Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 05293
Name : Dr. M. MUTHULINGAM (Deputed)
Department : ZOOLOGY
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.Ed., Ph.D.,
Specialization : Toxicology and Pharmacology
Date of Birth : 30-05-1971
Date of Joining : 13-07-2001
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
pin - 608002
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 24-
Ph.D. 42

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 137939
Conducted 11---

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 1-3,01,000/
Ongoing 1-20,74,000/
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
23 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
5 26 13 4 - -

List of Publications - National
Annie Felicia F and M. Muthulingam , " Hypolipidemic efficacy of Indigofera tinctoria (Linn.) in kidney on paracetamol induced fatty liver in rats. .", Indian journal of Applied Research, Volume 3, Number 5, 2013, pp. 606-609. 2013.
K. Moorthikumar and M. Muthulingam , "Potential use of glycogen contents as biomarker of nickel chloride stress on Indian major carp Labeo rohita (Hamilton). .", Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1 , Number 4, 2011, pp. 79-84. 2011.
M. Muthulingam, N. Indra, P.Ronald Ross and S. Ravichandran, ", 2011. Effect of Pharmaceutical effluent on protein and amino acid content changes in freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio L..", Journal of Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation., Volume 4, Number 3, 2011, pp. 127-133. 2011.
Senthil Elango, P., M. Uthaman and M. Muthulingam, "Histopathological studies in selected organs of the fresh water teleost, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) exposed to chromium.", Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7, Number 0, 2010, pp. 130-134. 2010.
Muthulingam, M., N. Indra and S. Sethupathy, "Antihepatotoxic Role of Astercantha longifolia on CCl4 Induced Liver Damage in Rats.", Pollution Research, Volume 24, Number 0, 2005, pp. 93-96. 2005.
List of Publications - International
Muthulingam,M., S.K. Revathi, P. Ronald Ross, S. Ravichandran and P. Thenmozhi, "Effect of heavy metal, nickel chloride on protein and amino acid levels in gill, liver and kidney of freshwater fish, Oreochromis mossambicus (PETERS).", ) Indo – Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research., Volume 1, Number 3, Jun 2015, pp. 213-221. 2015.
Muthulingam,M., S.K. Revathi, P. Ronald Ross, S. Ravichandran and P. Thenmozhi, "Effect of heavy metal, nickel chloride on histopathological biomarkers in gill, liver and kidney of freshwater fish, Oreochromis mossambicus (PETERS) .", Life Science Archives, Volume 1, Number 2, May 2015, pp. 166-174. 2015.
Arivu, I., M. Muniyan, M. Muthulingam, P. Parthiban, G. Ambedkar, S and Kamalkanth, "Toxicity of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid on freshwater fingerlings Labeo rohita (Hamilton.), .", World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 4, Number 6, May 2015, pp. 1173-1190. 2015.
Arivu, I., M. Muniyan, M. Muthulingam, P. Parthiban, G. Ambedkar, S. Kamalkanth and R. Anbarasan, "Effect of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid on protein changes of freshwater fingerlings Labeo rohita (Hamilton.) under SDS-PAGE gel separation.", International Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Volume 5, Number 1, Jun 2015, pp. 7-13. 2015.
Arivu, I and M. Muthulingam, "Hypolipidemic efficacy of Boerhaavia diffusa (Linn.) in kidney on D- Galactosamine induced fatty liver in male albino wistar rats.", International Journal of Modern Research and Reviews, Volume 3, Number 7, Jul 2015, pp. 721-725. 2015.
Minnady Muthulingam, Kadarkarai Murugan and Jiang-Shiou Hwang, , "Impact of heavy metal, lead acetate on protein and amino acid contents in kidney and brain of edible exotic fish, Cyprinus carpio (Linn.),.", International Journal of Modern Research and Reviews. , Volume 3, Number 5, May 2015, pp. 659-662. 2015.
Kavidha, K and M. Muthulingam, , "Lead acetate induced glycogen level alterations in gill and kidney tissues of freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio (Linn.), .", International Journal of Modern Research and Reviews., Volume 2, Number 11, Nov 2014, pp. 517-521. 2014.
Minnady Muthulingam , "Antihepatotoxic role of Boerhaavia diffusa (Linn.) against antituberculosis drug rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in male albino wistar rats. .", Journal of Pharmacy Research , Volume 8, Number 9, 2014, pp. 1226-1232. 2014.
Senthil Elango, P. and Muthulingam, M, "Impact of heavy metal chromium on protein and aminoacid contents in brain and muscle of freshwater fish Oreochromis mosambicus (Peters). .", International Journal of Curent Research, Volume 6, Number 1, 2014, pp. 4841-4845. 2014.
Senthil Elango, P. and Muthulingam, M, " Heavy metal chromium induced alterations on glycogen content in kidney, brain and muscle of freshwater fish Oreochromis mosambicus (Peters). .", International Journal of Curent Research, Volume 6, Number 1, 2014, pp. 4846-4850. 2014.
Annie Felicia F and M. Muthulingam , " Beneficial action of Indigofera tinctoria (Linn.) on hepatorenal of glycogen and protein levels against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats. .", Global Research Analysis, Volume 2, Number 4, 2013, pp. 247-249. 2013.
Prakash sahaya leon, J. and M. Muthulingam, " Impact of endosulfan on phosphatase activity in brain and muscle of freshwater fish Channa striatus (Bloch) .", International Journal of Developmental Research, Volume 3, Number 2, 2013, pp. 1-4. 2013.
Prakash sahaya leon, J. and M. Muthulingam, " Effect of endosulfan toxicity on glycogen levels in brain and muscle of freshwater fish channa striatus (Bloch) .", International Journal of Current Research. , Volume 5, Number 12, 2013, pp. 3919-3922. 2013.
Annie Felicia F and M. Muthulingam, " Renal antioxidant and lipid peroxidative role of Indigofera tinctoria (linn.) against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats. .", International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology, Volume 1, Number 1, 2013, pp. 37-42. 2013.
Muthulingam M., Senthilmaran, S., Kurinji, V., Indra,N and Sethupathy, S, "Therapeutic role of edible mushroom Pleurotus florida (Mont.) on thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity in rats..", International Journal of Current Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Volume 2, Number 1, 2013, pp. 14-19. 2013.
Annie Felicia F and M. Muthulingam, " Phytochemical and HPTLC studies of methanolic extract of Indigofera tinctoria (Fabaceae). .", International Journal of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Volume 3, Number 5, 2012, pp. 1670-1674. 2012.
Minnady Muthulingam , " Ameliorative efficacy of aqueous extract of Andrographis paniculata (Nees.) against antituberculosis drug, rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in male albino wistar rats. .", International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Research , Volume 2, Number 4, 2012, pp. 67-71. 2012.
Paramanandham, J., A. V. Kavitha, P. Ronald Ross, P. Thenmozhi and M. Muthulingam , " Effect of mercuric chloride and the influence of glutathione in liver tissue of fingerlings of fish Labeo rohita (Hamilton).", The Ecoscan, Volume SPL, Number 1, 2011, pp. 53-57. 2011.
Moorthikumar, K. and M. Muthulingam, " Impact of heavy metal nickel chloride on enzyme succinate dehydrogenase of freshwater fish Labeo rohita (Hamilton).", International Journal of Current Research, Volume 3, Number 7, 2011, pp. 101-105. 2011.
Moorthikumar, K. and M. Muthulingam, " Shifts in protein metabolism in liver, kidney and brain of Indian major carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) under heavy metal, nickel chloride stress. .", International Journal of Current Research, Volume 7, Number 0, 2010, pp. 14-17. 2010.
Muthulingam, M, " Antihepatotoxic efficacy of Nymphaea pubescens (Willd.) on acetaminophen induced liver damage in male wistar rats. .", International Journal of Current Research, Volume 3, Number 0, 2010, pp. 12-16. 2010.
Muthulingam, M, " Antidiabetic efficacy of leaf extracts of Asteracantha longifolia (Linn.) Nees. on alloxan induced diabetics in male albino wistar rats. .", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research, Volume 1, Number 2, 2010, pp. 28-34. 2010.
Muthulingam, M., Mohandoss, P., Indra, N and Sethupathy, S, "Antihepatotoxic efficacy of Indigofera tinctoria (Linn.) on paracetamol induced liver damage in rats.", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research,, Volume 1, Number 1, 2010, pp. 13-18. 2010.
Minnady Muthulingam, Paulraj Dominic Savio, Thomas Sathanantha Seeli, Natarajan Indra and Subramanian Sethupathy , " Therapeutic role of edible mushroom Pleurotus florida (Mont.) on thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity in rats. .", International Journal of Current Research, Volume 5, Number 0, 2010, pp. 41-46. 2010.
Muthulingam, M, " Antihepatotoxic effect of Boerhaavia diffusa L. on antituberculosis drug. Rifampicin induced liver injury in rats. .", Journal of Pharmacology Toxicology, Volume 3, Number 0, 2008, pp. 75-83. 2008.
Ravichandran.S., T..T. Ajith kumar; P.Ronald Ross and M.Muthulingam, "Histopathology of the infestation of Parasitic isopod Joryma tartoor of the host fish Parastromates niger.", Research Journal of Parasitology, Volume 2, Number 1, 2007, pp. 68-71. 2007.
List of Conferences - National
M. Muthulingam, Hepatotherapeutic efficacy of Boerhaavia diffusa (Linn.) on antituberculosis drug rifampicin induced liver injury in male albino wistar rats. , National Conference on “Innovations, Implementations and Controversies of Animal Biotechnology , Mar 20-21, 2014, Department of Animal Science,, pp. 2-2. Tiruchirappalli., Bharathidasan University,.
M. Muthulingam., I. Arivu., P. Ronald Ross, N. Indra, S. Sethupathy, Antioxidant and lipid peroxidative efficacy of aqueous extract of Boerhaavia diffusa(Linn.) against antituberculosis drug rifampicin induced oxidative liver injury in male albino wistar rats. , 2nd National conference on Challenges in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology for Sustainable Environment (CBSE), Mar 12-13, 2014, Department of Chemical Engineering, pp. 29-29. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
M. Muthulingam, Antioxidant and lipid peroxidative role of aqueous extract of Boerhaavia diffusa(Linn.) against rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in male albino wistar rats. , National conference on Environmental Issues and Challenges Vision 2020 (EnVISION2020), Sep 27-28, 2013, Department of Zoology , pp. 159-159. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
I. Arivu, M. Muthulingam, K. Nirmala, P. Ronald Ross, N. Indra, S. Sethupathy, Effect of aqueous extract of Mushroom, Valvariella volvacea on antioxidant and lipid peroxidation in galactosamine induced liver injury in rats. , National conference on Environmental Issues and Challenges Vision 2020 (EnVISION2020), Sep 27-28, 2013, Department of Zoology, pp. 160-160. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
K. Kavidha and M. Muthulingam, Changes of haematological indices in freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio (Linn.) exposed to sublethal concentration of heavymetal, Lead acetate induced stress. , National conference on Environmental Issues and Challenges Vision 2020 (EnVISION2020) , Sep 27-28, 2013, Department of Zoology, pp. 161-161. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
M. Muthulingam, Antioxidant and lipid peroxidative role of aqueous extract of Boerhaavia diffusa(Linn.) against rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in male albino wistar rats. , National conference on Environmental Issues and Challenges Vision 2020 (EnVISION2020) , Sep 27-28, 2013, Department of Zoology, pp. 159-159. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
M. Muthulingam, G. Devdatta Lad, N. Indra, S. Sethupathy, Antidiabetic efficacy of poly herbal formulation on streptozotocin induced diabetic in male albino wistar rats. , National conference on Environment, Biodiversity and Bioethics – Current trends and future perspectives – 2012 NCEBB-2012, Mar 23-24, 2012, Department of Zoology, pp. 124-124. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
P. Senthil Elango and M. Muthulingam, Effect of heavymetal Copper on haematological parameters in freshwater fish Catla catla (Hamilton). , National conference on Environment, Biodiversity and Bioethics – Current trends and future perspectives – 2012 NCEBB-2012 , Mar 23-24, 2012, Department of Zoology, pp. 61-61. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
M. Muthulingam, T. Sathananthaseeli, N. Indra, S. Sethupathy, Ameliorative potential of Ganoderma lucidium against antituberculosis drug, Rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity. , National conference on Advances in Environmental Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach , Mar 11-12, 2011, Department of Zoology, pp. 85-85. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
K. Moorthikumar, M. Muthulingam, P. Senthil Elango, J. Prakash Sahaya Leon, N. Indra, Effect of nickel chloride on glycogen levels in selected organs of Indian major carp Labeo rohita (Hamilton). , National conference on Advances in Environmental Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Mar 11-12, 2011, Department of Zoology, pp. 86-86. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
P. Senthil Elango, K. Moorthikumar, J. Prakash Sahaya Leon, M. Muthulingam, Study of biochemical changes in freshwater fish Catla catla (Hamilton) exposed to the detergent linear sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate. , National conference on Advances in Environmental Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Mar 11-12, 2011, Department of Zoology, pp. 83-83. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
M. Muthulingam, J. Suthanthar, N. Indra, S. Sethupathy, Hepatocurative action of Nymphaea pubescens (Willd.) on thioacetamide induced liver damage in rats. , National Conference on Aggrandize of Life Science (ALISCI - 2010), Mar 29-30, 2010, Department of Zoology, pp. 108-108. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
K. Moorthikumar M. Muthulingam, Effect of nickel chloride on protein and aminoacid content in gill, liver and kidney of freshwater fish Labeo rohita(Hamilton)., National Conference on Aggrandize of Life Science (ALISCI - 2010) , Mar 29-30, 2010, Department of Zoology, pp. 65-65. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
List of Conferences - International
Iyyappan Arivu and Minnady Muthulingam, Antihepatotoxic potential of Boerhaavia diffusa (Linn.) against galactosamine induced liver injury in male albino wistar rats. Organized by Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, International Conference on Herbal Medicine and Neuro-Endocrinology (InChMan-2014) , Oct 13-13, 2014, Zoology Department, pp. 85-85. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
K. Kavidha and M. Muthulingam, Impact of heavy metal, lead acetate on Protein and Amino acid content alterations in freshwater exotic fish, Cyprinus carpio (Linn.). , International Conference on Herbal Medicine and Neuro-Endocrinology (InChMan-2014) , Oct 13-13, 2014, Zoology Department, pp. 86-86. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
Minnady Muthulingam, Beneficial role of Boerhaavia diffusa (Linn.) on protein and glycogen contents in the liver and kidney of antituberculosis drug, rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in male albino wistar rats., International Conference on Herbal Medicine and Neuro-Endocrinology (InChMan-2014), Oct 13-13, 2014, Zoology Department, pp. 87-87. Annamalainagar, Annamalai University.
I. Arivu, M. Muthulingam, P. Ronald Ross, N. Indra, S. Sethupathy, Ameliorative efficacy of Boerhaavia diffusa(Linn.) against antituberculosis drug, Rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in male albino wistar rats., World Conference on Infectious Diseases (WCID-2013), Dec 18-22, 2013, Jayaa Charitable and Educational Trust.held at Chennai Trade Convention Centre (CTCC) Chennai, pp. 122-123. Vadalur, Jayaa Charitable and Educational Trust.