Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 05219
Name : Dr. N. VIJAYASANKAR (Deputed)
Department : STATISTICS
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,
Specialization : Stochastic Processes and its Applications, statistical Quality Control
Date of Birth : 21-05-1975
Date of Joining : 11-07-2007
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 1-
Ph.D. 54

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 78151417
Conducted ----2

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
17 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
3 20 - 1 - -

List of Publications - National
Vijayasankar.N , Poojalakshmi .P . Vijayamirtharaj .S , "A Stochastic Model for Manpower Planning Using Bunched Exponential Distribution.", Annamalai University Science Journal, Volume 50, Number 0, 2016, pp. 75-80. 2016.
Vijayasankar.N ,.Vijayamirtharaj .S ,, "Estimation of Expected Time to Recruitment using Exponentiated Gamma Distribution- A Stochastic Approach.", Annamalai University Science Journal, Volume 48, Number 48, 2015, pp. 29-34. 2015.
Vijayasankar, N., R. Elangovan, R. Sathiyamoorthi and R.Sureshkumar., "Estimation of Expected time to Recruitment with Wastage Threshold as Truncated Distribution.", Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Volume 31, Number 1, 2009, pp. 259-268. 2009.
List of Publications - International
Vijayasankar.N and Kamala, J, " Significance of manpower planning for expected time to recruitment using power Burr X distribution. ).", Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, Volume 71, Number 4, Aug 2022, pp. 1557-1567. 2022.
Vijayasankar.N and Kamala, J, ". Predicting the expected time in an organization through transmuted Lindley distribution., .", Electronics Information Technology Sciences and Management, Volume 12, Number 11, Nov 2022, pp. 205-218. 2022.
Vijayasankar .N., and Kamala, J, " Manpower Planning Model Using Two Grades of Recruitment. .", Electronics Information Technology Sciences and Management, ,, Volume Vol, 12 , Number 11, Sep 2022, pp. 311-321. 2022.
Vijayasankar, N and. Subathira, R.,, , "ââ,¬ËœA stochastic Approach using Garima Distribution,.", International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Volume Vol.7(6). , Number 2456-1452, Oct 2022, pp. 157-163. 2022.
Vijayasankar, N and. Subathira, R.,, , "Shock Model Approach to Change Points with Erlang Threshold.", International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Volume Vol.7(5). , Number 2456-1452, Sep 2022, pp. 142-145. 2022.
Vijayasankar, N and. Subathira, R.,, , "Extended Lindley Distribution Using Change of Variables as Random Variable.", NeuroQuantology, Volume vol. 20, , Number 8, Jul 2022, pp. 3581-3589. 2022.
vijayasankar N subathira R, "Shock model with multiple change points having exponential threshold.", Mathmatical statistician and engineering applications , Volume 71 , Number NO 4(20220, Sep 2022, pp. 2098-2106. 2022.
Vijayasankar.N .Kamala.J, "An Advanced Stochastic Procedure for Innumerable data sizes in Resource Planning .", Jounal of Infermation and Computational Science , Volume 11, Number 6, Aug 2021, pp. 567-579. 2021.
Vijayasankar.N .Kamala.J, "A Novel Method of Stochastic Model To Predict the Long -Term and Short -Term Variation in Stock Exange.", Internatinal Journal of Aegaeum Journal, Volume 9, Number 2, Jul 2021, pp. 265-270. 2021.
Vijayasankar.N Anumolu Goparaju, , "Stochastic Model Assessing to Identifying the Shortage of Manpower in an Organization.", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). , Volume 11, Number 2, Apr 2020, pp. 870-873. 2020.
Vijayasankar.N Anumolu Goparaju, , "Assessing the Time and Cost Effect of Exit Staff from a Higher Education Institution using Stochastic Model.", Internatonal Journal of Scientific &Technology Reserch, Volume 9, Number 3, Mar 2020, pp. 1929-1932. 2020.
Vijayasankar.N , "A Model Estimating Goodeness of Fit an Organization Three Parameter Generalised Rayleigh Distribution.", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). , Volume 9, Number 3, Dec 2019, pp. 2602-2604. 2019.
Vijayasankar.N ,.Anumolu Goparaju, "Random Model to Trace the Exit of a Person in an Organization.", International journal of Scientific researchand Reviea(IJSRR), Volume 7(4), Number 2279-2423, Dec 2018, pp. 2418-2423. 2018.
Vijayasankar.N ,.Vijayamirtharaj .S ,R. Sathiyamoorthi, "Estimation of Expected Time to Leave the Organization -A Model with Two thresholds .", International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 2, Number 12, Dec 2015, pp. 364-371. 2015.
Vijayasankar.N ,.Vijayamirtharaj .S ,R. Sathiyamoorthi, "Determination of Optimal Labour Demand when supply has Random Fluctuations.", International Journal of Applied Research, Volume 1, Number 13, Nov 2015, pp. 228-231. 2015.
Vijayasankar.N ,.Vijayamirtharaj .S ,R. Sathiyamoorthi, "Stochastic Model for the Prediction of Expected Time of Personnel To Leave the Organization.", International Jounal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 6, Number 11, Nov 2015, pp. 7304-7307. 2015.
Vijayasankar.N ,.Vijayamirtharaj .S ,R. Sathiyamoorthi, "Determination of Optimal Manpower Reserve Inventory Using Skew Logistic Distribution.", Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Volume 1, Number 20, Dec 2014, pp. 76-84. 2014.
Elangovan, R, N. Vijayasankar and R. Sathiyamoorthi, "Determination of Expected Time to Recruitment when Backup Resource of Manpower Exists.", International Journal of Physical Sciences, Volume 25, Number 1, 2013, pp. 61-68. 2013.
Elangovan, R, N. Vijayasankar and R. Sathiyamoorthi, "Determination of Expected Time to Recruitment with Change of Threshold under Correlated Interarrival Times of Wastage.", International Journal of Agricult. Stat. Sci., Volume 9, Number 1, 2013, pp. 103-115. 2013.
Elangovan, R, N. Vijayasankar and R. Sathiyamoorthi, "A Stochastic Model for the Estimation of Expected Time to Recruitment Due to Attrition.", International Journal of Agricult. Stat. Sci., Volume 4, Number 2, 2008, pp. 387-397. 2008.
List of Conferences - International
N. Vijayasankar and R. Elangovan, Determination of Expected Time to Recruitment with Change of Threshold under Correlated Interarrival Times of Wastage, Human Resource Management Practices for Organizational Growth , Jul 28-30, 2010, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar., pp. 261-267. Karuppur, Swathika Pathippagam, Karuppur, Cuddalore District.
List of Awards
Dr.B.R. Ambedkar National Award-2020 - Bahujana Sahitya Academy (BSA)- Hyderabad - 2020
Dr. Radha Krishnan Best Teacher National Award-2019 - Bahujana Sahitya Academy (BSA)- Hyderabad - 2019
Young Scientist - Arunai International Foundation-India - 2019
International Faculty Awards-2021 - Arunai International Foundation-Tiruvannamalai - 2021