Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 08052
Name : Dr. J. VAIDEHI (Deputed)
Department : ZOOLOGY
Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,Ph.D
Specialization :
Date of Birth : 18-08-1968
Date of Joining : 01-07-2002
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
pin - 608001
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. --
Ph.D. 00

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended -----
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
22 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
5 11 13 1 - -

List of Publications - National
K.yogalakshmi J.vaidehi v. shoba p.ramakotti, "Mosquito larvicidal activity 0f lavender oil (Lavandula) against Culex tritaeniorhynchs (Diptera: Culicidae).", Journal of basic and applied biology, Volume 7, Number 0973-8207, Nov 2013, pp. 27-30. 2013.
J.vaidehi, R. Mohanambal, "Effect of streptozotocin (STZ) on te Serum Glucose, Liver and Muscle Glycogen levels in fresh water fish Cyprinuscarpio [Var. communis].", peer referred quarterly inter disciplinary research journal, Volume 2, Number 1, Mar 2012, pp. 180-183. 2012.
J.vaidehi, "influence of feed and feeding frequency on growth of gold fish, carrassius Auratus.", National seminar on live jewels breeding and management techniques, Volume 13, Number 34, Oct 2012, pp. 58-61. 2012.
J.vaidehi, G.Veeraiyan D.Sudarsanam, V.A.Murthy(late), "Taxanomy of the pseudoscorpion paratemnus murthii Sp.Nov .", Recent Research in Science and technology , Volume 2, Number 1, May 2010, pp. 32-35. 2010.
J.Videhi, G.Veeraiyan and D. Sudarsanam, "A preliminary Study on Male Genetalia of Pseudoscorpion, Paratemnus murthii SP . nov .(Arachnida).", Annamalai university science journal , Volume 46, Number 4, Apr 2010, pp. 89-98. 201o.
List of Publications - International
Yogalakshmi.k vaidehi.j ramakotti.r, "Larvicidal activity of the essentical oil cestrum Nocturnum (Solanacea) against three species of vector mosquitoes..", International journal of research scientific Research, Volume 5, Number 2, Feb 2014, pp. 430-432. 2014.
p.ramakotti, j. vaidehi, "Bioaccumulation of cadmium in certain tissues of Macrobrachium rosenbergii .", International journal of modern research and reviews, Volume 2, Number 2347-8314, Oct 2014, pp. 466-469. 2014.
Ramakotti.p, vaidehi.j, "Impact of thermal pollution on the proximate composition of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in mettur freshwater ecosystem.", International journal of current research, Volume 6, Number 0975-833X, Sep 2014, pp. 8980-8984. 2014.
K.Yogalakshmi, J.Vaidehi, P.Ramakotti, "Hypoglycemic Effect of Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Extract on Normal and Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats.", International Journal of ChemTech Research, Volume 6, Number 12, Apr 2014, pp. 5146-5150. 2014.
Vaidehi.j Yogalakshmi.k Ramakotti.p, "Evaluation of conventional and modified amino acid supplemented diet on the biometric parameters of the ornamental fish Carassius auratus.", Asian journal of sciense and technology, Volume 4, Number 0976-3376, Feb 2013, pp. 1-3. 2013.
Vaidehi.j, yogalakshmi.k, ramakotti.p, paramanandham.j, "Identification and specification of stress proteins in the brain tissue of Carrassius auratus Exposed To Chlorpyrifos.", International journal of current research, Volume 5, Number 01, Jan 2013, pp. 322-324. 2013.
Vaidehi.j, yogalakshmi.k, ramakotti.p, paramanandham.j, "Identification and specification of stress proteins in the Liver tissue of Carrassius auratus Exposed To chlorpyrifos.", International journal of development research, Volume 3, Number 2230-9926, Jul 2013, pp. 34-36. 2013.
Ramesh kumar , vaidehi.j, paramanandham.j, "Impact of agro-chemicals on the pollution status of chosen points in river giri, himachal Pradesh, india.", International journal of current research, Volume 5, Number 0975-833X, Aug 2013, pp. 2403-2405. 2013.
j.paramanandham, j. vaidehi, k.s. Abbiramy, "Influence of sequential washing on the pH and electrical conductivity of graded coir pith.", International journal of pure and applied zoology, Volume 1, Number 3, Sep 2013, pp. 231-234. 2013.
J.vaidehi, G.Veeraiyan, "Taxonomy of the family Atemnidae and key to the different genera of the family atemnidae.", International conference on science and technology for clean and green environment, Volume 2, Number 1, Mar 2012, pp. 28-31. 2012.
j.vaidehi, "Effect of Enriched conventional and Aminoacid Supplemented feed on length Weight relation of freshwater Fish Oreochromis mossambicus [Peters].", Journal of experimental sciences, Volume 2, Number 2218-1768, Oct 2011, pp. 79-80. 2011.
List of Conferences - National
J.vaidehi nad S.manivannan., Biological and Bacteriological quality of water , National seminar on Hydrocare 2007, Oct 13-13, 2014, Department of earth science Annamalai university., pp. 96-97. Department of earth science Annamalai university., Department of earth science Annamalai university..
J.vaidehi, Malathion induced stress proteins in the freshwater fish Cirrhina mrigala, National seminar on ‘Environment Awareness and Research for sustaianable Development .EARSD-2010 , Aug 20-21, 2014, Zoology- wing, Annamalai university, pp. 61-62. Zoology- wing, Annamalai university, Zoology- wing, Annamalai university.
Yogalakshmi.K, J.Vaidehi and P.Ramakotti, Hypoglycemic effect of Gymnema syvestre leaf extract on normal and streptozotocin Diabetic Rats., .National conferences in Advances materials and its application .NCAMA-2014, Apr 4-5, 2014, Department of chemical engineering Annamalai university, pp. 118-118. Department of chemical engineering Annamalai university, Department of chemical engineering Annamalai university.
J.vaidehi and J.Karpagam, Study of trace elements in the serum samples of hypertensive human subjects using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometre, National conferences in Advances materials and its application .NCAMA-2014, Apr 4-5, 2014, Engineering physics section Faculty of Engineering and technology Annamalai university, pp. 130-130. Engineering physics section Faculty of Engineering and technology Annamalai university, Engineering physics section Faculty of Engineering and technology Annamalai university.
J.Vaidehi and K. Bhavani, Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton karaikal coast, southeast coast of india., . National conferences on Advances in Environment Research: An interdisciplinary Approach, Mar 11-12, 2014, Department of Zoology annnamalai university, pp. 61-61. Department of Zoology annnamalai university, Department of Zoology annnamalai university.
Yogalakshmi.K, J.Vaidehi and P.Ramakotti, Antidiabetic activities of Ocimum tenuiflorum essential oil in Alloxan induced diabetic rat, .National conference on Environmental issues and challenge of vision-2020. , Sep 27-28, 2013, Department of Zoology, Annamalai university, pp. 160-160. Department of Zoology, Annamalai university, Department of Zoology, Annamalai university.
J.Vaidehi, R.Mohanambal, Studies on the species and tissue specific synthesis patterns of stress proteins in the freshwater fish Cirrhina mrigala, National seminar Recent trends in Bioactive substances( RTBASS- 2013), Mar 5-6, 2013, P.G and Research department of Botany Govrt.Arts.colloge(autonomous) Karur-639005, pp. 11-12. P.G and Research department of Botany Govrt.Arts.colloge(autonomous) Karur-639005, P.G and Research department of Botany Govrt.Arts.colloge(autonomous) Karur-639005.
J.Vaidehi, V.Kavitha and s.manivannan, Superoxide dismutase and catalase activity of perionyx excavates, after exposure to sublethal concentration of monocrotophos., National conference on Environment , biodiversity and Bioethics current trends and future perspectives- 2012, Mar 23-24, 2012, Department of Zoology annnamalai university, pp. 130-130. Department of Zoology annnamalai university, Department of Zoology annnamalai university.
J.vaidehi, G.Veeraiyan., A preliminary study on male genetalia of psudoscorpion paratemnus murthii SP. nov, National seminar Advances in Biological science (ABS-2010), Jan 22-23, 2010, Department of Zoology annnamalai university, pp. 34-35. Department of Zoology annnamalai university, Department of Zoology annnamalai university.
J.vaidehi and G.Veeraiyan, Pseudoscorpions and taxonomic status (Arachnida-Pseudoscorpionida), National seminars on current trends in Environment and Biosafety. SCEB-2008, Mar 8-9, 2008, department of zoology,annanamalai university, pp. 45-46. department of zoology,annanamalai university, department of zoology,annanamalai university.
J.vaidehi, s.mamivannan, T.viruthagiri and E.sasikumar, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of recycled paper sludge, National conference on Microbial technology for second green Revolution MTSGR- 2007, Mar 28-29, 2007, department of microbiology,faculty of agriculture, Annamalai university, pp. 93-94. department of microbiology,faculty of agriculture Annamalai university, department of microbiology,faculty of agriculture, Annamalai university.
J.vaidehi nad S.manivannan, Biological and Bacteriological quality of water , National seminar on Hydrocare 2007, Mar 22-23, 2007, department of zoology. Annamalai university, pp. 96-96. department of zoology. Annamalai university, department of zoology. Annamalai university.
j.vaidehi, s.selvakumar and tivevekanandhan, National conference on Recent trends in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Effect of nimbola on the pancreatic islets and blood glucose levels of the alloxan induced wistar rats (Rattus Narvegicus), Feb 24-26, 2006, department of biotechnology, Annamalai university, pp. 34-36. department of biotechnology, Annamalai university, department of biotechnology, Annamalai university.
List of Conferences - International
Yogalakshmi.K, J.Vaidehi and P.Ramakotti, Medicinal propertics of Pimento diocia , International conference on herbal medicine and Nuroendocrinology(INCHMAN-2014), Oct 13-13, 2014, Department of zoology Annamalai university., pp. 160-160. Department of zoology Annamalai university., Department of zoology Annamalai university..