 1-6. June 2012.
D.VAISHNAVI, S.G.SANTHI, K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, "Performance Optimization for Mobile Environments.", CIIT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering, Volume 3, Number 11, Aug 2011, pp. 747-751. August 2011.
List of Conferences - National
A. REVATHI, Dr. S.G. SANTHI, Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey, National Conference on Machine Learning Techniques (NCMLT), Dec 12-13, 2018, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, pp. 169-172. Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, National Conference on Machine Learning Techniques (NCMLT).
10. S.ANBULAKSHMI, Dr. S.G. SANTHI, Fuzzy Logic Based Clustering and Routing Algorithm for Data Aggregation in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks, National Conference on Machine Learning Techniques (NCMLT), Dec 12-13, 2018, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, pp. 267-272. Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, National Conference on Machine Learning Techniques (NCMLT).
N.Tamilarasi, Dr. S.G.Santhi, Clustering K-Means Novelty Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks , Recent Innovations in Computer Science (RIICS ââ,¬Ëœ17), Sep 8-8, 2017, Sri Akilandeswari Womenââ,¬â"¢s College, Wandiwash , pp. 70-74. Sri Akilandeswari Womenââ,¬â"¢s College, Wandiwash , JPS Scientific Publications.
R.AKILA ,S.G.SANTHI, An Efficient Continuous neighbor discovery algorithm in wireless sensor networks, National Conference on Recent Trends of Computing – 2012, Mar 2-2, 2012, Kancheepuram, pp. 39-40. Lord Venkateswaraa Engineering College, Kancheepuram, Lord Venkateswaraa Engineering College.
P.ANITHA , S.G.SANTHI , Improving the Bandwidth Recycling in Hybrid Networks, National Conference on Recent Trends of Computing – 2012, Mar 2-2, 2012, Kancheepuram, pp. 89-90. Lord Venkateswaraa Engineering College, Kancheepuram, Lord Venkateswaraa Engineering College.
S.G.SANTHI, R.AKILA, Continuous neighbor discovery in wireless sensor networks, National Conference on Information Technology – 2012, Feb 15-15, 2012, Puducherry, pp. 34-34. Pondicherry Engineering College,Puducherry, Pondicherry Engineering College.
S.G.SANTHI,D.MAHALAKSHMI, Texture based image retrieval system using wavelets, National Conference on VLSI DESIGN & Image Processing- 2009, Feb 26-26, 2009, Chennai, pp. 220-224. Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, Velammal Engineering College.
S.V.VIMALA, S.G.SANTHI, Anisotropy transformation For Shape Matching, National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology-2008, Apr 4-4, 2008, Viruthunagar, pp. 188-193. Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology,Viruthunagar, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology.
List of Conferences - International
A.REVATHI and DR.S.G.SANTHI, Gateway based Congestion Avoidance using Two-Hop Node in Wireless Sensor Networks, 3rd International Conference on Mobile Computing Sustainable Informatics, Jan 27-28, 2022, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, pp. 1-15. Nepol, Springer.
A.REVATHI and DR.S.G.SANTHI , Routing based Restricted Boltzmann Machine Clustering Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network, International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology, Dec 29-30, 2021, PUDUCHERRY, pp. 39-39. Karpagam Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, Institute For Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP).
Madhavarapu Chandan, Dr. S.G. Santhi, Dr. T. Srinivasa Rao, Open Issues, Research Challenges and Systematic Survey of Malware Detection and Evasive Mechanisms over Wireless Sensor Networks, Two Day International Virtual Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication and Informatics (IVC- CICI'21), Oct 4-5, 2021, Annamalai University, pp. 134-140. Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Proceedings of IQAC Enabled DST PURSE II.
Mrs. K. SENTHILVADIVU, Dr. S.G. SANTHI, Investigation on Energy Conservation in IoT Sensor Network, Proceedings of International Web Conference on Innovations in Communication and Computing, ICICC '20, Oct 5-5, 2020, Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Viraganoor, Madurai, pp. 24-24. Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Viraganoor, Madurai, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Viraganoor, Madurai.
.SRINUVASUKUMAR ,Dr. S.G. SANTHI, Dr. S.NARAYANA, Contemporary ways of Dairy Farming with Usage of Smart Wireless Systems, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ICACIT 2019), Sep 24-25, 2019, Annamalai University, pp. 120-131. Annamalai University, Department of CSE, Annamalai University.
Dr.S.G.SANTHI, M KAMESWARA RAO, A Lightweight Biometric Based User Authentication Protocol for IOT Based Networks, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ICACIT 2019), Sep 24-25, 2019, Annamalai University, pp. 535-538. Annamalai University, Department of CSE, Annamalai University.
Dr.S.G.SANTHI, N.TAMILARASI, A Survey on Various Optimization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ICACIT 2019) , Sep 24-25, 2019, Annamalai University, pp. 24-28. Annamalai University, Department of CSE, Annamalai University.
Dr.S.G.SANTHI, M KAMESWARA RAO, Multifactor User Authentication Mechanism using Internet of Things, Third International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research (ICAICR-2019), Jun 15-16, 2019, Shimla, pp. 24-29. Club Mahindra Kandaghat Resort ,Shimla, Scopus.
Dr.S.G.SANTHI, M KAMESWARA RAO, Multifactor User Authentication Mechanism using Internet of Things , International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies [ICCNCT 2019], May 23-24, 2019, Coimbatore , pp. 82-87. The Hotel Arcadia, Coimbatore , Springer.
Dr. S. G. SANTHI, S.ANBULAKSHMI, PSO based Clustering and Routing Algorithm for Data Aggregation in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019, Apr 19-23, 2019, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Selaiyur, Chennai , pp. 673-681. Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Selaiyur, Chennai , International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019 (ICASISET 2019).
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, Secure Routing with Improved Medium Access (SRU-MAC) protocol for Wireless Sensor Network using Particle Swarm Optimization, International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019, Apr 19-23, 2019, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Selaiyur, Chennai, pp. 2106-2115. Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Selaiyur, Chennai , International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019 (ICASISET 2019).
A.REVATHI, Dr. S.G. SANTHI, Energy Consumption based Low Energy Aware Gateway(LEAG) Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019, Apr 19-23, 2019, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Selaiyur, Chennai , pp. 364-373. Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Selaiyur, Chennai , International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 2019.
B.SRINUVASUKUMAR ,Dr. S.G. SANTHI, Dr. S.NARAYANA, Smart System to Detect the Maturity level of Fruit with its Size using IoT, International Conference on Computational and Intelligent Techniques for Automation of Engineering Systems (CITAES), Nov 30-1, 2018, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru , pp. 21-21. Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru , International Conference on Computational and Intelligent Techniques for Automation of Engineering Systems (CITAES).
Kameswara Rao.M , Dr S.G.Santhi , Dr Md.Ali Hussain, Spin Wheel Bases Graphical Password Authentication Resistant to peeping Attack, International Conference on Internet of Things(IOT) and Cyber Security(ICICS-2018), Mar 22-23, 2018, KLEF, Vaddeswaram, pp. 101-106. KLEF, Vaddeswaram, DST sponsored.
S.G.SANTHI, K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, K.NAVANEETHAN, Improving End to End Routing Performance of Topology Aware Routing protocol in Sensor Networks, International Conference on Research and Development Prospectus on Engineering and Technology – ICRDPET 2013, Mar 29-30, 2013, Nagapattinam, pp. 286-291. E.G.S Pillai Engineering College, Nagapattinam, E.G.S Pillai Engineering College.
S.G.SANTHI, K.VENKATACHALAPATHY, K.NAVANEETHAN, Achieving High Packet Delivery Ratio Routing Quality and Energy Efficiency in Sensor Networks by Incorporating VCS & ETX in TAR Protocol, Second international Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology, Mar 2-3, 2013, Vandavasi, pp. 118-123. Thiruvalluvar College Of Engineering and Technology,Vandavasi, Thiruvalluvar College Of Engineering and Technology.
P.ANITHA , S.G.SANTHI , Improving the Bandwidth Utilization IEEE 802.16 Networks, Second international Conference on Recent Advances and Trends in Computer Engineering, Management and Security-2012, Mar 6-7, 2012, Tiruchengode, pp. 18-22. Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women,Tiruchengode, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women.
S.G.SANTHI , P.NANDHINI , Effective file replication and consistency in peer to peer networks , International conference on 4G Wireless computer networks -2011, Mar 4-6, 2011, Thiruvanamalai, pp. 39-42. Kamban Engineering college ,Thiruvanamalai, Kamban Engineering college .
S.G.SANTHI, S.SUGANYA, Effective load Balancing Strategies in Wireless LAN , International conference on 4G Wireless computer networks -2011, Mar 4-6, 2011, Thiruvannamalai, pp. 39-42. Kamban Engineering college , Thiruvanamalai, Kamban Engineering college .
S.G.SANTHI, P.NANDHINI, Effective file replication and consistency in peer to peer networks, International conference on 4G Wireless computer networks -2011, Mar 4-6, 2011, Thiruvanamalai, pp. 151-153. Kamban Engineering college, Thiruvanamalai, Kamban Engineering college.
S.G.SANTHI, VAISHANAVI DHARMALINGAM , Improving Cache consistency in mobile ad-hoc networks using server update mechanisms, International conference on 4G Wireless computer networks -2011, Mar 4-6, 2011, Thiruvanamalai, pp. 97-100. Kamban Engineering college , Thiruvanamalai, Kamban Engineering college.
List of Book Published
N.TAMILARASI, Dr. S.G.SANTHI, Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020: Springer, Cham, 978-3-030-34079-7, pp. 328-337. Nov 2019,
Kameswara Rao, M., Dr. S.G. Santhi, Incorporating the Internet of Things in Healthcare Applications and Wearable Devices – Authentication Mechanism for E-Health Applications, 701 E. Chocolate Ave. Hershey, PA 17033, USA: IGI Global, 9781799810902, pp. 122-136. Oct 2019,
Kameswara Rao, M., Dr. S.G. Santhi, Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics Proceedings of ICACII 2019 - - A Multi-factor Biometric-Based User Authentication Protocol for IoT Networks, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.: Springer, 978-981-15-3337-2, pp. 125-131. Jun 2020,
Kameswara Rao, M., Dr. S.G. Santhi, Second International Conference on Computer Networks and Communication Technologies((ICCNCT-2019)) - Multifactor User Authentication Mechanism Using Internet of Things , Springer Nature ,Switzerland, AG 2020: Springer, 978-3-030-37050-3, pp. 496-502. Mar 2020,
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
ISTE - LM 34439
CSI - 00113203 (Life Member)