Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04346
Qualification : M.E.,M.B.A.,PG Dip.Mark.Mgmt.,Ph.D.
Date of Birth : 22-03-1975
Date of Joining : 25-08-1999
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 20-
Ph.D. 65

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 13---
Conducted --1-1

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
25 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
1 33 1 3 - -

List of Publications - National
Vijayakumar. K., Vijay Bhanu.S and Sridhar. S, "Survey of Light Weight Cryptographic algorithms for IOT applications.", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Number 4, Apr 2019, pp. 395-402. 2019.
List of Publications - International
Priyanka.S and Vijay Bhanu.S, "A Survey On Variants Of Dos Attacks - Issues And Defense Mechanisms.", Journal Of Applied Research And Technology, Volume 21, Number 1, Feb 2023, pp. 1-6. 2023/
Priyanka.S and Vijay Bhanu.S, "Capture Based Trust Dependence framework for authorized node identification in mobile agent systems.", Measurement: Sensors, Volume 24, Number 1, Dec 2022, pp. 1-6. 2022/
Priyanka.S and Vijay Bhanu.S, "Fault Node Detection by Key-Assisted Monitoring Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks.", Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science(AES), Volume 54, Number 08, Oct 2022, pp. 2539-2549. 2022.
P.Abirami, Dr.S.vijay Bhanu and Dr.T.K.Thivakaran, "Mathematical approach of Q-Learning with Temporal difference method in sensor data communication in cloud environment.", Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Volume 12, Number 9, Apr 2021, pp. 2938-2944. 2021.
P.Abirami and S. Vijay Bhanu, "Enhancing Cloud Security using crypto-deep neural network for privacy preservation in trusted environment.", Springer - Methodologies and Application, Volume 24, Number 24, Jul 2020, pp. 18927-18936.
K.M. Balamurugan and S. Vijay Bhanu , "A Multi objective krill herd algorithm for virtual machine placement in cloud computing.", Journal of super computing , Volume 76, Number 6, Jun 2020, pp. 4525-4542. 2020.
Narmadhai.G and Vijay Bhanu.S, "Developing new hybrid Cryptography based security for cloud computing system.", Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 6, Number 6, Jun 2019, pp. 657-661. 2019.
Narmadhai.G and Vijay Bhanu.S, "Power consumptions using cryptography algorithms in Cloud computing.", International journal of recent technology and engineering, Volume 8, Number 3, Sep 2019, pp. 2798-2801. 2019 / ISSN – 2277-3878.
K.M. Balamurugan and S. Vijay Bhanu , "An efficient clustering scheme for cloud computing problems using meta heuristic algorithms.", Springer, Volume 22, Number 5, Sep 2019, pp. 12917-12927. 2019 / Indexed UGC No – 16014.
S. Priyanka and S. Vijay Bhanu, "Simulation of VANET for Path planning.", International Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 6, Number 4, Apr 2019, pp. 110-116. 2019 / ISSN: 2349 - 5162.
Narmadhai.G and Vijay Bhanu.S, "Modified H-HABE and most common Encryption and Decryption algorithms using different operating systems..", International Journal of Innovative technology and exploring engineering, Volume 8, Number 9, Jul 2019, pp. 3191-3193. 2019 / ISSN – 2278-3075.
Vijayakumar.K and Vijay Bhanu.S, "A Secure Scheme for Trust Attribute based light weight authentication in IOT Healthcare Environment.", International journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 8, Number 12, Oct 2019, pp. 4553-4558. 2019/ 10.35940/ijitee.L3959.1081219.
Vijayakumar. K and Vijay Bhanu.S, "An ECPABE Algorithm and RPLS Protocol for Secured Transmission on IOT based Environment.", International journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Number 3, Sep 2019, pp. 6736-6743. 2019/ 10.35940/ijrte.C6899.098319.
Narmadhai.G and Vijay Bhanu.S, "A Survey on Hierarchical attribute set based encryption access control method for mobile cloud computing.", International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 2347-2693. 2018.
Saravanan Chandrasekaran, Vijay Bhanu Srinivasan, Latha Parthiban, "Fuzzy based QoS prediction using Bayesian network in cloud computing environment.", International journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 7, Number 1.5, Jan 2018, pp. 170-175. 2018 / ISSN:2227-524X.
K.M. Balamurugan and S. Vijay Bhanu , "An efficient clustering scheme for cloud computing problems using parameter improved particle swarm optimization .", International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Volume 3, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 1587-1596. 2018 / Indexed UGC No – 64718.
K.M. Balamurugan and S. Vijay Bhanu , "Analysis of cloud storage issues in distributed cloud data centers by parameter improved particle swarm optimization algorithm..", International journal on future revolution in computer science and communication Engineering, Volume 4, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 303-307. 2018 / Indexed UGC No – 64076.
Narmadhai.G and Vijay Bhanu.S, "An Updated Hybrid Cryptography based security for cloud computing system.", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Volume 14, Number 10, Jun 2018, pp. 3359-3365. 2018 / ISSN-1816-949X.
Narmadhai.G and Vijay Bhanu.S, "Comparative study of hybrid attribute based encryption for cloud computing system.", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume 6, Number 10, Oct 2018, pp. 329-335. 2018.
Saravanan Chandrasekaran, Vijay Bhanu Srinivasan, Latha Parthiban, "Towards an effective QoS prediction of web services using context-aware dynamic Bayesian network model.", SCI Indexed, Volume 25, Number 2, Sep 2018, pp. 241-248. 2018 / ISSN: 1330 – 3651.
Saravanan Chandrasekaran, Vijay Bhanu Srinivasan, Latha Parthiban, "Efficient Web Service discovery and selection model .", International Journal on future revolution in computer science and communication engineering, Volume 4, Number 2, Feb 2018, pp. 1-5. 2018 / ISSN: 2454 – 4248.
Saravanan Chandrasekaran, Vijay Bhanu Srinivasan, Latha Parthiban, "Bayesian network with CSA to optimize the selection of QoS- aware web service.", International journal of computer Science and Engineering, Volume 10, Number 2, Feb 2018, pp. 44-54. 2018 / DOI: 10.21817/ijcse/2018/v10i2/181002018.
Saravanan Chandrasekaran, Vijay Bhanu Srinivasan, "Efficient Web Service selection and composition using Markov decision process.", Journal of Advance research in dynamical and control systems, Volume 9, Number 2, Jan 2017, pp. 748-758. 2017 / ISSN: 1943 – 023X.
Dr. S. Vijay Bhanu , Nasrin Banu, "Priority Based Lora – Loss Differentiate Rate Adaptation Scheme For Vehicle To Vehicle Safety Communication.", International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, Volume 3, Number 3, Mar 2017, pp. 748-753. 2017 / ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052.
Thivakaran T K, P.S.V.V.N Chnuukya and S. Vijay Bhanu, "Fingerprint Image enhancement using haar based wavelet transform over other techniques.", Asian Journal of Information Technology, Volume 15, Number 2, Jan 2016, pp. 323-328. 2106 / 10.3923/ajit.2016.323.328.
Dr.T.K.Thivakaran and Dr.S.Vijay Bhanu, "Securing Cipher Information using Edge based Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching.", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 1, Number 9, Nov 2013, pp. 2194-2203. 2013.
T.Sakthivel, Dr.S.Vijay Bhanu and Dr. RM.Chandrasekaran, "Random Dummy Packet Distribution approach for Detection of Routing misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc network.", Journal of Computer Science 2012, Volume 8, Number 11, Nov 2012, pp. 1914-1923. 2012.
S Vijay Bhanu and R.M.Chandrasekaran, "Voice call capacity analysis and enhancement of IEEE.802.11 WLAN.", European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 76, Number 2, May 2012, pp. 271-280. 2012 / ISSN 1450-216X.
Suban Ravichandran, Dr. Vijay Bhanu Srinivasan and Dr. RM.Chandrasekaran, "Comparative Study on Decision Tree Techniques for Mobile Call Detail Record.", Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 9, Number 12, Dec 2012, pp. 1331-1335. 2012.
Saravanan Subramanian, Dr. Vijay Bhanu Srinivasan and Dr. Chandrasekaran Ramasamy, "Study on Classification Algorithms for Network Intrusion Systems.", Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 9, Number 11, Nov 2012, pp. 1242-1246. 2012.
T.Sakthivel, Dr.S.Vijay Bhanu and Dr. RM.Chandrasekaran, "A Novel Leader based Reputation Approach for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.", International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 47, Number 14, Jun 2012, pp. 30-38. 2012.
S.Vijay Bhanu, Dr.RM.Chandrasekaran and Dr.V.Balakrishnan, "Effective Bandwidth Utilization in IEEE 802.11 for VOIP.", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Volume 8, Number 1, Apr 2010, pp. 68-75. 2010.
S.Vijay Bhanu and Dr.RM.Chandrasekaran, "Enhancing WLAN MAC Protocol performance using Differentiated VOIP and Data Services Strategy.", International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Volume 9, Number 12, Dec 2009, pp. 89-95. 2009.
List of Conferences - National
R. Manivannan, Dr.R.Saminathan and Dr.S.Vijay Bhanu, A Decision Support System for prediction of swine-flu disease using gradient Boosted trees (GBT), Machine Learning Techniques, Dec 12-13, 2018, Annamalai University, pp. 1-4. Department of Computer Science & Engineering, DST-Purse.
List of Conferences - International
Narmadhai.G and Vijay Bhanu.S, Power consumption using encryption and decryption algorithms in cloud computing, International conference on Advances in computing and information technology, Sep 24-25, 2019, Annamalai University, pp. 933-938. Chennai, VR1 Publications.
S.Priyanka and S.Vijay Bhanu , Intelligent Transportation Systems (Its) For City Scenarios Using Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) , International Industry Academia Conference (IIAC2019), Mar 22-23, 2019, Hotel Singar International,Kanyakumari, pp. 1-11. Hotel Singar International,Kanyakumari, IIAC.
Dr.S.Vijay Bhanu, T.Sakthivel, Dr.RM.Chandrasekaran, Latest Threats Against Anonymity and Privacy in Mobile AD HOC Networks, International Conference on Advances in Engineering And Technology Convergence, Apr 28-28, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 20-24. Bangkok, Thailand, IRNet International Pte. Ltd..
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships