Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 04272
Name : Dr. P. PANDIYAN
Designation : PROFESSOR & HEAD
Department : STATISTICS
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Specialization : Stochastic Process and its Applications
Date of Birth : 30-12-1965
Date of Joining : 14-07-1999
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 12-
Ph.D. 65

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 10310110
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 1-10, 20, 800/-
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
25 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
5 49 2 1 1 -

List of Publications - National
Pandiyan.P, , "Calculating human immune virus infected persons survival time through stochastic model, .", Bio-Science Research bulletin, Volume 29, Number 1, 2013, pp. 1-4. 2013.
11. G. Subash Chandra Bose, P. Pandiyan, G. Sudarvizhi and R. Vinoth., , "Calculating the Prolonged Length of Service Time through Shock Model in an Organization.", Journal of Social Welfare and Management, Volume 4, Number 2, Aug 2012, pp. 97-101. 2012.
6. P. Pandiyan, Agasthiya,R. Palanivel, R.M. Kannadasan,k. and Vinoth,R. , "). Expected Time to Attain the Threshold Level Using Multisource of HIV Transmission – Shock Model Approach,.", Journal of Pharm Tech Research, Vol 3(2), pp. 1088-1096., Volume 3, Number 2, Jul 2011, pp. 1088-1096. 2011.
Palanivel, R.M, Pandiyan,P. and Sathiyamoorthi,R.(2011). , "A stochastic model to estimate the expected time to seroconversion of HIV infected.", Bio-Science Research Bulletin, ., Volume 27, Number 1, Aug 2011, pp. 35-45. 2011.
Palanivel, R.M, Pandiyan, P, and K. Sathiyamoorthi, "A Stochastic model to estimate expected time to seroconversion of HIV infected when the antigenic diversity threshold has three segments.", Ultra Scientist, Volume Vol 22 , Number 3, 2010, pp. 803-814. 2010.
List of Publications - International
P. Vanitha , P. Pandiyan, "A Stochastic model for lung cancer.", Advances in Mathematics Scientific journal,, Volume 11, Number 10, Oct 2022, pp. 943-954. https: // /10.37418 / amsj.11.10.10.
P. Vanitha , P. Pandiyan, "A Stochastic Model for Generalized Rayleigh Distribution Using Three Sources.", International Journal of Health Sciences,, Volume 6, Number S8, Sep 2022, pp. 4750-4756.
Deepa Koshy, P. Pandiyan, "Modelling gastric cancer incidence through Beta Exponentiated Exponential Distribution.", Tierarztliche Praxis, Volume 42, Number 3, Mar 2022, pp. 73-82. 2022.
T. Elizabeth Sangeetha, P. Pandiyan, "PREDICTION OF HIV AND TB PATIENTS BASED ON STOCHASTIC TWO SOURCE DISTRIBUTION COUNTRYWIDE..", International Journal of Early childhood special Education(INT-JECS) , Volume 14, Number 03, Sep 2022, pp. 223-232. 2022.
P. Vanitha , P. Pandiyan, "Estimation of Expected Time to Infected Patient Using two parameter Rayleigh Distribution..", Journal of Xi' an University of Architecture & Technology., Volume XIII,, Number 11, 2022, pp. 250-258. 2021.
Pandiyan and Deepa koshy, "Survival time in Cancer Research : The case of Beta Exponentiated Modified Weibull Distribution.", Jurnal of XI' AN university of architecture and Technology , Volume 8, Number 12, Jan 2021, pp. 1-5. 2021.
Deepa Koshy, P . Pandiyan, "Survival Distribution in Cancer A model using Beta Exponentiated Modified Weibull Distribution. .", YMER//ISSN:0044-0047,, Volume 20, Number 11, Nov 2021, pp. 454-461. (NOV)-2021..
T. Elizabeth Sangeetha, P. Pandiyan, "A STOCHASTIC MODEL FOR CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE..", Advances in Mathematics Scientific journal,, Volume 10, Number 10, Oct 2021, pp. 3363-3372. 2021.
R. Kavitha ,P. Pandiyan, "EXPECTED TIME USING PARETO DISTIRIBUTION THROUGH SHOCK MODEL FOR LUNGS CANCER.", Journal of Xi' an University of Architecture & Technology., Volume XIII,, Number 11, Nov 2021, pp. 287-294. 2021.
S. Koventhan and P. Pandiyan . (UGC-CARE WEB OF SCIENCE), "Cancer Cell Growth under Radiotherapy-Using Three Stage Stochastic Model,.", Strad Research,, Volume 7, Number 9, 2020, pp. 6-18. 2020.
S. Koventhan and P. Pandiyan Volume XII, Issue IX, pp 1-8. (UGC-CARE SCOPUS), "Cancer Cell growth Under Radiotherapy - Using Two Stage Stochastic Model, .", Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, , Volume 12, Number 9, 2020, pp. 1-8. 2020.
S. Jothimanickam, P. Pandiyan, E. Susiganeshkumar & T. Vignesh (2020), , Volume XII, Issue IX, September 2020., "Stochastic Model for Expected Time Using Generalized Exponential Distribution, .", Journal Of Xi'an University Of Architecture &Technology, Volume 12, Number 9, 2020, pp. 335-3341. 2020.
. S. Jothimanickam & P. Pandiyan, April, pp-2887-2890. , "Expected Time Using Alphaââ,¬â€śPoisson Distribution Under Stochastic Mode.", International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, , Volume 9, Number 4, Apr 2020, pp. 2887-2890. 2020.
Jothimanickam & P. Pandiyan , "Calculating The Survival Time Of Cancer Patients Through Exponentiated Weibull Distribution, .", Journal of International and Computational Science,, Volume 9, Number 12, Dec 2019, pp. 159-165. 2019.
P.Pandiyan and S.Koventhan pp 534-541. (UGC-CARE SCOPUS, " Cancer Cell Growth Under Radiotherapy Using Stochastic Model.", International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 8, Number 11, Nov 2019, pp. 534-541. 2019.
Pandiyan, Koventhan.S, Subash chanra bose, "Estimating the Survival time of Cancer drinker Patients using stochastic model.", Indo-Asian journal of multidisciplinary research , Volume 4, Number 4, Jul 2018, pp. 1464-1467. 2018.
Pandiyan and Koventhan.S, "Estimating the Survival time of Cancer Patients.", international journal of recent scientific research, Volume 9, Number 1, Jan 2018, pp. 23533-23534. 2018.
Arunachalam.D, Subashchanrabose, Anandhababu and P.Pandiyan, "Study on the Efficacy of Pelvic Floor Strengthening exercise on general health and renal function in patients with chronic renal failure.", international journal of current advanced research, Volume 6, Number 10, Oct 2017, pp. 6614-6616. 2017.
Bharathidass, Sathiyamoorthi, Loganathan and P.Pandiyan, "Calculating the expected time to seroconversion of HIV infected using two source of transmission.", international journal of innovative Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Number 9, Sep 2016, pp. 161-165. 2016.
Pandiyan,Bhuvana, Loganathan, "Comparative study of AIDS patients in four region by using stochastic mode .", international journal of Current research in life sciences, Volume 4, Number 7, Jul 2015, pp. 249-251. 2015.
P.Pandiyan, Subash chanra bose, Vijakumar, Paranjothi, "A Statistical study on HIV patients using Four sources of infections.", international journal of Current Medical research, Volume 4, Number 6, Jun 2015, pp. 366-368. 2015.
Pandiyan, Subash chanra bose, manikandan and palanivel, "A stochastic model for HIV patients using three sources of transmission.", international journal of Biological and bio medical sceince, Volume 4, Number 4, Apr 2015, pp. 47-48. 2015.
Pandiyan, Subash chanra bose, Pugazhenthi, Subramanian, "A Stochastic model for AIDS patients using Burr type X Distribution.", international journal of advanced and innovative research , Volume 4, Number 4, 2015, pp. 148-150. 2015.
P.Pandiyan, R.Vinoth and K.Kannadasan,, "Tracing The Cd4 Count Of HIV Survival Patient With Platelet Count, Prothrombin Time And Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Through Shock Model Approach.", international journal of applied research, Volume 1, Number 2, 2014, pp. 87-90. 2014.
P.Pandiyan, V.S.Bhuvana, K.Kannadasan and R.Vinoth, "tracing the threshold level of the HIV Infected patients through Stochastic model.", International of modern research and reviews, Volume 2, Number 2, Feb 2014, pp. 107-111. 2014.
27. A.Loganathan, R.Vinoth, R.M.Palanivel, K.Kannadasan and P. Pandiyan, , "Inference on HIV affected people through shock model approach”.", , International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Management,, Volume 2, Number 1, 2014, pp. 15-22. 2014.
24. Pandiyan.P, A. Loganathan, Vinoth. R and Kannadasan. K, ,, " Calculating the survival time of HIV patient through three parameter exponentiated weibull distribution, .", Antarctica Journal of Mathematics,, Volume 5, Number 10, 2013, pp. 479-487. 2013.
23. K. Kannadasan, P. Pandiyan, R.Vinoth and R. Saminathan ,, " Time To Recruitment In An Organization Through Three Parameter Generalized Exponential Model, .", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies,., Volume 6, Number 1, 2013, pp. 21-28. 2013.
V.S. Bhuvana, and P.Pandiyan (2012), ., "Reduce the Spread of HIV through Estimating the Mean and Variance using Two Components..", Advances in Applied Mathematical Biosciences, Volume 3, Number 1, 2012, pp. 25-30. 2012.
9. P. Pandiyan, G. Subash Chandra Bose, G. Sudarvizhi and R. Vinoth., ". Measuring Expected Time to Recruitment in an Organization through Burr Type X Distribution ,.", International Journal of Mathematics Research, Volume 4, Number 2, May 2012, pp. 95-100. 2012.
10. Palanivel, R.M, Pandiyan, P. and Sathiyamoorthi, R. , " Estimation of expected time for antigenic diversity to cross the threshold in HIV infection,.", Advances in Applied Mathematical Biosciences,, Volume 3, Number 1, Jun 2012, pp. 11-16. 2012.
14. Palanivel, R.M, Pandiyan, P. and Sathiyamoorthi, R. ., "Determination Of Expected Time to seroconversion When The Antigenic Diversity Threshold Follows Order Statistic.", , International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika,, Volume 3, Number 2, Feb 2012, pp. 50-54. 2012.
15. A. Loganathan, Pandiyan.P, Vinoth. R and Kannadasan. K,,, " A Stochastic Model For Identifying The Threshold Shock Which Follows Three Parameter Generalized Pareto Distribution.", , International Journal of Mathematical Archive- ., Volume 3, Number 5, 2012, pp. 2130-2134. 2012.
16. Pandiyan, P. Subash Chandra Bose G, Vinoth R and Kannadasan, K, , "An effective manpower planning approach in an organization through two grade system,.", International Journal of Research in Management., Volume 3, Number 2, Apr 2012, pp. 110-115. 2012.
17. P. Pandiyan, K. Kannadasan, and R.Vinoth, (2012),, ", Predicting the grade system on Max (Y1,Y2) in on organization through particular distribution.", International Journal of Research in Management,, Volume 4, Number 2, Mar 2012, pp. 104-112. 2012.
18. K. Kannadasan, P. Pandiyan, and R.Vinoth, , ", Prospective Control In An Organization Through Two Grade Systems.", International Journal of Management and Science,, Volume 3, Number 1, 2012, pp. 1-9. 2012.
19. V.S. Bhuvana, and P.Pandiyan, "Stochastic Model to Demonstrate the Effect of Threshold Estimate Using Shock..", International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives. , Volume 3, Number 2, 2012, pp. 400-402. 2012.
V.S. Bhuvana, and P.Pandiyan (2012), ., "Model for Calculated Transmission of HIV Threshold Using Particular Distribution.", International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Technolog.., Volume 3, Number 2, 2012, pp. 161-167. 2012.
Pandiyan.P, A. Loganathan, (2012), , " Predicting the Calculated Maximum sum of Two Components Through shock model,.", International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Researc, Volume 4, Number 2, 2012, pp. 224-234. 2012.
K.Kannadasan, P.Pandiyan, R.Vinoth, "Through shock model impacting the maximum sum of two system in an organization.", journal of social welfare and management , Volume 4, Number 2, Apr 2012, pp. 41-45. 2012.
P.Pandiyan, M.Thirunaukkarasu, R.M. Planivel and K.Kannadasan, "Predicting the threshold in an organization on mac (Y1,Y2, Y3,Y4) though grade system.", International journal of Mathematical archive, Volume 3, Number 4, Apr 2012, pp. 1342-1345. 2013.
8. P. Pandi R.M. Palanivel, K. Kannadasan and R. Vinoth. , "An (S,S) Inventory System with Bernoulli Disaster.", International Journal of Mathematical Archive, Volume 2, Number 12, 2011, pp. 2762-2767. 2011.
5. P.Pandiyan, Palanivel, R.M. Kannadasan.K and Vinoth, R., "Simple Computation Methods for the Analysis of (S,S) Type Inventory Models,..", Journal of Current Research,., Volume 3, Number 3, Feb 2011, pp. 60-67. 2011.
P.Pandiyan, K.Kannadasan. R.Swaminathan, R.Vinoth, "Sthochastic model for mean and variance to recrut manpower in organization.", Advance in applies mathematical analysis, Volume 5, Number 1, 2010, pp. 77-82. 2010.
4. P. Pandiyan, K. Kannadasan, R. Vinoth and R. Saminathan (2010, "Stochastic Model for Mean and Variance to Recruit Manpower in Organization. .", Journal of Advanced in Applied Mathematical Analysis. Vol.5, pp.77-82., Volume 5, Number 1, Apr 2010, pp. 77-82. 2010.
3. P. Pandiyan, Palanivel, R.M and Sivasamy, R., "A Single commodity inventory model with a general policy.", Journal of Current Research,, Volume 4, Number 1, Mar 2010, pp. 113-116. 2010.
R.M. Palanivel, Pandiyan, Sathiyamoorthi, "A Stochastic Model To Estimate The Expected time to Seroconversion - Threshold as sum of Two Components.", Recent Research in Science and Technology, Volume 1, Number 4, 2009, pp. 151-154. 2009.
R. Sivasamy and P.Pandiyan, "Markov Renewal Process of a Two Commodity Inventory Model.", International journal of information and management sciences, Volume 12, Number 4, Dec 2001, pp. 61-72. 2001.
R. Sivasamy and P. Pandiyan , "A Two Commodity Inventory Model Under (s, S) Policy.", International Journal of Information and Management Science, Volume 12, Number 4, 1998, pp. 61-72. 1998.
List of Conferences - National
P.Pandiyan and K.Kannadasan, Estimating the Breakdown Point in on Organization through Shock Model Approach, National Conference on Recent Trends in Statistics and Computer Applications, Mar 11-13, 2011, Department of Statistics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 27-32. Tirunelveli, Dr. K. Senthamarikannan.
1. R.M. Palanivel, P. Pandiyan, and R. Sathiyamoorthy, Estimating of Expected Time for Antigenic Diversity to Cross the Threshold in HIV Infection, Recent Trends in Statistics and Computer Applications, Feb 14-16, 2010, Department of Statistics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, pp. 27-32. Tirunelveli, Dr. K. Senthamarikannan.
List of Conferences - International
P. Pandiyan, stochastic model in HIV, A Celebration of N. Balakrishnan’s 30 years of Contributions to Statistics, Dec 28-31, 2011, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 25-31. Hong Kong, Dr. N. Balakrishnan.
List of Book Published
vinoth raman, pandiyan, P palanivel. R.M, time to attain Threshold level through multisource of HIV Transmission, 99, 66123 SAARBRUCKEN GERMANY: LAMBERT, 978-3-8465-4213-2, pp. 1-51. Aug 2011,